Status: Work In Progress!

Daryl Effing Dixon

Time of Day

I'd decided to hop down from the RV about an hour after the group had left to the city, the sun had risen further and I'd decided I didn't want to start frying early. I didn't know how Dale did it. He was an incredible old man that one. Camp had been quiet for the most part, like everyone was going to hold their breath until they got back. I mean, I'd grown to know some of these people pretty well..but out here? In all of this? Where literally one moment you're having a heart to heart with someone, and the next you watch them being pulled apart and thrown everywhere by monsters?

I learned not to get attached. I learned a lot actually, thinking back to when this group had found me I literally added nothing of value. Sure, I'd taken a couple fighting classes back in the day, but obviously I'd fallen out of practice enough for the redneck to have to start teaching me how to fight. The REDNECK. The closest I came to cooking an edible meal was READY COOK meal from the grocery store. I was quiet though, not a distraction unless I felt the need to be. Maybe that was a good thing here in this world?

Being quiet. Invisible. Maybe that was my contributing factor? I bit my lip slightly, an unconscious habbit I had when I thought too much or became nervous. I hadn't noticed I'd been walking anywhere particular until I arrived at my tent. I shrugged and ducked inside and abruptly plopped onto the floor of the tent. I decided after seeing all the dirt about me that I'd better wash up today. I felt absolutely gross, my dip in the lake the other day was hardly a bath. I could feel my cheeks flush with rememberance at my run in and almost tumble with Daryl. My hand absent-mindedly slid down my chest and stomach, the things he'd made me feel.. I began to feel my heat rise again in mental stimulation and decided I'd better go now to wash up before I began doing unspeakable things to him in my head. I was a great mental molester.

I pulled my bag over and zipped it open, taking out the jeans I'd washed a few days ago in the quarry, I brought them up to my nose and surprisingly they smelled fresh. I remembered how much I loved line-drying clothes outside. They smelled a certain way that no chemical brand could EVER hope to duplicate. I put them aside and reached in for a few other things I'd need, one thing I'd asked Andrea to get was any shampoo or wash for everyone, I know I was running out of my tiny Hotel sized stash. I could only imagine that everyone else was running low too. I gathered my things in my arms and turned to exit the tent, I stumbled out to see Carl and Sophia. They were croutching in the dirt playing only what I could imagine was some kind of guessing game, Carl was drawing with his finger in the Georgia dirt while Sophia watched him intently, her head tilted to the side and her small brows crooked in thought. I couldn't help but smile, even amidst all the chaos this new world brought, they could still be kids. Still PLAY and have FUN, even as a child I didn't get to play much. It had been hard for me to do anything enjoyable after the age of 5, I'd had conditions that had greatly limited my ability to do much of anything.

I turned and nodded in acknowledgement as I walked past Lori, who was watching the two children play their game. We exchanged smiles and I continued down to the water.

At the quarry I'd managed to find a somewhat private place to bathe, of course I'd never really a public person when getting naked, specifically in locker rooms. I always hated how the girls would walk around in their underware or bra-less. Talking to eachother about how cute their panties were and 'where did you get those? They're Soooo cute!'

To avoid all the body comparison and other girls snickering at me I'd always change in the bathroom stall. I was not public with my body, but of course having C tits in 8th grade didn't help..everyone just stared anyway.

I shivered as I looked around, no one as far as I could see. I kicked off my socks and shoes and set them on the beach where they wouldn't get wet and undid my belt as my jeans fell to the gound, no coaxing needed. Everything I wore was huge on me, I stepped out of the pant legs and folded them setting them on a small boulder nearby. Next I peeled off my tank top and undergarments and tossed them onto the boulder as I grabbed the small bottle of shampoo and high-tailed it into the cold water.

Holy balls it was cold.

I took a moment to adjust and then bobbed my head under the surface to wet my hair, when I came back up I latered it as quickly as possible. My teeth were already chattering madly by the time I ducked under the water again to rid my hair of the shampoo. As I surfaced and wiped my face I heard something, crackling?

I whirled around in the water, my heart racing to see...

Daryl fucking Dixon.

I felt like the ripples from my heart pounding in my body could bee seen in the water around me. He sat there leaning against the small boulder, arms crossed over his chest, and blue eyes staring directly at me. I felt embarassed and exposed. I shivered from cold and from nerves. Hours before I'd nearly had sex with this man, now he'd caught me naked in the water?

I think NOT.

He finally spoke, his deep accent pouring from his lips.

" Y' look good naked." a small smirk tugged at the corner of his thin lips. I felt myself blush madly, the breath almost knocked out of my chest.
I opened my mouth and nothing but pittiful came out.

"F-f-fcuk Y-you Dixon." This made him laugh, his accent still seemed present even in his laugh.
He pushed his weight off of the boulder using his hip and strolled closer to the edge of the water, arms swinging at his sides as he did so.

"That a threat 'er a promise? Hah! That attitude 'f 'yers ain't gonna git yah far here." he countered, smirk still present. I immediately threw one of my arms over my chest to hide my exposed breasts in the water, and threw the other hand up pointing a finger at him.

"S-stop! You c-cant comme inn h-here!" the cold water was making it hard to even form a sentence correctly. Daryl stopped abruptly and his eyes squinted down at me, I could see his brain working behind them. He smirked and began walking into the water, fully clothed.

"'S water darlin' ain't hot lava. -" I froze momentarilly, If I tried to run past him he'd catch me, he was stronger then I was and the resistance of the water would severely slow me down. So I watched and waited in borderline panic as he made his way to me, slightly pausing as he waded crotch-deep into the water, but continued towards me. My breathing became ragged as he reached me, the water only came up slightly past my chest, but not quite to his. He became quiet as he spoke,

"-Don't know why 'yer scared, maybe yah should be. Maybe I should be. Only shit's been goin' in my head since yesterday is you." For some reason his features were almost menacing. I felt myself shake a little more under his gaze,

I raised my free hand out infront of me to distance us as I tried to swim around him, instead he grabbed my wrist and pulled it back to him, forcing me closer, we were almost touching.

" You s-started it- If you don't want it then I don't want it either!" He cut me off,

"Th' fuck you talking about girl? Seemed to me you wanted it jus' as bad!" I gulped and used my hand covering my chest to help rip my other wrist of of his hand fought to swim past him, His hands stuggled to grab me as I neared the boulder, half submerged in the water that held my clothes. As I reached it I felt caloused hands grab my arm and spin me around as I stumbled back against the boulder. We were face to face, I was cornered and from my hips up I was out of the water. Exposed. My breath caught in my throat, I wanted nothing more then him, to feel him all over me and yet I was scared. Scared to death, I didn't know this Daryl, I didn't know him at all. The only Daryl I knew was from years ago, and even that night I'd barely known anything about him at all. He'd left me and hurt me so incredibly badly.

"Th' fuck's yer problem?-"

"You're my problem!-" I was shocked as the words came out of my mouth, but I continued as my anger rose

"-I didn't see or hear from you, not ONCE since then. You fucked me and left me and it ripped me apart! Do you know how BADLY that hurt Daryl? Do you!? I used to feel SORRY for girls who'd lost their virginity to a fucking douche bag and were used and tossed aside, just 'another notch to add to the belt' but then I became one of them! I promised myself that I'd grow up and get over you, that if we ever crossed paths again that I'd never even give you the time of day!"

He was still, his grip on me still tight, I was trembling now but not in nervousness or in being cold. It was anger, confusion and longing that shook me.

After a moment of his blue hues probing mine, he spoke. Almost spitting the words,

"Then the fuck was tha' yesterday? That yer way of not givin' me th' time a' day?-" His expression grew angry, "-An the FUCK? You think I jus' left yah hangin'? Ya'll don't even know wha' the fuck happened!"

"Then enlighten me!!" I screamed back, this caught Dixon off guard and he growled at me

"'ts not that simple!" I let out a gust of air from my lungs, making a small 'huh' sound and just stared up at him,

"Dixon, are you fucking-" He cut me off,

His lips crashed against mine. His body pushed mine back completely against the boulder, at first I didn't react. Shock flooded my body, then the betrayal began as I grew excited. His hands were still firmly grasped around my wrists, I began moving my lips with his, his tongue eagerly moved past my lips and began to massage mine. I gasped as his hands released mine, one grasping the top of my throat to prevent me from moving my face and his other desperately grabbed my ass and slid around the front between my legs. My entire body jerked as he shoved his caloused fingers inside me, no warning, a loud cry escaped my lips as my head whipped back at the fiery sensation between my legs. My hands flew different directions, one to his chest grabbing furiously at his shirt and the other to his hand at my crotch. He pulled his fingers out then thrust them in again and again and proceeded to finger bang me. He forced my face back to his, and instantly his lips were back on mine. Even in the water I could feel my wetness growing as he rocked my body using just his fingers.

Daryl forced my eyes to meet his and growled,

"Fuck 'yer such a turn on-" He ripped his hands away from me and tore his shirt off over his head, I gasped seeing his bare chest and ran my fingers over it, almost grabbing at his skin, his muscles flexed and moved beneath my fingers as he threw his shirt into the water and snaked one of his muscly arms around my waist and hoisted me up, instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist as he thrashed through the shallow water to the sand and nearly threw me down when we reached it, as my back fell into the sand his hands were at his pants unbuttoning them and pulling them down.

I gasped at his size, almost afraid years ago it'd felt like he'd cut me in half and he was only a teenager. Now he was a grown man and he himself wasn't the only thing that had grown, my eyes shot up to his,

"Daryl-" the nervousness in my voice was apparent, he lowered himself ontop of me, propping himself up on one of his arms beside my head as to not put his full weight on me.

" Shh- I'll be gentle Farah- " his accent poured over me in a coo, I swallowed hard and nodded my head, his mouth found one of my nipples and began sucking, I moaned and threw my head back into the sand. I felt him shift his weight and push his cock slowly inside me; I looked up and him, his eyes bore into mine as I half moaned half pleaded the further inside me he became, stretching every inch of me. My fingers dug into his chest, small pains and disscomfort filled me but were quickly replaced with something else, rushes of pleasure. Once he was all the way inside me he began sliding in and out slowly to adjust me. Once I felt okay I nodded and crashed my lips into his, his first thrust shook my body with ease, I could feel myself trembling around his cock, he was hitting all the right spots.

"F-faster- " I pleaded almost desperately,

"'Y' sure?-" he questioned looking down at me, I nodded enthusiastically, begging him. He obliged and began thrusting harder and faster, I moaned loudly and his hand gently covered my mouth, his tough skin seemingly tearing at my lips as he rocked my body. I felt the tingling and shooting become more intense after a little while more and knew I was close, I braced myself anf threw my head back as my back involuntarily arched, the rippling grew harder until I tightened around him and bellowed in exstacy against his palm as I was overtaken by an orgasm. His thrusts grew ragged and deeper, as my orgam ended I could feel his member pulse inside me. He moaned and thrust deeper one last time and held there as his body trembled, he himself over taken by his own orgasm.

He then collapsed ontop of me, neither of us spoke, our breathing was ragged and off pace. After a few minutes we regained ourselves, I gasped lightly as he pulled out of me and plopped down beside me.

"Jesus Dixon...." I rolled my head to the side to look at him, he rolled his to look back he looked tired.

"Wha'? " He snorted, "-Mad tha' yah gave me th' time a' day anyway?" a smirk pulled at his lips, his light almost sandy colored hair stuck up in all directions,

I shook my head, "No....I'm thinkin' I should more often." I felt myself smirk.

♠ ♠ ♠
SO. Long chapter, I apologise, but I told you it'd have more Daryl in it didn't I?
Comments are always welcome! And suggestions as well! Of course it won't be rainbows and sunshine for the relationship between these two this point on, but that's what makes it fun ; )
Next chapter will begin with The Walking Dead story line! Yaaay! More action :)

I do not own The Walking Dead or any of its characters, only my own!