Status: feedback please

Her Beautiful but Caged Heart

Chapter Two

What the fuck?

I turned to see seven devastatingly and inhumanly beautiful people; four boys and three girls though most of them looked nothing a like except for their chalky white skin, they were even paler than Isabella and that's saying something, dark eyes, perfectly angular features, and the dark shadows beneath their eyes that appeared to be more like purplish, bruised shadows.

They were sitting at the far end of the cafeteria near the back of the room and no one was talking. Each of them had a tray of food that remained untouched, they weren't talking or even looking at one another for that matter, all of them seemed interested but also uninterested at whatever their eyes seemed to land on, perhaps they were simply thinking about something. I decided then to look them over since everyone in my table seemed to be fascinated with them. I was curious.

The four boys were completely different. There was only one bigger boy out of the four who had dark curly hair and built like a weight lifter. But he was adorable in his own way but also intimidating, I could see how people could be frightened by him especially other males. The somewhat tight shirt he was wearing didn't help the image of power and strength that he demonstrated either. Something told me he could probably lift up an average car without too much trouble but was also a huge softie at heart.

The second boy was a bit shorter than the first but not by much. He had honey blond hair that seemed to be a curly and wavy mess that barely grazed his collarbone but the hairstyle seemed to fit him somehow. He was slender but had a decent amount of muscle to his frame. He would've been more attractive if it wasn't for the slightly pained look on his face, almost as if someone was screaming directly into his ear but he couldn't do anything about it.

The third boy was tall and skinny but also a bit awkward looking. He was less bulky then both of the other boys with his bronzed-colored hair that was as messy as the honey blond boy's but it also seemed whisked into a style that fit him. He seemed the most boyish out of the other two who could've passed as college students.

The last boy was around the bronze-haired boy's height, give an inch or two, and had roughly the same build except he appeared to have more muscle. He was slender but possessed a graceful air, reminding me of a prince from some distant country. He had white blond hair that was a bit more whitish then blonde, his hair was actually quite long compared to the other boys, stopping around his shoulders in a slight wave. He had a single mole on the bottom of his chin. He was the only one at the table that had a slight smile on his plump lips.

Two of the girls were opposites in almost every way. The first female was statuesque and stunning beautiful, even more than the people sitting with her. I felt my self-esteem go down a bit just by looking at her but I wasn't jealous, she was a natural beauty that much I could tell. She appeared to be tall around five-feet and ten inches, about eight inches taller than which was gigantic to me, like I said even Isabella was taller than me. Her golden-wheat colored hair was in gentle and elegant waves down to the middle of her back and coupled with her Sports Illustrated body made her a knock out with the boys and probably some girls if she was interested. She seemed to be related to the second boy.

The second girl was pretty in a unique kind of way. She was so tiny. She had to be even smaller than me in height and weight, which embarrassingly made me happy but that was crushed when I noticed that she was in fact wearing heels. Damn, if she stands up I'm really going to be the shortest person at this school. Despite her small figure, she had cute little curves that reminded me of a commercial model. She instantly reminded me of a pixie because of her build and hair which was a deep black; it dusted on the tops of her shoulders, and was pointed in every direction in soft spikes. She could probably pass off as the first boy's cousin.

The final girl was also unique with deep crimson colored hair that was in ringlets, cascading down her back and stopped at her small waist, with straight bangs. She had a dancer's body with curves in the right places; in fact she could be competition to the blonde bombshell sitting across from her. I could see a simple beauty mark at the corner of her right eye and another on her neck. She seemed to be related to the last boy by the features despite the obvious gender differences and color variations, they looked too much alike not to be blood related.

"So? Are they famous or something?" I questioned, becoming annoyed with the silence at the table.

Suddenly, twin pairs of black eyes snapped my way to meet my unusual purple eyes and I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Both the last boy and last girl were looking directly at me. The girl's eyes appeared to have gotten darker if that was possible. But I continued our little staring match which surprisingly caused her to smile, that's when I noticed she has adorable dimples on both of her cheeks. The male who I guessed was her brother nudged her and they shared a look and a smile, before I knew it all seven of the inhuman beauties stared in our direction, namely at me. It was so weird, so strange that I had to look away. I glanced back to see the seven looking everywhere else but my direction and I sighed in relief. That was too creepy; it was as if they knew I was talking about them.

"Oh, sorry. That's Emmett, Edward, and Alice Cullen. Rosalie and Jasper Hale. Liam and Scarlett Johnson. They all live with Dr. Cullen and his wife." Angela commented while briefly describing who was who. So, Liam and Scarlett were the ones who first stared at me. Point for me, I knew they were siblings.

"So, what's so special about them that all of you were gawking at them?" From the corner of my eye, I saw the seven exchange amused facial expressions and Alice even glanced in my direction. Strange. Probably some old family memories? Well, whatever. The whole table looked embarrassed.

"They're are attractive, of course." Jessica replied automatically who shared a giggle with Lauren. I rolled my eyes. Typical. So what they were good looking? I don't remind Forks being this boring to actually stare and gossip about people just because they were attractive but it was a small town with nothing to do. So I couldn't say anything.

"They're all together though, well most of them. Emmet and Rosalie, Jasper and Alice, but Edward, Scarlett, and Liam aren't seeing anyone." Her tone held the shock and condemnation of a small town. Obviously none of them really looked alike except for Liam and Scarlett who were obviously brother and sister. What was the big deal?

"They don't look like." I commented dryly, taking a quick sip of my apple juice. Oh, how I loved the refreshing drink.

"They're all adopted." I knew it. She fell right into my trap.

"Then I don't see what's the big deal about them being together." I stated bluntly with a slight edge to my tone as I stared Jessica down. From the corner of my eye I noticed that Isabella visibly tensed and was looking at me with wide doe-like eyes. The whole lunch table seemed to be stunned except Savannah, Eric, and Angela who seemed to be cheering me on with their eyes. Apparently I'm not the only one who found Jessica's and Lauren's small town "normalities" annoying and offensive.

"..It's just weird, you know?" Jessica stuttered looking at me bashfully and in disbelief.

"Jessica, they're adopted which means they were more likely to have been placed in foster care at one point in their life. Most people know that unfortunately the process can either make or destroy a child depending on the family's environment. But since all of them have probably experienced this they probably have a close bond, learned to depend on one another in order to cope. It's not surprising if they develop romantic relationships. We don't know what happened in their lives so we can't judge them. Besides it's not as if they are blood related then it would be a different story but that's not the case." That had to be the most I've said since I've came to Forks. Jessica and Lauren looked stunned.

"…Yeah." She whispered looking out of place. I nodded not really caring if she replied or not and took a bite into a fry.

"So, what is the doctor like?" I asked, not really interested. Instantly, Lauren jumped right into the gossip. How predictable.

"Dr. Cullen is really young, in his early thirties I think. The Hales are his wife's niece and nephew, they're twins. The Johnson's happened to be family friends with Dr. Cullen's family but their parents were killed so he took them in. Mrs. Cullen can't have kids." Lauren informed as if the woman's misfortunate condition made her less of a person, more specifically a woman. I immediately felt disgusted by these girls' behavior. It looks like I was right – they were going to hate me.

"Then it's really nice that Dr. Cullen and his wife took them in with open arms." I said, my eyes daring for either of them to make a stupid remark. I would rip them to shreds, verbally of course… Unless they say something really stupid – then someone's going to leave with a broken nose and a bruised face.

"I guess so." Lauren admitted reluctantly, watching me cautiously. Yeap, I'm definitely not like Isabella. I suppose they didn't like the family too much from the looks they were giving them; I could see jealousy, intrigue, and envy burning beneath their eyes. The green monster is showing its ugly head.

"Have they always lived here?" I asked curiously, wondering why I never caught any glances of them during my summer and holiday stays in Forks. Isabella must have realized the same since she had a pondered look on her face.

"They moved down two years ago from Alaska." That's when I realized from her tone and the other students glances that they were outsiders more likely because of their beauty despite being here for two years. I wondered if anyone even tried to be friends with them or did the young people in this town quickly turn their backs on them because they were different.

"I see." I replied, taking a bite of my semi-cool pizza. Damn, how long is lunch period? It's seems like I've been in here for two hours. I then felt a stare on my face; I swiftly turned my eyes to the culprit to lock eyes with Edward who looked frustrated, almost to the point he look constipated. I almost laughed at the thought before I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What's his problem?

"Edward's staring at you." Jessica commented as if the very thought offended her. Bitch, I'm not ugly. Okay, calm down. I ignored Isabella's weak jab to my ribs as I stared Jessica down.

"You're point is?" I asked, daring for her to open to mouth and say something to piss me off. My balled up fist was in my lap just waiting to be used… Say something stupid, say something stupid. I know I have anger problems and I'm violent.

"..N-..I didn't mean it like that! It's just th-that he never stares at anybody. He doesn't date. Apparently no one here is good enough for him." She sniffed while Lauren gave her a look that literally said suck it up idiot. That's when it clicked, Jessica probably asked Edward out and he rejected her. I then began to wonder how recent the rejection was. I bit my lip to hide the Cheshire smile threatening to split my face apart. From the corner of my eye, I noticed that Edward, the twins, and Liam shared an amused smile. Soon afterwards, they all left the cafeteria and I started up another conversation, avoiding the strange seven topic all together.

I followed Angela and Isabella to fifth hour which happened to be Biology II; I was literally bouncing as I walked since science was one of my favorite subjects, second only to art. The room set-up and seats in the Biology room were probably the same in every highschool across America, rows of high black-topped lab tables that sat two into four columns.

Angela went to her seat saying that she'll see us later and I noticed that most of the seats were filled. Great. Isabella went to see beside a handsome caramel-skinned boy with hazel eyes near the back of the room. All the seats were filled except for two and to my luck one was next Edward Cullen and the other was beside Mike. I'll be damned if I sit next to him. I quickly got Mr. Banner to sign the slip before he handed me the textbook and a syllabus. Just as I walked passed he suddenly went rigid in his seat and I could feel the heated stare directed at me. I swiftly made my way to the unoccupied seat beside Edward, completely ignoring Mike who was trying to catch my attention. I heard Angela giggle while Isabella hid her smile at his dejected face.

My eyes met coal black eyes overflowing with hostile and fury, I returned it with a look of annoyance – he seemed surprised. I plopped down in the seat without another look in his direction before I turned my full attention to Mr. Banner. I don't know what the fuck was his problem but I know I didn't do shit to him. Isabella and I exchanged looks, I could tell his behavior was even strange to her but I ignored him for the rest of the class.

Edward's posture had shifted so that he was leaning away from me, nearly off the edge of the table and his seat. His face was turned away from me with a grimace with his hands were gripping the table painfully. I almost winched. He could break the table with the force he was using. What the hell did I do to make him react like that?

I noticed when a slight breeze from the hallway wafted into the room, tossing my hair slightly; he tensed up even more with a look of disgust and frustration appearing on his face but something else as well. Did I have BO or something? I sniffed my shirt and jacket without anyone noticing. Nope, still smell like vanilla and sweet pea… Maybe he's allergic?

After fifty-five of ignoring and note taking, I decided to glance out the window to see if it was raining which happened to be in his direction, what luck I have. He was glaring down at me, black coal eyes that threatened to disintegrate me into flames on the spot. I gasped at him in disbelief before a glare covered my face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I never did anything to you so wipe the glare off your face." I hissed at him at a whisper. The nerve of this guy!

He still glared down at me but this time it was in intrigue and curiosity with a bit of annoyance, then the bell rang loudly and he disappeared out the door before anyone else could get up. I glared at the innocent seat that housed the biggest asshole in Forks before I let out a huff of air in irritation.

"Did you stab Edward with a pencil or something?" Angela joked as we walked out the door.

"No, he was being an asshole for no reason." I grumbled. Angela patted me on the back and told me that she'll see us later since her class was on the other side of the building. Isabella offered to walk me to my next class and I gladly accepted the help since I had a horrible sense of direction.

Ms. Vaughan was a nice and pretty woman who was in her early forties but I swear she could pass for her late twenties. She was full of energy but was in the pleasant side rather than the annoying. She didn't force me to introduce myself in front of the class which was also a plus. I noticed that the Johnsons and Alice Cullen were in this class but I didn't make any moves to try and associate with them. It was obvious that their brother had a hatred for me. We had a free period to paint, sketch, or mold clay. I decided to paint which was one of my favorite mediums and focused my attention on creating a beautiful work of art.

Before I knew it, the final bell rung and I gathered my things to head to the office then to Isabella's truck where she would be waiting. The rain had finally stopped for the moment but the wind was strong. I pulled my jacket closer to my chest as I walked in the hopes of holding onto the heart. When I walked into the warm and brightly lit office, I forced myself not to walk right back out.

The asshole himself, Edward Cullen, was standing at the desk and he didn't look pleased in the slightest. I stood against the wall not too far from the door and waited for him to be finished; I decided to check my phone for any recent text messages or phone calls. Sure enough, my mom had called me twice while I was sleeping the night before and once this morning. Why didn't I hear it? Then I realized that my phone was on silent the entire time – that explained a lot. I frowned to myself; she was going to be pissed…

"I'm sorry; Edward but you can't change your sixth period. All the classes are full." The familiar receptionist replied, frowning. I raised an eyebrow. This was about me? Now he was really starting to piss me off but I was mad since he couldn't change classes then I wouldn't have to deal with his attitude anymore.

The door opened again and a cold wind suddenly gusted into the room, raking its invisible fingers through my hair and rustling the papers on the desk and he immediately stiffened. I narrowed my eyes at him. Weirdo. The girl was gone in five seconds, placing a note in the wire basket before walking out. His back was still to me and I could literally see him fighting the inner battle to look at me and when he did, that glare was back in place. I sighed in annoyance before he turned back to the red-head woman with a look of disdain on his face.

"Never mind, then," he said hastily, "I can see that it's impossible. Thank you so much for your help," with that he turned his heel without another glance in my direction and disappeared out the door. I wanted to scream in frustration but calmed myself before walking towards the desk.

"How did you first day go, dear?" She asked maternally as I handed her the signed slip.

"It sucked." I said bluntly glaring at the closed door over my shoulder before sighing and giving her a weak smile. She gave me a sad smile in return and a reassuring pat on the hand.

"Boys usually act like that because they like you." And I couldn't help but laugh. Oh, how wrong she was.

"You look mad." Isabella commented when I climbed into the truck. I stared blankly between the school buildings before looking at her with a serious expression on my face.

"Do I stink?"

"What? No?" She looked confused.

"Is Cullen always such an asshole?"

"…What did he do now?" And I told her the story about what happened in the office.

"That was so rude, you didn't do anything." Her tone was hard and pissed off then I realized I just bought back the possessive and over-protective Isabella in full force. Shit.
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From Aleeya: I'm playing with the idea of Edward having two singers; Bella (who he will probably end up with as the series, though I might kill her off, I don't know yet) and Nelly. Nelly will be the imprint of one of the wolves probably Leah due to voting. I'm struggling with the vampires though since I kind of want her to be with Rosalie or Jane. So, please leave me your comments on that. I still need OC's! I only have two so send them in!