Status: **Hope you like (:**

Nothing is Left.


"i cant drive you today because i have to go to the dentist, just walk straight until you get to bradley. you will be able to see the school from there."
i dont say anything. i just brush my bangs out of my face and nod.
"ill try." i say, knowing there is no possible way i will be making any friends on my first day. i walk outside and and start walking toward bradley, as i was insructed. it was my first day and i was pretty scared to say the least. My parents died the night before in a fire, that i caused, which burned down the house, and destroyed everything i own. I pass a stop sign with a group of kids huddling close and talking. As im walking by the group becomes compleatly silent and they all stare at me. I look over at them acting as if they werent there at all. all i hear in my head is glass breaking and fire cracking. i close my eyes trying to lay myself in silence, to break free from the horror movie my life has become. then im caught off guard my a horn blaring from behind me. i jerk my eyes open and whip my head around to see a big yellow bus stalled.
"oh sorry!" i shout stepping aside. the doors fold open.
"are you on your way to the school young lady?" a cheery middle age women says smiling at me.
"uh, yeah. but im fine to walk...really."
"Oh come on honey, dont be shy. hop on, im offering."
"no thanks, but it was nice of you to offer." i say putting a dull expression on my face.
"Alright." i scan the bus windows only to see people staring at me in wonder. great. i love being the new kid. the bus door close and the bus pulls away. i would have gotten on the bus any other day, its just i dont really want to deal with people this early. especially in the state of mind im in. i just slowly walk until the school comes into veiw. i walk into the front office to get me schedule. im told to sit and wait because the principle wanted to speak with me. so i sit next to this boy with his face in his hands. i feel how he looks. he lifts his head up and looks at me with the most pathetic look and just laughs.
"whats so funny..?" i ask, sounding a little on edge.
"your new."
"yeah, thanks for stating the obvious."
"Oh dont be like that red."
"Look i dont know what your on, but can you just not talk to me because i cant deal with anymore bullshit!" i say not knowing that i was yelling the ENTIRE time. he just looks at me like im phsycotic. well i wouldnt doubt that i am.
"im sorry, im just hella baked." he whispers to me, with a sly smile.
"No im sorry, really, because your stupidity just amazes me." i say turning my head and seeing the principle.
"can you come in my office, please, if thats to much to ask. i hope its not to much bullshit for you to deal with." she says firmly.
"uh no ma'm." i say half smiling.
"so i understand you just moved here?"
"uh yeah. last night actually." she looks at me and raises one eyebrow.
"oh, well heres your class schedule, landon, the boy you yelled at, will show you around."
"well the ball rings in ten minutes, get landon and let him show you to all your classes. hes a smart kid, regardless of his stoner nature."
i nod and get up, walking to where i was a few moments ago. this time landon was standing up leaning against the door frame.
"looks like you get to deal with a little more bullshit." he says smiling.
"i am not amused." i say frowning. and opening the door and walking out. i perfer to be independent anyway. i try to lose him in the large crowd of people but he grabs my hand and pulls me to him. i snap my hand back and glare at him. i refuse to use the buddie system with a stoner kid i dont know.
"your going the wrong way!" he says pulling me the other direction.
"Im landon." he says smiling at me. his smile fades when he realizes im not going to answer.
"what is your name, red?" i still dont answer. i spot the girls bathroom and walk in. only to be surrounded by a billion girls doing their hair and make-up. i instantly walk out, to be face to face with landon.
"okay, my name is maddie. you can go now." i say quickly trying to escape. he grabs my hand and pulls me out of a side door leading to a empty room.
"this school isnt like any other one, you will get hurt. stay by me, ill keep you safe."
"that means so much coming from a strangers mouth. i will be fine, i like being by myself.
"fine, have fun. be a bitch to people here and i garentee you will get hit. try to push through the hall and get trampled. i dont want to deal with your bullshit as much as you dont wanna deal with mine. so why dont you just shut up and stop with your prissy additude." i just look at him, thinking of what to say.
"okay when you go through what i went through in the past 24 hours, come talk to me. try to talk to people without wanting to cry. try accepting the fact you just killed yoour parents, and you have nothing left. not even a pair of clothes. everything just crumbled around me and disappeared. nothing was left but shattered mirrors, ashes and me. but im so close to nothing anyway." tears poured from my eyes and i just sat before a boy i just met. i just confessed to a complete stranger.
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sorry its a little longggg and slowww!