Christmas Curse


Over the next couple of weeks, Tyler and Jack became more friendly. They said hi to each other in the lobby and the elevator and sometimes Jack would invite him for platonic coffee, which he usually accepted if he wasn’t on his way to work.

Jack, aside from being handsome and nice, also appreciated his sense of humor. Tyler was at a loss for what to do. With each time Jack laughed at one of his jokes he started to like him even more, and certainly not only as a person. Tyler often fought with himself not to flirt with Jack or from leaning to close to him when they conversed.

Aside from being a non-potential love interest, Jack was a really great friend. He listened when Tyler spoke and could remember things he had said. Jack also didn’t mind who Tyler was a person and that wasn’t something that came around very often.

Jack had even invited him to hang out on New Years Eve with him and his other friends. While Tyler was glad for the invitation he felt compelled to turn him down. He knew how that one ended.

Instead he slept threw the New Year and it felt wonderful because at least Jack had asked.

As the month progressed, they talked about the guy whom Jack was dating and Tyler almost didn’t mind. It felt like progress. Though he kept turning down Jack’s invitations to hang out with his other friends, Tyler started to talk to his co-workers and even ate with them once every week or so.

Things got a little tricky when Charlie poked his head out of hiding. It started of with a few How are you doing? text messages and escalated to the both of them getting wasted together at a bar. Tyler looked back upon this as a bad decision because all drunk Charlie wanted to do was talk about how sorry he was for how he left things two years ago and how much he regretted it. Drunk Tyler, who was no more forthcoming with his feelings than sober Tyler, just wanted to sleep. He wasn’t interested in what Charlie had to say at all any more, partially because he had gotten over Charlie and partially because he didn’t look as good as he had two years ago.

Despite all this the two of them ended up having sex in Charlie’s apartment.

Tyler snuck out the next morning figuring that had been that. He felt relieved to have had sex but was also a little embarrassed. He quickly got over this by ignoring Charlie’s new texts.

This went on for a few days until Charlie decided to drop by. Tyler thought the lack of response the past few days would give him the hint but apparently not. “What are you doing here?” Tyler asked.

“I just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing.”

“Um, yeah. I’m good.”

“That’s good… Can I come in?”


“What? Is it messy or something?” Charlie was startled. If he were being honest, so was Tyler.

“I don’t really want you to come into my house and I’d like it if you left or something.” This was about when Tyler remembered what his fatal flaw was: his honesty. He knew he shouldn’t have actually said that but he couldn’t help it. It felt nice to have the tables turned. In the past Tyler was the one expressing his affection in his own messed up way. Now, however, Charlie was trying to start something up and Tyler wasn’t having it. He still liked Charlie but not nearly as much as he used to.

“Look, I just want to talk. No big deal.”

“Do you want me to walk you back down to the lobby?” What Tyler lacked in tact, he equally lacked at trying to be consciences – he’d purposefully been trying to be more selfish and it was working.

“No, I’d actually like to talk to you about the other night. It just came out of no where and I figured we could, you know, discuss it.” It was at this point that Tyler began to actually feel remorse for what he had said to Charlie. He was obviously trying hard and it was getting to him slightly.

“We’ll talk on the way down, I was just on my way out.”

“Oh, well okay. “

Tyler made a show of putting on his coat and shoes and began to walk with Charlie down the hall. He wondered how he was going to get himself out of this one but he’d figure it out.

On the elevator, all Charlie talked about was how good they were together and how he thought it might be worth it to give it another go. Part of Tyler wanted to say yes because he knew they could probably get through this awkward patch. Another part of Tyler didn’t want anything to do with it. The way Charlie had been describing their past relationship wasn’t how Tyler pictured it. Tyler had thought of it as a time when they were getting serious while Charlie kept describing it as being nice, fun, and relaxed. Tyler didn’t particularly disagree with those things but it’s not how he wanted Charlie to think about them. That was the problem in the first place.

“Look,” Tyler eventually broke in just as they arrived at the first floor. “I don’t really want to date anyone right now. I’m thinking about becoming a priest actually.”

Charlie seemed to almost believe him and Tyler told himself that this is why he couldn’t joke.

Now in the lobby, Charlie had purposefully slowed their stride to drag this conversation out even further. “Okay… well if you change your mind just give me a call,” Charlie said in a slightly confused tone.

Tyler began to glance around for some sort of escape. He could pretend that he forgot something in his apartment or claim that he was taking the subway but he felt that he would probably get followed. Suddenly he looked through the doors of the lobby to see Jack out their smoking. Praise the Lord he thought. He couldn’t take much more of this.

“My friend’s here so we should probably both go now.” Tyler began to walk towards the doors with a purpose and caught Jack’s glance. He tried to pull a face at Jack hoping that he would understand some of his silent communication. When they got outside the building, he quickly said “Well, see ya’. Let’s head out Jack,” and quickly started walking down the sidewalk. Thankfully Jack followed silently but as soon as they turned the next corner Jack had a bunch of questions.

“What was that all about, did we make plans today?”

“Oh, no. I just needed to stop that conversation.”

“Who was that guy? Are you dating him?”

“That’s Charlie and we’re not dating.”

“I’m starting to think you have an aversion to it.”

“You caught me. When couples are around I break into hives.”

Tyler kept his eyes in front of him hoping that Jack would just let it end there. “So are you guys friends or what?”

“Uh, no. We used to go out a while ago.”

“Was he bothering you? Do you need help keeping him away or something?”

Christ you are so generous. The good news was he was over Charlie. The bad news was he certainly wasn’t over Jack. “No, it’ll be fine. Uh, thanks for going along with it.”

“No problem. What are friends for?”

Tyler honestly had been perplexed by that question up until now.
“So are you more of a one night stand kind of guy?” asked Jack. Tyler and Jack were out for coffee and things were getting weird.

Tyler hesitated before answering. “Well, recently I have been. Kind of. I mean, not intentionally. I just feel like I’ve dated too much and I guess now I’m making up for it.”

“You sound like a middle aged divorcee.”

“If the wedding ring fits.”

“Are you free on Wednesday?”

His heart nearly skipped a beat at the question. “Yeah, why?”

“I want you to meet JJ.” JJ being Jack’s new 22-year-old boyfriend. Tyler had caught glimpses of him in the hall of their apartment building but nothing more.

“Oh.” False alarm.

“You’ve got to meet my friends sooner or later.” Jack pleads. He’s getting desperate. At first he started inviting Tyler to hang out with his friends to further their friendship but now he does it because he’s worried about him. Contrary to what Jack thought, Tyler was actually doing better. He was socializing slightly, he was getting out of the house, and – most importantly – he had had sex for the first time in a long time and it had been glorious no matter the latter consequences.

“Sure, why not?” Jack was surprised by the answer and so was Tyler.

“That’s great! We’re going out at 8:00, I’ll meet you then?”

“I guess,” Tyler replied, trying to show a little bit of enthusiasm. To Jack this felt like a break through but for Tyler it was more like a test.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry to anyone who read the previous chapter before I added the italics. I'd forgotten on this site that you have to use bb code. If you read it prior to the italics being put into place you may want to go back and read it again because it changes a lot.

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