Status: active

The Mute Mate

Chapter Four

~Sally's POV~

After showing Caleb and Bob to their rooms, I went back to my room, lying down on my bed. For some reason, I could feel my wolf stirring. I frowned, turning on my side. My wolf was supposed to lay dormant until I met my mate. I mean, I could still talk to her, but only if I concentrated hard on the task. But this was the first time I felt anything come from her.

Closing my eyes, I focused on my connection with my wolf. Once the connection was open, all I could hear was whimpers of pain. I frowned, knowing I was perfectly fine so she should be as well.

'Aiyana? What's wrong?' I asked my wolf, concern for her growing.

<b>'Something's ... wrong.'</b>


She stayed silent for a few minutes, but I could feel her struggling to find the right words. <b> 'Something's .... or someone's ... coming. Something bad. I don't know what it is, but all I know is that it's bad. Very bad. Warn alpha.' </b>

With those words, she closed the connection, bringing me back to reality. I gasped, sitting upright. I don't know what my wolf was talking about, but she was serious. And that scared me. So I hurriedly got up and went to go find my father.

I burst into the dining room, finding my parents, Jake and Philip in the same chairs as before.

My dad stood up and rushed to me. "Sally? What's wrong?" he asked. I barely realized the tears that fell from my eyes as I frantically waved my arms, trying to motion to them to go outside.

"Calm down honey," my dad said, grabbing my arms as he guided me to a chair. I shook as I took several deep breaths, trying to stop my crying.

"Here honey. What did you want to tell us?" my mom asked, holding out some paper and pen. I took it from her and quickly wrote out what my wolf said. Handing it to my dad, I watched as dad, along with Jake, read the letter.

My dad gave Philip and Jake a look before he stood up, clutching the paper tight in his hand. He gave me a tight smile, placing a hand on my head. "Thank you Sally. I know you don't understand fully why your wolf knew what she did, but I can't explain right now. I want you to stay here with Jake and your mom while Philip and I take some people to do a quick patrol. "

Confused, but feeling a bit less scared, I nodded my head. My dad kissed the top of my head before he and Philip left the room,