Alpha, Beta, Omega


I sat up and waited for Scott to get home, it was only about an hour after I arrived back to our house. I didn’t know what to say to him, how he would react. I needed someone right now because everyone was mad at me, including him. When he opened the front door I stood up from my seat in the living room.


“Harper,” he said walking over to me and grabbing me into a hug. I sighed in relief as I wrapped my arms around my brother. “I’m furious with you but right now it is overpowered by my relief that you aren’t dead.” He arms tightened around me until he stepped back and held me at arms length.

“That was stupid of you Harper, reckless and -”

“Selfish. I put everyone in danger because I acted on impulse, I know it. Isaac can’t even look at me.” My eyes went downcast.

“Isaac loves you and he will get over it, Derek on the other hand might lock you up or ship you off to another country,” he chuckled. I smiled back at him.

“I will make an effort to stay out of it,” I promised to him. “I have a lot of damage control to do right now.”

“Right now we need to get ready for school.” He said. I saw him turn his head and look up at our mother as she walked down the steps.

“What are you two doing? Actually, do I even want to know?” she asked shaking her head.

“Brother, sister bonding mom,” Scott answered.

“Ok, that’s good enough for me,” she said walking towards the coffee pot.


My body was sore and tired from the lack of sleep I had not gotten the night before. My eyes were bloodshot and my cheeks tear stained from my vicious, heart breaking sobbing I did before I got out of Allison’s car. Not to mention, Aiden was trying to console me but luckily I had escaped him once.

I was toying with a string on the hem of my shirt when Stiles came up to me, my brother close behind.

“Uhh, Hi Harper,” he said scratching the back of his head.

“Hi Stiles. What are you up to?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

“I’m gonna ask you something and I don’t want you to be mad,” he started. I looked at him, thinking it had something to do with the fact that Aiden was stalking me and I had almost died last night.

I nodded my head slightly urging him to continue, “Hmm, see I need to know if you...” he glanced over to Scott who was looking at him questioningly as well. “If you are a virgin Harper. Are you like, not a virgin? Or are you, I don’t know.”

My eyes went wide, much like a deer caught in headlights. I, of course, was not. Isaac and I had had sex, many, many times before, but this conversation never came up between me and my brother. So, right now his face mimicked mine.

“What the actual fuck are you asking me for Stiles?” I said pushing his shoulder slightly.

“There are people being sacrificed Harper! Virgin sacrifices. We need to know to keep you safe.”

I looked over to Scott, and I’m pretty sure he was able to hear my heart beating five hundred miles a minute.

“I-Well, I-” I stuttered. I looked up hoping to find a distraction, anything to get me away from having to answer this question. That is when Isaac rounded the corner en route to his locker. His eyes locked with mine for a brief second and his jaw tensed up, I could see the muscles in his shoulder raise a little under the stress he felt. I could read him like an open book, and he was still mad, very mad at me.

“I’m not a virgin. Okay? I loved, no I love Isaac very much and I trust him. Therefore I don’t want any judgement,”I said pointing to Stiles and my brother.

“Do you have, like, any friends looking to have sex?” Stiles asked me. I looked at him like he had grown three heads. Scott wound his arm back and punched him in the shoulder.

“OUCH! Okay wolf boy, easy with the extra muscles,” Stiles said rubbing his arm. “Forget I said anything, I’m disappearing now.” Stiles said turning around and walking towards his class.

Scott looked at me for a brief second, I didn’t know what he would say. One of my biggest fears was letting him down, he was my best friend, always there for me no matter what. When my mom told me I was adopted, Scott didn’t change anything. After he was turned, he came into my room during a thunderstorm to sit up and play 21 questions with me until it passed, and he believed in me when everyone else thought I was a liability.

“I’m not mad Harper. I understand,” he said placing his hand on my shoulder and smiling. I sent him a smile back and he headed in the direction of Stiles. I was left standing near the lockers and kids scurried to class in the last fleeting moments before the bell.

“Wait! Wait, Scott!” I called after him. He turned around to look at me. “What happened this morning at Cross-Country practice? What happened with Isaac?”

Stiles and Scott exchanged looks. “Maybe its best if you talk to Isaac about it,” Stiles suggested.

“Yeah well,” the bell indicating the beginning of class rung throughout the hallway. “Isaac and me aren’t quite on speaking terms after last nights events. So tell me. NOW.” I warned. I was so sick of being left out.

“The twins,” Scott began looking behind his back quickly to make sure no one was there.

“Aiden and Ethan?” I asked.

Stiles and Scott nodded their heads.” Well Isaac said it was them, them who took him and erased his memory. They attacked him,” Scott looked at me as my hands went to my mouth to cover the gasp that had escaped. “He’s alright though Harp. But we found the body of that missing guy from the Vet Clinic, same as the others.”

“And does Isaac know about Aiden and I?” I asked.

“Well Isaac thinks its them both that did this. And to add insult to injury Aiden made sure to rub it in his face that you two-ya know...”

“We didn’t sleep together!” I yelled.

“Well, I believe you I do. But Aiden painted a pretty graphic picture for him. “

I dropped my face into my hands and shook my head. “Why is everything becoming one giant mess. Derek hates me, Isaac can’t stand the sight of me and now I’m thought to be the werewolf whore!” I let out a feral scream and paced back and forth.

“So what now?” I asked them both.

“Well,” Stiles started, “ I don’t think the wolves and the sacrifices are connected.”

“But the fact of the matter is, right now Isaac is out for blood, their blood and he wants to kill them.” Scott told me.

“McCalls and Stilinski! What are you doing?” The principle said rounding the corner. We all exchanged worried glances wondering who had the best excuse.

“Our mom is sick,” I said pointing between Scott and I. “ I was crying about it and Scott saw me and...”

“Okay, just get to class...NOW!’ He said as we all scattered.


I stepped out of English class to catch my breath and grab a drink of water. Everything was overwhelming me today and I couldn’t take sitting in class for an hour and not losing it.

“Harper,” I heard his distinct voice. My head shot up and standing in front of me was Aiden and Ethan.

“Hi guys,” I said with a shaky voice. Fully aware of the new position they held as a threat to me and my family.

“Haven’t seen you around much. I’ve been calling,” Aiden said pointing to his phone. “I’ve been waiting.”

“Waiting for what,” I asked as he took a step closer to me. Ethan kept his distance but stood more as a guard dog.

“Waiting for you to realize what a fuck up Lahey is. Treats you more like a- what is the word I’m thinking of Ethan?”


“Yeah like his bitch,” Aiden smirked at me.

“And telling me this will make me feel differently towards you?”

“No, but maybe it will change your mind. Remember who the Alpha is.” He winked at me and grabbed my hand slightly before they both turned and left me. I turned around to head towards the bathroom when I heard it. The commotion of something slamming against something else, and a very angry feral sound, the sound of a growling dog.

“Isaac..” I said as I started running towards the sound.

I nearly fell over as I ran around the corner. My eyes darted to the three people on the scene. Allison was holding her wounded arm, Scott was staring at Allison and Isaac, Isaac looked ashamed and scared.

“Harper...” Allison whispered.

“What happened?” I asked as I bent down closer to Isaac. I let my hand fall on his shoulder as he flinched and pulled away. But I didn’t care I scooted closer and grabbed his hand. “Are you alright?” I asked worriedly

“They locked them in the janitor’s closet...” Scott started. I didn’t need anymore information. I knew. I knew about Isaac’s past and his fears. I looked to Scott and Allison quick.

“Aiden and Ethan?” I asked Isaac.

“They want somebody to get hurt.” Scott said.

“Are we going to do something about this?” I asked them all.

“Oh yeah,” Scott said. “We are going to get even.”

Isaac jumped up and left me on the ground. Scott and Allison looked at each other and started to walk away from the scene. As I went to stand up I saw Isaac’s hand extended for me to grab. I let his large hand wrap around my small one as he pulled me to my feet.

“You might still be furious with me, I know and understand that. But never forget that I care for you and I know everything about you.” I told Isaac as my eyes started to water.

“I’m mad at you but I love you more today than I did yesterday. Nothing will change that,” he said taking a step closer to me. “ I need some time but god Harper, when my mind is straight you’ll be the first one I run too.” He grabbed my head and I leaned into his chest as he hugged me kissing me on the forehead.

“I’ve gotta go,” he said letting go. The cold air surrounding us engulfed me once again as he started to walk off. I watched him walk away as I sighed. We were one hell of a rollercoaster ride.


“Nice little stunt you pulled back there with the bike,” I said high fiving my brother.

“Couldn’t have done it without Isaac and Allison,” he said being humble.

I walked into our kitchen and smiled at Scott as he threw his books on the table.

“When’s Mom getting-” I started to say but was overcome with this sensation. It was hard to describe but it was painful. I dropped to my knees and started screaming in agony.

“HARPER! HARPER!” Scott yelled running over and grabbing me.

I clawed at my chest and abdomen. “Make it stop Scott, I can’t! Please!” I begged him.

My nails dug into the soft flesh on my torso leaving red streaks of blood. Scott grabbed my arms as I fought against him. The pain was consuming me and I couldn’t take it.

“SCOTT PLEASE!” I cried out as I swung my legs around trying to get free.

I could hear Scott talking to someone on his phone, I couldn’t tell who as my body contorted in pain. It felt like years as Scott held me, the pain only increasing.

“Harper?” I heard Stiles yell as he ran into the room.

“Stiles grab her legs, she’s freaking strong!” Scott yelled as I tried to bite him, tried to make him let go of my arms so I could force the pain out.

“OH god, oh god. What do we do?” Stiles yelled as he tried to grab my legs.

“Isaac is on his way, we have to stop her from tearing herself apart!” Scott yelled.

“Is that all her blood?” I heard Stiles ask my brother.

“She did it to herself Stiles!” Scott screamed, panic in his voice.

“What’s wrong?” I heard his voice like an angel, I couldn’t see him through my teary, painful haze.

“HELP US ISAAC!” Stiles yelled.

I screamed again, shocking the boys in the room as I tried to get Scott to let go of my arms. Isaac look the initiative to straddle me and grab my arms from Scott. His touch soothed my pain, it still burned through me but it felt good to be safe. He wrapped his arms around my midsection and pulled me up as he switched our positions and I was laying in his lap, cradled in his arms.

“Make it stop!” I cried out as I took one of my free arms and dug in deep into my stomach as Isaac firmly grabbed my wrist and pulled it away.

“Stop Harper, please stop.” He said holding me close.

And just like that the pain was gone. My eyes opened wide at the recognition of the situation that had just happened. I sat up and looked at Isaac as we sat against the island in my kitchen. Scott and Stiles sighed as they ran their hands through their hair.

“What the hell Harper?” Stiles asked. “I couldn’t deal with your dying right now.”

“It felt,” I started as my voice cracked. “Like I a stake was being jammed through my heart or my back, everywhere. I wanted it to get out,” I said as I looked down at my sore and bloody midsection. “Then Isaac came and I, I-I don’t know really. It helped me soothe my pain. Almost like I could let go now.”

“NO! NO!” Scott said jumping up.

“We need to talk to Derek, maybe he has some answers.” Isaac said standing and carrying me with him.

“Can we do it later?” I asked weakly.

“Put her on the couch, call Allison and tell her to bring stuff to clean her wounds. Isaac don’t leave her side.” Scott demanded to Stiles and Isaac.

Isaac crossed in the living room and laid me down on the couch. “You’re going to be alright.” He said brushing some hair off my sweaty forehead. I nodded my eyes and swallowed harshly.

“I thought you were mad at me,” I winced slightly from the pain as Stiles brought over some wet paper towels to clean the blood.

“Maybe later, right now there are more important things.” I smiled a little as I let the pain soak into my bones and I passed out.



I stayed at the McCall’s for a few hours, letting the reality of the situation soak in. I had almost lost her, to what I don’t know but I almost watched her claw herself to pieces. I was still mad, furious even that she hadn’t listened to me and had lied to me only the night before but I was even more mad at myself for not being able to let it go.

“I’m going to head out,” I said walking past Scott in the kitchen as he chugged a glass of water.

“Are you guys okay?” he asked me.

I dropped my head, “ I don’t know man. All this shit that is going on as been wearing us down. “

“She won’t give up on you for anything.” Scott told me.

“I know. But I guess I need to just figure it out. I’m going to go talk to Derek since he’s been avoiding our calls all afternoon.”

“Yeah,” Scott nodded, “Good idea let me know when you find out anything new. “

“Sure thing. And uh, Scott,” I said turning around and rubbing the back of my neck, “You’ll keep an eye on her right? Call me if anything changes?”

“Of course. “ He said walking over to his sister and picking her up. “She’ll sleep better in her own bed.”

I nodded as I waved a small goodbye and opened the front door. When I finally arrived at Derek’s I rushed inside as the sky opened up and let the rain fall from it’s clouds.

“How is Harper?” He asked me without even turning around from his position starting out the window.

“She’s okay now. No thanks to you. Why didn’t you answer your phone, or any of the messages?” I said dropping my bag by the door.

“It was not her problem.” He responded.

“I don’t understand, did something happen? How is it not her problem, she almost clawed herself to deaht. I think it’s because of your attachment. “ I boldly told him.

“It’s just not going to work with both of you here. I’ve got Cora now it’s too much, I need you out tonight.” Derek said.

I stood there stunned for a moment. First he tells me that he basically doesn’t care about Harper’s fate because their isn’t enough room in his life because Cora is back and now I need to leave .

I chuckled a little as the rain poured down outside and the lightening struck down. “Where-Where am I supposed to go?” I held my arms open in a defensive manner questioning him.

“Somewhere else,” Derek said. Not even giving me the decency of saying it face to face.
“Did I do something wrong Derek?”

“You’re doing something wrong right now by not leaving. “ He pointed to the door.

“C’mon!” I pleaded.

“Go!” He said, his voice raising.

“C’mon. Please!”

“GO!” He screamed taking the glass in his hand, twirling it between his fingers and chucking it at my head. It shattered once it hit the wooden beam post I was leaning against. I had covered my face but when I stood up to look at my alpha. I walked over to my bag and grabbed it turning quickly to stare at him before I left.

“If she dies, I’m coming for your head.” I warned my Alpha. He said not a word as he let me walk away. It was cold, and wet ride back to Scott’s luckily my bike hadn’t given up on me. Once I got closer to the McCalls I rang the doorbell only to have Ms.McCall answer it.

“Isaac! Hi. Come in Sweetie it’s raining cats and dogs,” she said opening the door and ushering me in. “ Harper is okay, but she is sleeping now.”

“I, uh- I actually wanted to go see Scott.”

“Of course,” she said stepping aside and letting me climb the stairs as she went back to the living room.

I passed Harper’s room and took a second to look into the darkened room. I was able to make out her frame as her chest gently rose and fell with her peaceful breathing. I sucked in a deep breath to have her scent with me as I closed her door and walked towards Scott’s. I let my fingers tap against the hardwood.

“Come in Mom,” I heard him say from the other end.

I opened the door and stood there as he looked at me with questioning eyes. “I, uh, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“What happened Isaac?” he asked standing up from his desk and walking over to me.

“Derek kicked me out. I have no where, and all I have is Harp and you right now.” I said meekly.

The thunder cracked, shaking me at my core a little. Scott’s head turned slightly and he focused on something.

“It’s Harper, she’s awake,” he said closing his eyes. “She’s crying. Maybe you can do me a favor first and I’ll repay it by grabbing some blankets from the closet down the hall. Hope you don’t mind the guest room.” He smiled at me.

“Of course not. Thanks man.” I said as he walked me to Harper’s door and stopped.

“Those are her sobs she only makes when you two are fighting. Very distinct. I’ve learned to pick up on the different ones.” He said as he began walking down the stairs to the lower level.

I turned the handle on the door and opened it slightly. Harper sat on her bed with her feet dangling over the side crying into her palms. She hated thunderstorms, but I think she hated us fighting more.

“Harp..” I said as my arms slid around her shoulders and pulled her into me gently.

“You came back,” she cried into my shirt.

“Always.” I said as I kissed her forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Broken - Lifehouse

I'm beyond excited for the new royal baby! Therefore here is a new update for my happiness.
Enjoy the update!