Status: active

The Mute Mate

Chapter Five

~Sally's POV~

Jake, Mom and I stayed up almost the entire night waiting for Dad to come home. At 1 o clock, we forced mom to go to bed, though we both knew she was worried to death about our dad. We heard her shuffling about in her room, doors opening and drawers closing shut before the noises finally died down. My brother went next, kissing me on top of my head before heading to his room. I didn't blame him. As a future alpha, he's been starting to lead the patrols, so dad make him take morning patrols while Dad took the night patrols and dad's beta take's the afternoon patrols.

I, on the other hand, tried my best to stay up until my dad came home. i had so many questions for him.

How did my wolf know what she knew?

How is my wolf talking to me when she's supposed to be dormant?

Why did my dad listen to her?

So many questions floated in my head. I sighed, looking at the clock. 5 o clock. My brother would be up in an hour to begin his morning patrol and my dad still hasn't returned home yet. I sighed as I laid my head down on my arms, my head slightly throbbing. I closed my eyes, the throbbing slightly decreasing.

If only....


I woke with a start as I heard our door squeak close. I glanced at the clock. 5:30. I got up and padded towards the front door, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I stifled a gasp as I saw my dad leading Philip into the house, both covered in blood.

I accidently kicked a stray shoe, causing my dad to whip his head over to me. He instantly relaxed as he saw me standing there. "Sally. Go wake your brother up."

I nodded my head, giving the pair one last glance before rushing upstairs, heading straight to my brother's room. Not even bothering to knock, I walked right into the room, shaking my brother awake. My brother sluggishly woke up, but went alert as soon as he saw my face.

"Sally? What's wrong?" I quickly pointed out his door while motioning with my other hand for him to follow me. The both of us rushed downstairs and as soon as Jake saw my dad and Philip, he quickly went to help Philip over to the couch, laying him down before walking over to my dad, helping him to sit in one of the sofas. The two talked in low voices before Jake left the room returning shortly after with the phone in his hand.

I couldn't help but try to shrink into the shadows. I felt so useless now. This wasn't the first time I had to call my brother to help because my disability prevented me from helping. Giving one last glance at them, I decided my brother had everything under control before I slunk into my room, frustration building up in me. I hated being mute.