Status: feedback please

Her Beautiful but Caged Heart



I'm sure that everyone has heard of Isabella Marie Swan, right?

Of course, you have.

Sorry, sometimes the sound or rather the thought of her name pisses me off.


What you don't know is that the version she told for the most part was FALSE.

That's right. Isabella told the story wrong.

And that I, Antonella Carlimae Ramirez, am her unmentioned and unacknowledged half-sister.

The little bit- wench, okay I swear a lot so get use to it.

I'm sure you're thinking: "This girl is insane! There's no way she could be related to Isabella unless it was by marriage." Only the heavens knew how much I wish that was true. I'm sure somebody in that vast blue sky loves the misery and misfortune that is my life.

But anyways...

Nope, Charlie Swan is my biological father but Isabella is older than me. By how much? Roughly seven, eight months, give or take a few weeks. I've never cared to paid attention about that. But who's counting?

Charlie had a brief affair with my mother during his marriage to Renee thus is how I entered this beautiful yet sarcastically unfair world we live in.

I suppose that's why Isabella wrote me out of her little fairy tale; I was the mistake that ruined her perfect happy family and that she hates me of course.

Spoiled little brat.

But what's interestingly enough and also disturbing is that Isabella clings to me. Yes, she clings to me as if I'm her life line which is extremely weird and fucking annoying since she has Edward and Jacob wrapped around her bony ass pale finger. She has always tried to push my friends and boyfriends away since we were little - it never worked since my friends are just as crazy as I am even if they look shy and gentle. Also including the fact that I firmly believe that she hates me – I still do. Perhaps she's waiting for me to drop me guard so she can stab me or something. That would suck…not only because I would die – no, no the worst part is because mousey awkward little Isabella would be the one to do me in and I'll be dumb enough to get killed by her.

Not cool at all. I refuse to let it go down like that!

As you can see I have a morbid and weird sense of humor, my emotions shift randomly, sometimes I talk to people in my head, and I also get distracted very easily – blame my bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, and over active imagination. Yeah, I'm a pretty messed up person. I would apologize if I actually cared…but I don't.

Everyone has their issues…. I just have more than most…. Okay like four times more. I admitted it, happy now?

I was talking to myself again – I really need to stop doing that. Maybe I need a refill of my Lithium and Clozaril.

Snicker doodles, now I have to go to the pharmacy… Damnit.

Anyways… I've been saying that a lot lately. Oops, getting off subject again.

Ever since she decided to live with Charlie while Renee was traveling the world with her new husband, he decided it would be a great chance for us to develop a "closer" sisterly bond. I thought it was total bullshit. But get this, my mother and Renee actually agreed! I never thought my mouth could drop so close to the ground as it did that day. I'm being serious. After my birth, things were a bit awkward but the two women developed a friendly bond which makes Charlie and I uncomfortable. But that's a story for another day.

Which leads me to where I am right now - on a first class, one-way plane trip to Forks, Washington. I think my mom just wanted to get rid of me to spend more time with my step-dad in Italy.


I would ask if my life could get any worse… but I already knew it could and it would.

This is the true story of what really happened in Forks and La Push, Washington.
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From Aleeya: This is the first Twilight story I have ever written so please be a bit gentle. The story will somewhat follow the plot, it starts when Nelly and Bella first enters Forks and goes on from there.

Also, I'm allowing your character to enter the story as well; I have posted the form in my profile so please check it out and send them through PM. I would like to have them before August, don't worry I should have a couple chapters posted before then. If I don't choose your character for this story don't worry they will most likely be used in another Twilight story I'm dreaming up now.