Hospital Beds


"Why exactly can't you stay?"

"Because I don't need to. I don't even need a week off. A couple of days would suffice, honestly."

"If you were a normal human being it would suffice, but you run yourself ragged. Hell, if you were a normal human being you would be jumping for fucking joy that your work told you to take off for a week! I get that your job is demanding and you are amazing at what you do but you don't think about yourself at all!"

"I'm fucking fine! I don't want to impose! You've already wasted twenty four hours of your life. I can walk, I can do everything essential Reedus! I don't want you to be taking care of me like I'm some helpless thing when you're so busy!"

"It's fine! I would feel better if you would just agree to stay the fucking week. I'm still going to work, I'm still doing everything I normally do. It's just a week."

"You called out."

"One fucking day Clint. One day, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things."

"I still don't like it. I'm not your problem."

"Exactly! Jesus fucking Christ! It was one goddamn day and it didn't fucking matter! There are scenes that I'm not even in they can fucking film! Please get that through your thick fucking head. It's been a bitch trying to film with this cast anyway because there aren't casts in the motherfucking zombie apocalypse. You know what Clint? You're right. You are not my problem, you're my friend. I want to make sure you're alright and have everything you need and most importantly that you're fucking resting and eating like you need to be. You have no sense of self-preservation! You run yourself into the fucking ground every week. I'm a goddamn actor and I have more free fucking time than you do and it's bullshit. I want you to stay here, I want-"

"Are you guys okay?"

Mingus' entrance halted our argument. We looked at each other with uncertainty. Norman ran his hands through his hair.

"We're fine. Sorry you had to listen to that Mingus," I mumbled. I felt ashamed that he was just a few rooms away and listening to us argue. He was supposed to be at a friends house but the friends Mom went into labor so he had come home early.

"It's alright. If it makes any difference I agree with Dad. You always look tired and you should let us take care of you." Mingus said it with such certainty that my resolve fell. My heart swelled because of how sweet he was and it took everything in me to not leap across the room and smother Mingus in the biggest hug.

"Alright. I'll stay."

"You'll stay?" The surprise was clear in Norman's voice.

I smiled at him shyly and nodded. "You may not always be right, but I'm pretty sure Mingus is always right."

He laughed and hugged Mingus. "Next time I'll just get you in here to lay down the law, buddy."

"Can we have pizza for dinner?"

"Yeah Reedus, can we have pizza for dinner?"

"Go ahead and order it kid." Mingus and Norman high-fived before he ran out of the room. Norman laughed then looked at me. He smiled and walked over and sat on the bed beside me. "I'm sorry for yelling at you like that."

I shrugged. "Me too."

"Why exactly was my eight year old able to talk sense into you?"

I shrugged. "Because he's an eight year old. I guess when he said how tired I look I just thought if he notices than it must be really bad. Plus he's jut listened to twenty minutes of screaming. He deserves to get what he wants."

"I just want what's best for you. It has nothing to do with controlling you or anything like that."

I nestled underneath Norman's open arm and sighed. "I know. I'm just stubborn. Sorry. Also I'm really sorry for screaming like that in front of Mingus. I'm really embarrassed."

"Doesn't matter Clinton, doesn't matter. He won't think anything of it after tonight. He's probably already over it, honestly. He came in when he felt like it was too much and we stopped. Thank you for being able to stop arguing with me. I appreciate you more because now I know that you respect my kid. I'm glad you're staying."

"Me too. Spending a week with you and Mingus might not be so bad."

"Won't be. Sorry we're eating pizza again. I feel like that's all I ever feed you."

"That's alright. I expect a gourmet meal tomorrow though Reedus," I teased. I looked up at him the same time he looked down at me and we found ourselves in a staring match. His eyes locked on mine and a weird energy filled the air.

"What're you lookin' at?" he mumbled, sounding incredibly Daryl Dixon. I noticed the longer he was in Georgia filming the more of Daryl's mannerisms he picked up. I guess it probably has something to do with him having to be in character for such a long amount of time so many days. I wonder if it would be weird if I mentioned that. I never told him that Cara, Maggie, and I had a Walking Dead marathon so I could get an idea of just who Norman Reedus was as the actor.

"Nothing. What the hell are you looking at?" The corners of his mouth shot up and a low chuckle filled the air.

"A crazy ass girl. Come on, want a beer?" I nodded and allowed Norman to pull me out of bed. He kept his arm around my shoulders and we walked into the living room where Mingus was watching a movie.

"Pizza should be here soon guys."

"Oh good, I'm starving," I groaned.

"You should have said something sooner."

"You were yelling at her too much for her to talk Dad."

"Yeah Dad," I winked. Norman smiled and opened my beer before handing it to me. He got one out of the fridge for himself and we sat on the couch beside Mingus. Maybe being on 'bed rest' for a week won't be so bad.


I jolted out of bed, sitting up so quickly that I nearly fell off the be. I ran my hands through my hair and quickly walked to the window. The rain was coming down hard. Thunder shook the quiet night and lightening lit the dark sky.

"Awesome." I sighed and paced around. I sat back down on the guest bed and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through the local news channel. I had felt calm until I saw the severe thunderstorm warning and then anxiety began working its way through my system.

Norman needs his sleep... I know I shouldn't wake him but maybe I can get away with it since I'm supposed to be resting... Being so afraid that I can't sleep isn't very conducive to getting well rested, right? I tiptoed down the hall to Norman's door. I hesitated again before I quietly opened the door.

"Norm? Are you awake?" He didn't answer after a couple of minutes. "Reedus? You awake?"

"I am now," he mumbled. Norman rolled over in his bed and found his cell phone, illuminating the path to the bed for me. "What's up?"

"It's storming." A jarring crack of thunder followed my announcement.

He laughed. "Are you afraid of storms?"


"Come here, then." Norman rolled to his side and pulled me against his chest.

"Sorry for waking you up."

"It doesn't matter."

"Are you sure? I can go back to my bed I shouldn't-"

"Shut up Clint. How long have you been scared of storms?"

"Since I was a little girl."


"They're loud and they can turn into tornados.... Speaking of do you know where to go in this building if-"

"Stop worrying. I will keep you safe, alright?"

I could barely see him but I knew he was looking me in the eyes. "Yeah, alright." Another loud crack of thunder shook the room. I jumped and Norman pulled me tighter into him.

"You ever seen a tornado?"

"Surprisingly not, actually. Growing up the real bad storms almost always missed us. When I was little I used to think our house was protected or something."

"By God or like a guardian angel?"

I shrugged. "God, I guess. My family was there too, I'm the only one scared of storms. They always made me feel better but now that I'm grown I jut have never felt safe in a storm because they aren't there. Growing up is weird, kind of. Isn't it?"

"Really weird. If you've never seen one why are you so scared of them?"

"When I was eleven the conditions were just right for one. The wind was blowing and I called my Mom because I hadn't ever seen or heard it outside like it was that night. This bitch walks out the front door while I'm in the corner have a panic attack. I screamed and screamed for her to come back or for her boyfriend to come out of the bathroom and neither of them did. She came back when she was done looking, but I guess that kind of... I don't know... Sense of being completely alone during them has stuck with me. I actually wasn't afraid of storms until that one."

"You ever seen a therapist or something about it?"

I laughed. "I see a therapist, yes, but on the totem pole of the issues I discuss with her that's actually relatively far down. I'm pretty crazy Reedus, you haven't seen it much yet but.... Fair warning."

He laughed and held me tighter against his chest. His face nuzzled into my neck, he slid up slowly until his hot breath met my ear. "You're not going to scare me off June Clinton. No, we're friends now so don't even try your bullshit with me."

I rolled back over so we were facing each other. "Yeah?"

Norman nodded and whispered a quiet yeah. The air shifted and the same weird energy as earlier filled the room. "Clint?"


"Will you show me some of your art tomorrow?"

"Sure Norm." The hand beneath my neck began weaving itself into my hair while the other drew shapes on my hip. I bit my lip and looked up at him.

Norman began moving closer until his face was right in front of mine. I froze when I figured out what was about to happen. I took a deep breath when he stopped, a little upset. I bit my lip and decided to close the distance. Norman began moving again when I did. Our lips met the same time the loudest clap of thunder I'd ever heard erupted. I screamed and shot straight up. Startled, Norman followed suit. He jumped of the bed and flipped on a light and the television as he walked towards the window to look outside.

"J- Just a severe thunderstorm..."

Norman laughed and walked back to the bed. He sat down and pulled me into his arms. "I don't know if it was you or the thunder that got me startled."

"Does Mingus not get scared during this?"

"Hell no, he loves it. He gets off on this kind of weather. Another career he has thought about is being a storm chaser."

Norman and I laid back down, turning off the light but leaving the television on. He pulled me into his chest and this time I drew circles into his skin while we watched I Love Lucy re-runs. Norman kissed the top of my head every so often and anytime a crack of thunder followed lightning he pull me closer. However, neither of us mentioned the sort of kiss.