LBE Task 2

The Book and the Girl

Blinking slowly, I gazed at the tiny room around me. Dark oak shelves lined the mottled walls and acient books lay open on the cuttered. In the furthest corner of the room sat a young girl, frantically leafing through books after book, her eyes as wide as a startled rabbit, searching desperately for an answer to a question I did not know.

A look of euphoria spread over the girl's face, such relief that it startled me; she had found the answer. Shining bright as the stars, she smiled brightly.

Suddenly, the girl's enormous eyes flew straight through me to the open chesnut door. A cloaked figure, shrouded in darkness, loomed eerily over the room. He grasped an ebony blade, sharp enough to pierce stone, let alone flesh.

Cowering, the girl clutched the worn, leather-bound book to her chest and exhaled deeply, proclaiming that she was not afraid of the intruder. Although her legs were shaking, she tried her best to run past the intruder, gripping the book of answers tightly to her chest.

I knew what would happen, yet I could not cry out, I was just a spectator to the cruel past.

The cutthroat blocked the young girl and threw her savagely to the ground. She yelped as the intruder bore down on her, panting and heaving, knife in hand.

He thrust the perfect dagger into her chest, avoiding the book, and watched in glee as the girl gasped and fell silent. Eyes glazed over, her hands fell from her bloody chest, exposing the book.

The massacrer snatched the book from the girls chest and chuckled; he had found what he'd wanted. He strolled of the room, wiping his dagger on his ragged trousers.

As I returned to the present, I realised I had witnessed the crime that had been missing from the torn pages from the book in my hand. I dropped the book to the floor, disgusted and repulsed.

Staring around the library, I felt queasy at the thought that a brutal murderer had been in the very same room I was in now. Or still is in...