Alpha, Beta, Omega

King Of Anything

“Deucalion is an Astley wolf?” I questioned.

“It seems it must be that way Harper, “ Deaton said as I pulled the blanket tighter around my body, leaning up against an examination table in the corner of the room.

“I can’t wrap my head around this,” I said clutching both sides of my face and shaking my head. “This is too much to take. I’m only human.”

“Technically,” Stiles started, “You are a human who should turn into a werewolf but hasn’t yet.” I sent a glare over to him.

“How do I turn? How can I defend myself, defend my real family?” I pleaded with everyone, hoping Derek would have an answer.

“I don’t know.” He said raking his fingers through his hair, “You’ve been bitten, and it should come when you produce an offspring but their are always exceptions to the rules.”

“She is an exception Derek, she always has been.” Scott said. Isaac nodded his head and reached his hand out to squeeze my fingers, reassuring me that he was there for me.

“But my fear is that her trigger is tragedy.” Derek’s eyes cast over to me.

“So what does that mean?” I asked.

“You will turn if someone is in danger, and I mean do or die in the moment.” He looked over to Scott.

“You can guarantee that she will not be in a situation like that. This isn’t her fault, she shouldn’t be forced to risk her life in order to see if she might change.” Scott said pacing back and forth.

“We need a plan to get them out, “ Derek said, changing the subject. I looked down at my feet and zoned out as Scott, Stiles and Derek bickered about who was in the vault and the intentions of Deucalion.

“You all right?” Isaac said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“I’m scared,” I admitted as I looked over at him, my eyes brimming with tears. “Scared for everyone, not just myself.”

“I’ll protect you Harper,” he whispered leaning his forehead against mine. My eyes flashed over to Derek as he looked at us both, sharing a moment.

“How long will it take to figure out how they broke into the vault?” Derek asked turning his head.

“The internet,” Stiles started, “Literally minutes Derek.”


“Harper, can we talk quick?” Allison asked turning my lunch period. I quickly glanced at my phone after feeling it vibrate.

Isaac Lahey IMessage

I clicked the button on the top and shoved the phone in my back pocket looking up at Allison, “Sure Allison, what’s up?”

“You can’t tell anyone about this,” she started. “Do you promise?”

“You know me well enough Allison to know I’m good at keeping secrets.” I smiled at her remembering the times she snuck around with Scott and I had to cover for him numerous times with our mother.

“You're right,” she smiled slightly, “So I’ve figured out the bruises on our arms. It’s the symbol of the Beacon Hills First National Bank. I’m going to figure out what is going on there. It’s a sign.”

“Are you asking me or telling me?”

“A little bit of both I guess. You are the only one I trust enough to do this. You’ve got invested interests in the happenings of Beacon Hills.” She told me. My mind flashed quickly to the situation concerning the full moon tonight and Scott and Derek’s plan.

“I don’t know Allison, it’s a full moon tonight. You know bad things happen. I don’t want us to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“But maybe this is the break we need to help everyone, figure it out since Derek thinks I’m incompetent. Maybe we will be in the right place at exactly the right time,” she told me, glancing over my shoulder to make sure no one was listening.

I sighed and contemplated my choices. Isaac begged me to stay out whatever Derek and Scott’s rescue plan was but I had a momentary lapse of judgment. “Of course I’ll help you Allison. You swear not to mention this to a soul. Our secret.”

She smiled at me as she held up her pinkey, “Our infamous pinky promises from elementary. Truest of true.” I laughed a little as I wrapped my pinky around her’s. As she walked away I pulled out my phone and swiped my finger over the screen to open Isaac’s message.

If we make it out of this mess, I’m going to marry you.

I smiled when I read that text. Isaac was infamous for his sweet, random texts; I’d missed them recently. I quickly typed back a reply.

I will only accept proposals during full moons, sooooooooooo.......

haha. Guess we have to make it to every full moon for the rest of our lives, to see which one I ask you to marry me during

Better run it by Scott first, he’s the man of the house. Don’t bite the hand the feeds, wolf! haha

I began walking to my next class after shoving my phone back into my pocket. As I stepped into the classroom my phone starting vibrating again as I pulled it out.

Only thing I’m taking a bite of, is you ;)

I rolled my eyes as I took a seat next to Lydia.

“Aiden’s been asking for you,” she leaned over and said to me.

“I’m not interested anymore, you can have him.” I told her, rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, well, I did have him,” she said smiling at me as I went slack jaw and stared at her.

“Well, that didn’t take long,” I laughed.

“The only part that sucked was him screaming your name,” she said as the teacher began writing something on the board.

“You’re kidding me. You can’t be serious.” I said blinking rapidly.

“I can’t lie about that. He tried to cover it up but I couldn’t believe it.” She said shrugging.

“Are you mad at me?” I whispered.

“Of course not. It’s not your fault he’s got rocks for brains. Just thought it was funny.” She chuckled.

I let it roll off my shoulders as I turned my attention back to the teacher for Spanish class.


“So,” I began as Allison grabbed the bolt cutters from the trunk. “He apparently called out my name while he was having sex with Lydia!”

“No way!” She gasped. “What a jerk!”

“If Isaac found out he’d have his throat, literally rip it out in class.” I whispered. She looked both ways as she took the lock and chain between her fingers and open the cutters up, positioning them.

“Okay, like we talked about. Get what we need and leave.” She whispered.

“What exactly do we need?” I asked her as she cut the chain and slide the door open.

“Answers.” She said motioning for me to follow her and keep quiet.

We both tiptoed our way around the dusty, abandoned bank. My heart was racing a mile a minute, I could feel the bad things breathing down my neck. We walked further into the bank, as Allison grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. We started to walk down this corridor and before I could scream someone had come up behind me.

“Harper McCall,” she said into my ear.

“Ms. Morrell,” Allison gasped from beside me.

“Listen to me, you don’t even know what you walked into. Right now you have 20 seconds to get your ass hidden, get in that storage closet and lock the door. When you hear the fighting start that is when you come out. McCall you are a wanted woman. When you get out you run away. You run to another country and never look back. Leave it all behind or else.” She said releasing us and shoving me into Allison.

We ran into the storage closet as I tried to regain my breathing. Allison was trying to switch the light on but had no such luck. I put my hand over my mouth as I heard a couple of sets of feet walking along the corridor. Beneath the door we were able to see the shadow of a figure that had stopped walking. I could hear the faint sound of someone sniffing the air and fear coursed through my veins. I pointed to the bottle of ammonia next to Allison, she quickly poured it out onto the ground as I took a step to the side.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the shadows moved on. I let my heart rate calm down until I felt my leg bump into something. Allison grabbed her phone and used it as a flashlight as I looked over at her. She gasped and jumped back, covering her mouth to stop from screaming. She pointed down beside me with a shaky finger.

“Oh my gosh!” I whisper-yelled as my hand flew to my mouth to stifle the scream that was coming out.

“Erica! No!” I cried as I moved away from her body and hit the wall. I looked over to Allison as tear welled in my eyes. I shook my head as she looked over to me, grabbing my hand she said, “Right now we stay strong Harper,” she whispered. “Later we can fall apart when it’s safe.”

I nodded my head in agreement as I wiped the tears from my face. We looked at each other as I reached and grabbed her hand, reassuring her that we could make it out of this. We turned our attention to listening for whatever sounds of escape we could imagine.

Our eyes went wide as we looked at each others only a few minutes later as the sound of growling werewolves echoed through the barren hallway.

“Go! GO!” I yelled at her as she scrambled to open the door. I got out and began running in the direction of the growling.

“What are you doing Harper?!” She yelled as she stopped running in the opposite direction. “Let’s go!”

“No! It’s Scott! I know it! Derek is in danger too! I know!” I yelled turning back around and running. Allison must have followed as we saw the vault door open. The shadow of a body flying across the room back me flinch as bone made contact with stone.

I ran to the opening of the vault.

“Look out!” Allison yelled, as she pulled me back, and caught Derek and Scott’s attention.

“NOOOOO!” I screamed as Boyd’s nails sunk into Scotts stomach, raising him above the ground. I starting panicking and grabbed my face. Allison looked at me, giving me this look of understanding.

I have too. she mouthed to me as she bent down to the black ring encircling the creatures in the vault.

“NO! Don’t break the seal!” Derek screamed and Allison hesitated. I threw myself to the ground after glancing at Scott once more.

“BOYD!” I screamed as I wiped the dust to both sides. Boyd and the unknown other werewolf stopped paying attention to Scott and Derek as they fled. Boyd shoved me on his way out as I fell and slammed into the side of the vault door.

Derek was enraged as he ran towards Allison and grabbed her.

“Don’t you touch her!” Scott screamed running after him.

“What were you thinking!?” He yelled as he shook Allison slightly. I stood up from my position on the ground, gaining the attention of my brother and my Attachment.

“I had to do something Derek!” I said putting myself between Allison and him.

“Do you have any idea what you set free Harper? You are ridiculous, immature and stupid!” He said coming over to me and grabbing my arm, he gripped it so tight I started to feel a bruise.

Allison went over to him and pushed him away from me with all her might. “You want to blame us? We are not the ones going around turning teenagers into werewolves!”

“ No,” Derek scoffed, “ No, that’s just the rest of your family.”

Allison looked over to me as I rubbed my sore arm. Then she looked back to Scott.

“I’ve made mistakes,” she started. “Gerard is not my fault.”

“And you,” he said pointing at me. “I’m getting sick of you running into trouble like it’s your job. I am not your babysitter. You are a liability, everyone knows it!”

I looked up at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. I looked over to Scott for reassurance but he had his head down.

“What?” I whispered. “Scott, do you agree with him?” I pleaded for him to answer.

“Harper, you are getting into a lot of sticky situations lately.” He began saying. I held my hand up signaling for him to stop.

“Just because I care,” I said tear welling up in my eyes, with shaky hands I pointed to myself. “I care enough to find the truth, to protect you because I love you, both.” I said looking over to Scott and Derek. “That makes me a liability. An object to dump off on the highway and move along from.”

“Your emotion driven sentiments towards those you try to protect make you weak. They make you a target, and predictable,” Derek said advancing towards me. “Don’t try to defend yourself because you know its true.”

“I’m trying to help!” I shouted back, getting in his face.

“Help who?” He asked. “Us, or yourself? To figure out why mommy and daddy put you up for adoption, to find out why you grew up not knowing anything about yourself until you met me, or is it because you are invested in making sure the product of your lust doesn’t forget you?”

I wanted to slap him, slap him so hard but I was heartbroken by the fact that my brother stood there and let Derek treat me like I was nothing.

“So, it’s better if I turn my back on this all,” I said motioning to everything.

“It’s better if you forget us, never come back and stop putting us in more danger. Stop being selfish.”

I nodded my head. My mind was swirling with things to say but I had nothing. I looked at Allison as I walked past her, she followed close behind as we left the boys near the vault. I started to run, crossing the road and reaching the car in a matter of moment.

I blinked away tears as I opened the front door of her car and slide in. Allison got in and looked over to me.

“I’ve got to be strong, remember?” I said as she stared at me for a moment.

“But you’re safe with me Harp. I’m your best friend, I’ve always got your back.” She said as she grabbed me and hugged her, letting my wall fall down as I began sobbing.

“ You might still be upset with me about the whole situation with Gerard, me and stabbing Isaac. And I can’t compete with your level of intimacy with Isaac but I care Harp. You’ve been my friend for so long.” She said.

I pulled away and looked at her. “Then lets prove to them we are worth something.” I said as she started up the engine of her car.

“Have you ever shot a bow and arrow?” She asked me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is in celebration that Isaac did not die! Sadly Boyd did, though.

Please leave feedback, I really appreciate it, to know any predication, ideas or views you have on this story!

King Of Anything - Sara Bareilles