Hospital Beds


"Oh wow! How did this happen?" I asked as I read the man's chart.

"I uh, was working on this project with a friend and I fell and tried to catch myself on my arm. Obviously my arm wasn't up for it."

He was leaving something out but I didn't push it. "Ever seen Harry Potter, the second one? It looks like when Lockhart made the bone in Harry's arm disappear after that Quidditch match."

He chuckled. "Hadn't seen in like that, but you're right."

"You're really calm about all this. Have you really not been doing drugs?"

"Nope. Nurse up front gave me medicine because the wait was so long."

I nodded. "I'm glad someone made note of that on your chart." Sarcasm laced my words and he smiled at me. "Alright Norman, let's get this bone set and then get you a cast. The Doctor will be in momentarily."

"You aren't my Doctor?"

"I'm your Nurse. I'll be back to put on your cast though. What color?"


"Alright," I agreed. I went and got everything ready and did a little re-stocking while I waited for the bone to be set.

"You got lucky girl! He's cute!"

"I didn't really notice," I shrugged truthfully. I noticed his eyes were nice but I look at so many patients that they're all kind of just one abstract face with a different set of symptoms. Anytime I found myself thinking like that I always felt bad. I used to be really passionate about my job, but art was quickly dominating my interests and it didn't hurt that I had been successful with the gallery shows I've had so far.

"Well when you go to get that cast made be sure to."

I rolled my eyes at the girls. We all gossiped so I didn't take it to heart, today it just happened to be me that had the most going on. The stories that always made us laugh the most always involved 'they got what stuck up where?'

"All yours. Don't expect you'll have much trouble with him. He's a tranquil one."

"Yeah, they gave his some meds because the wait was so long. Someone forgot to put that on his chart."

Andrew nodded. "I'll be sure to bring that to their attention."

I walked back into Norman's room. I actually absorbed his appearance this time. He was extremely attractive. He looked rough, but had been nothing but polite and easy going.

"I can't feeeel anything. What's your name? I don't think you s- said before."

I smiled at Norman's slurred speech. The medication we gave him was strong. Calm or not, having your bone put back into place hurts. "My name is JC. You feel funny because of the medicine. Alright, let's get your arm fixed up."

"Will you sign my cast?"

"I'll draw a flamingo on your cast."

"I like flamingos."

I laughed. "Me too."

"Thanks for fixing my jackassery."

"Oh not a problem, you definitely have been a pleasure to work with. I'll come check in on you later Norman."

I finished the rest of my day and headed home, exhausted. I wanted to go to sleep right when I got home. I had every intention of doing so, but instead I walked into my spare bedroom and resumed painting on the canvas that was nearly the length of the wall. My brush strokes were frenzied. I didn't really know what I was doing with this painting but I just let myself go. I used a variety of colors and found myself becoming covered with paint the longer I went.

Two and a half hours later I was finished I felt proud.


"JC have you ever thought of just quitting?"

"Yeah! Why don't you focus on art?"

I shrugged. "It's not guaranteed. Also, Atlanta may be a great city but I don't think it's exactly the place that is gonna support a budding art career."

"You just don't like change," Cara chided me. I looked at my friend and nodded. We both knew she was right. My Mom grew up with Cara's Mom. They were best friends and naturally we grew up together and became best friends. She knew me inside and out. Sometimes it was annoying. She called me out on my bullshit and pushed me to reach beyond the limitations I would place on myself. That was the exact same reason that I valued her so greatly, though.

Our other friend, Maggie, was close with us as well. However, we hadn't known her our entire lives. Cara worked at the hospital with me. We went to the same college, exact same dreams. Only now I wanted an art career and Cara was thinking about taking the steps to become a Doctor. The hospital is also how we came to know Maggie. The first days of orientation the three of us just clicked. We welcomed Maggie to the group with open arms. She was a good balance between Cara and I.

"She's just being logical, Cara," Maggie said. "She wants stability and art might not bring that. I think you should go for it, but I just think you should build a name for yourself before you go and quit your day job."

The three of us sat in the corner at one of our favorite downtown bars. It was popular, but not overwhelmingly so. We didn't feel suffocated but we could mingle if we felt like it.

"If there was any chance that I was gonna quit it wouldn't be until I established myself in the art world." I stretched. "I'm going outside to smoke."

"You know that's terrible for you."

"Yeah. Even just the secondhand smoke is terrible. Did you know-"

I laughed. "I know all the same statistics as ya'll." I scooted out of the booth and went up to the bar. I got another beer before heading outside and leaning against the wall. The warm air heated the skin the bar's air conditioning had cooled. I smoothed a wrinkle in my black maxi dress.

"You don't look like the type of girl to be smoking."

I looked up, gearing myself to tell this guy to fuck off.


He smiled and waved. "The cast is holding up wonderfully."

"I would hope so! I would be terrible at my job otherwise."

"Your bedside manner is superb. What are you doing here?"

I shrugged. "Nothing really. It's the weekend, I'm off. Cara and Maggie are off. We all work at the hospital and it's pretty rare when all three of us are off. What are you doing here? That accent doesn't make it sound like you're from Georgia."

"Work. I'm in town for the next two months, at least."

"Wow. That's a long time to be away from home."

"I usually sneak home at least for a weekend here and there. What does JC stand for?"

"June Clinton. June was my Mama's Mom and Clinton was my Daddy's Dad. I just grew up being called JC."

"It's unusual. I like it." I thanked Norman and studied him further. His brown hair was a little long. His eyes were bright and they were full of amusement as he studied me. The alcohol made me less aware just how closely he was watching me, but the more I looked at him the more I was positive I knew him somehow.

"Do I know you from somewhere? I mean other than when I helped to fix you up."

Norman got a little more fidgety now. "Don't think so. I think this is the first time we met outside of the hospital."

I shrugged and let it go. When we finished out cigarettes we parted ways. I didn't mention him to the girls, dreading what they could possibly come up with to say.

"How many did you smoke?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just one. Shut up! I don't even do this regularly! I know it only takes one!" A few more drinks had me loosened up enough to start dancing with Cara and Maggie to the band. They were pretty good for a cover band.

"You just pop up everywhere."

I turned around. Norman was pretty close and pretty intoxicated. "You were at our hospital," Maggie exclaimed. She sent me an excited wink.

"He was! I let my Reedus get hurt! God I felt like shit."

He laughed. "Uh, this is my friend Steven. He's had a little much to drink."

"Are you guys together?" Cara's tone was teasing and he took it well. He laughed, they both did.

"Reedus is too stuck on-"

"So uh, I was thinking since I'll be in town awhile maybe we could hang out?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"No. I don't know you. I'm asking if you want to hang out with me?"

I smiled at Norman. "I would like that."