
Flesh and Blood

I used all of my energy to calmly paddle myself around the bend, seeing the distant dark silhouette of my small summer cabin. A gentle shower was now coming through the valley, dimming my eye site. I couldn't touch the bottom, I couldn't see, I couldn't barely breathe, and worst of all, I was losing blood. I had to do something quick before the worst I could think would happen. As I came closer to the boat deck, I used the beams to lead myself to shore. I stumbled onto the damp cold sand consuming my feet like quicksand. Once I got to more packed soil, I ran to my cabin. I knew I couldn't stay in the warmth of my own bed expecting everything that just happened to be a bad dream, I had to take action and try my best to make it to the hospital. I grabbed my keys on the table with my bloody slippery hand. I limped to my car and desperately climbed in. Not paying attention to where I was going, I was now on the main backroad, not knowing which way I go, I was in a panic, like a frightened animal trying everything in its might to just get away. And before I could even see the headlights coming towards me, I was in their lane. Soon enough, I was in a head-on collision with a tree, leaving the other car unharmed. With a piece of steel in my stomach and my legs jammed between the seat and the dashboard, I was unable to move. I then felt the car door rattling, igniting my fear. I looked over and saw a silhouette of a man. I started to scream. The horrific thoughts raced again through my mind as I thought he was looking for me. "Hey, sweetie it's okay!" The man whispered. "Who are you?!" I screamed angry and afraid. "My name is Zak. You ran off the road." Zak said trying to pry the jammed door open. "Don't hurt me!" I cried, still thinking that he could've been the man that's done these horrific things to me. "Sweetie I'm not going to hurt you!" Zak assured. I was hysterical in my own fear. I didn't know if this man was lying or not, but I had to at least trust him to get out of this situation. He got the door to open and gently wrapped his arms around my waist to pry me out. He lay me on the ground next to the car, examining my body for any major wounds. He then noticed the bullet hole on my shoulder. "Sweetie, do you know who shot you?" He asked taking off his jacket to put around my cold fragile body. "No." I cried frantically. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to a van. I was terrified. Terrified of not knowing this man except for his name. "Nick, Aaron, get back in the van, we're taking her to the hospital." Zak commanded. Wait, 'Zak, Nick, and Aaron'? Those names that sound so familiar? Maybe it's just a coincidence that three guys have those names? I knew it couldn't be the guys from "Ghost Adventures". Why would they be here in Tennessee on a backroad through the woods? Zak lay me horizontal on the van seat, wrapping me in his jacket to keep me warm. What a gentleman! I was froze to death in the cold night of August. His jacket was enough to keep me alive for the journey to the hospital. "What's your name sweetie?" Zak asked from the passenger seat. "Lola..Cash." I whispered through my shallow breaths. It wasn't long before we arrived at the hospital. The comfortable, warm blue jacket that kept my chill bumps hidden was now off of me and I was laying on a table with oxygen being forced down my nostrils. I couldn't now breathe on my own. I was in bad shape. They said that if Zak had not saved me, I would be dead. Thank you, Zak.