Hospital Beds


"Great job!"

"Yeah, you've really gotten better at that since the last time I saw you kid!" Lauren Cohan gave Mingus a high five. He put down the tricks he had been demonstrating.

"Soon you'll be good enough to be a traveling magician!" Andrew said with a big smile.

"Well that's the goal. I need to master tricks that are harder to do that though."

"Whoa, this is news! I didn't know you were going to be a magician. Last I heard you were going to be an astronaut."

Mingus looked at me and rolled his eyes like I was the dumbest person alive. "Dad, I can do both." I threw my hands up in surrender and we all laughed. Mingus got bored with us and left to play with some of the other kids that were visiting the set. I watched him approach a girl his age and he began showing her his tricks.

"He's already chasing the ladies," Steven shook his head.

"Good thing he's cute."

"So when is it that he's meeting JC?"

"Tonight at dinner. She's pretty nervous." I ran my hands through my hair thinking about it. I was kind of nervous too, actually. JC had drinks with the cast and I the other night and it went perfectly. She and Lauren became friends quickly. They all liked her and thought she was funny and charming. We never ran into a lull in conversation and it was nice knowing that I could invite her to hang out with my friends. The same night she brought Cara and Maggie along, they also got along with everyone. They were just as funny and Cara was quick to dish any of our shit back to us.

"Are you nervous?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I mean she's just a friend so I'm not introducing her as a girlfriend or anything. JC is funny as hell and a cool girl... I think Mingus will like her."

"She's really nervous though," Lauren chimed in.

"She's brought it up with you?" This surprised me. I knew she and Lauren got along great, but I didn't realize it was to the extent that they were talking to each other regularly.

"Yeah. Just to get some advice. I've met him before and she just wanted another opinion about it. Don't worry, I told her that it would go smoothly."

"I hope so. I'm kind of getting nervous. There's no reason in the world for me to be so nervous though."

"Do you... Don't freak out because I'm just throwing this out there," Steven said. He seemed very much like Glenn suddenly when he said that. I groaned, anticipating what he would say. "Do you like her in more than a friendly way?"

I shook my head. "We don't know each other nearly well enough for that. JC is a great girl and I value her friendship but that's it." My tone left no room for further discussion. Andrew brought up the next scenes we would be filming and the focus was no longer on me.

Steven's question bothered me. I don't like JC. I don't know her. She's a cool girl but that's it. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

"Speak of the devil," I mumbled.

'Reedus, what should I wear?'

I laughed. 'Whatever you want. Why are you freaking out?'

My phone started ringing a few minutes later. I took one last look to make sure Mingus was behaving himself before I stepped away from the group.

"Hello darling, calm down."

JC laughed. "Hi. I'm being dumb, I know. I'm just so afraid he's going to hate me! I mean, you can't hang out with someone your kid hates!"

I laughed this time. "Clinton, he's going to love you. If he doesn't then he'll warm up to you and if he really despises every fiber of your being than I'll just hang out with you when he isn't here. He's going to love you though. I love hanging out with you and we're pretty similar."

"When should I come over?"

"Why don't you come over at six? Is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine. See you soon Reedus."

"See ya, Clint."

We hung up and I went back to the couch. When I sat down I pulled my phone back out and began to form a quick message.

'Don't worry. Breathe.'


"Dad I thought one of your friends was coming over. This is a lot of food just for us." Mingus put the last set of silverware on the table and straightened out a few table cloths. We were having pizza. We probably could have had something a little nicer now that I think of it, but I want this to be as relaxed as it can possibly be.

"She is, kid. She should be here any minute now."

"What's her name?"


"Cool. Do you think she will want to see my magic tricks?"

"I'm positive. She will be really impressed to, you might get a kiss on the cheek if you play your cards right."

"Gross! Did you forget about our talk Dad? Girls have cooties and you really don't want to catch a case of the cooties."

"I forgot! Isn't there a cootie shot?"

"I'm not convinced that it actually works."

"I'm not either." I ruffled his hair and walked to the door. A soft knocking came from it and it was almost too soft to hear.

I opened the door. JC stood in front of me in tight black jeans and a plain white v-neck. She shrugged. I smiled and pulled her into my arms. "You look beautiful and he's excited to meet you. Breathe."

JC inhaled and exhaled and then I let her go. She squeezed my hand and walked in the apartment.

"I'm Mingus. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mingus. My name is JC."

"Cool. Well I'm starving, are you ready to eat? And then once we're done with dinner wanna see some magic tricks? I'm a magician."

JC smiled. "Definitely! I love magic tricks!"

Just like that the two of them fell into an easy and casual conversation. I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. I smiled and locked the apartment door.

"Dad, come on!"

"Yeah Reedus, we're starving. Didn't anyone ever tell you it isn't polite to keep a lady waiting?"

"Please forgive me," I begged with a smile. She laughed and agreed. We sat down at the table and dug into our pizza. When we were finished I grabbed two beers, giving one to JC, and we moved to the couch. Mingus stood in front of us performing magic tricks. At the end we both clapped and JC begged Mingus to show her the secrets.

He shook his head. "It's not something you can learn. I was just born a magician."

"Shit," I laughed loudly.

"It's true Dad! Don't be a dream crusher. Well it was cool meeting you. I want to go next door and play with Chandler."

"Alright. Come right back though if his parents say he can't play. Be back by ten at the latest or whenever they're sick of you." I rushed to get it all out of my mouth before Mingus shut the door. He and Chandler, despite the age difference, got a long incredibly.

"And that's my son."

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"Things almost always aren't."

She laughed. "You're right."

"So how has work been?"

"Busy... I'm so tired."

"Why don't you take some time off?"

"We're short staffed... I'm trying to advance my career."

"That would be fine if you took care of yourself. You're always exhausted. You are beyond tired June. You don't eat enough. You-"

Her glare silenced me. I bit my lip realizing my mouth had gotten ahead of me and now she was pissed. "You seem me once a week, if that some times. You don't know what the hell I do."

"I'm sorry."

She rolled her eyes. "You don't think you're wrong."

"I don't. I'm just worried."

"Well I'm fine. It's getting sort of late."


"I should head home."

"Clinton, I'm sorry. I care about you and-"

"It's fine Norman. I just am tired. You want me to take care of myself so I'm going home and going to sleep."

I sighed. "I'm at least walking you out."

The walk to her car was quiet. She wouldn't quite look at me and I felt like shit. We got to JC's car and I opened the door for her. She started to get in when I pulled her back and into my chest. "I'm sorry. I truly didn't mean to upset you."

"It's fine. I'll talk to you soon, alright?"

"Alright. Bye."

"Night." JC drove off and I walked back upstairs guiltily.

"Where did JC go?"

"She had to go home. She works at the hospital so she's always really busy. JC was tired." Mingus nodded and went back to his video game. I made sure the door was locked and told Mingus goodnight then went to my room and laid down. I turned on the television, mostly for background noise.

I started reading an article on my iPad. I was so lost in it that my phone startled me when it suddenly lit up the dimly lit room and vibrated.

'I think I got so upset because you basically said I look like shit.'

Groaning, I pulled my hair through my fingers.

'Not what I meant. You are a stunning, beautiful girl. Please don't take my concern for something like that'

I continued reading but heard nothing else from JC the rest of the night.



"Can you fill in with the kids wing today?"

"Sure. You owe me, Mags."

"Deal. You're the best lady."

"Yeah, I know!" We laughed and scattered. I got to work. The first patient of the day was needing a tetanus shot after stepping on a nail. I walked in, seeing the crying boy much as I expected. Anytime I worked with kids it was always a long, irritating day. Maggie has the special touch. I don't. I suck with kids and almost nothing I do seems to make them calm down.

"I don't want a shot!"

"I know! I'm so sorry I have to give it to you. It's really just to keep you safe though."


The kid began screaming at the top of his lungs. Dad grimaced and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry. Let's get this over with."

What a great way to start the day. Hour after hour passed with the basically the same thing going on with every patient I saw. The kids were particularly crazy and upset today. Maggie owes me big time. It sucks even more because Cara is on the opposite side of the hospital as me. By three I had a headache and my shoulders and neck were tense.

"Listen this is only going to pinch. Come on." I begged. I was begging to an eight year old. I was exhausted. I had been working with kids all day today. Today was full of fighters, criers, screamers... It's the most difficult day I've had in a long time.

Exhausted and overwhelmed, I put down the needle. Tears were building in my eyes and the kids Mom was giving me a horror stricken look.

"Someone will be right in."

I walked quickly down the hall and to the front desk. I entered through the employee door and ran my hands over my face.


"Get Cara or Maggie."

"What's wrong?"

"Can someone go in that room to give the kid the shot? It's been so difficult all day today and I just can't take it! I'm so tired and everyone has been so difficult. I don't know what to do to get them to just take the fucking shot!"

I began crying, really crying now. Someone's arms wrapped around me and hugged me tightly. I stood sobbing until the arms released me and someone else took hold of me.

"June what's wrong?"

"I'm overwhelmed. I can't do this. Kids hate me and none will just take a fucking shot!"

Cara could tell I was hysteric. She led me out of the office and to the elevator. We rode to the cafeteria level. "We should eat, okay?"

I wiped my face. "Yeah. Sorry."

"It's alright. I get it. Kids fucking suck."

Suddenly I began feeling a little dizzy and truly exhausted. I bumped into Cara on accident. "Sorry."

"Are you alright? JC?"

My vision began getting fuzzy. I stopped walking, beginning to have a panic attack as well. I threw my back against the wall and closed my eyes tight. Cara was gripping my shoulders. "June!" I felt myself falling but I never felt the impact.



"Cut! Great guys! That was a fucking brutal scene! Amazing work all around!"

We walked off set in great moods all around. Today we accomplished a lot without having to re-shoot too many scenes. I got changed and went to my apartment. Mingus was at a friends house for the weekend. I found my phone and saw I had three missed calls.

I called the number back, wondering who would be calling without leaving a message. Even when the fan would get my number once in a blue moon they would leave a message.



"It's Cara."

"Hey girl. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Don't worry because she's fine." I winced. my body tense as I waited for her to say what happened with JC. "June passed out. She was so stressed out and she is exhausted. Literally, the medical definition of exhausted. We checked her out of course. She is prohibited from working for the next week. I just thought-"

"Can I come pick her up?"

Cara paused. I heard a muffled chuckle. "Only if you're committed to staying with her the next twenty-four hours. She needs rest and some soup would do her good too."

"I am. I'm on my way."

I hung up and found my keys. Even though Cara said that JC is alright I need to see it for myself. I was anxious and nerves shot through my entire body. I locked the door behind me and took off to pick up JC. Hopefully she wouldn't mind spending at least one night with me. Thinking about it, it would probably be a great idea for me keep her at my place the whole week.

I laughed at myself. "Yeah, I bet that will go over well."