May Queen

Guardians to the Rescue

Cailleach stalked her palace room as he winter fay scurried about doing their best not to anger their mistress. May glared heatedly at the Winter Queen and pounded on the freezing walls of her prison. May no longer bothered trying to heat the six inch think walls, her power to weak in this place. With how cold the palace was, she was just warm enough not to freeze; all her abilities going to keeping her warm instead of trying to break out. If she was in her glory, May could melt her prison and Cailleach's palace with a mere thought but as it was she could not. May originally pounded and shouted at the crone, but her screams fell to deaf ears; the walls were too think. Cailleach merely looked over at the movement May was exhibiting before focusing on something else.
With a sigh Cailleach walked over and shook her head at her prisoner. "It is no use May," Her voice being carried on the wind through the ice and blowing in May's face. "You can do nothing, you are powerless here. Without the battle you are but an insignificant spring sprite trapped in the land of ice." May's temper flared, making a small imprint of her hands on the ice. "You shouldn't do that dearest Queen, you'll only die faster."
"If I die, then another will replace me!" May snapped.
Cailleach smiled, showing teeth as white as fresh snow, "Then I shall capture her and the cycle continues. I will no longer be overshadowed by the precious May Queen and the people's celebrations for you."
"You are jealous because people have a celebration for me?" May asked in disbelief. "Come now Cailleach, they celebrate you too."
"Only out of fear that I'll kill them." She scowled.
"Come now, many people enjoy winter. Have you met the Russians or Alaskans?"
"Enough, I tire of your voice." Cailleach flicked her wrist and May's mouth was frozen shut. Narrowing her eyes, May breathed out hot steam from her nose and melted the ice. Seconds later she shivered and hugged herself to get warm.
May looked up with uncertainty on her face. She knew another day was coming to an end and if she did not get out of this palace soon, the world would enter an ice age.

Two more days passed and May's lips were tinted blue. She hadn't seen the sun since she started her slumber and it was taking its toll on her. She shivered as Cailleach walked up to her. "You really should invest in better winter clothes, you will need them." She grinned as she continued on by the ice prison. May looked down at her attire; it was terrible for this weather. All she had on was a green one shoulder shirt, a long white peasants skirt, and green flats, not exactly an ideal outfit for winter. She breathed out a cloud as she tried to think of a way to escape.
It was in the middle of her thinking that she saw the winter fay start running about. On closer observation, May noticed that they were freaking out and trying to find weapons. A glimmer of hope bloomed in her heart and expanded as she saw Cailleach's face turn to absolute fury. She snatched her staff from one of her fay and prepared for a mighty wind. May could not hear anything, but she knew whatever was causing the Winter Queen distress was inching closer.
Suddenly a sleigh burst through one of the palace doors and North jumped out with his two swords. As he and Bunnymund charged at Cailleach, Toothiana and Sandy fought the winter fay that tried to create a wall between their mistress and the intruders. May smiled as she watched her friends only ripping her eyes away to watch something surf the wind. A young man with brilliant white hair and a blue hoody staid high above, giving aerial support.
Growing tired of the chaos, Cailleach summoned a large winter wind and blew it before her. The winter fay tumbled and crashed into each other, their opponents, and the walls, while the Guardians were sent tumbling back. "If you want the precious May so bad, come and save her!" She bit out like an absolute zero blast. She walked through her prison walls and grabbed a weakened May. Cailleach dropped down a few floors, finally settling in the dungeon of the palace. The guardians quickly followed, but stayed back as they watched the Winter Queen dangle May from the edge of a bottomless cliff. "You all get to bare witness to the death of the Spring Queen. The earth will never be reborn and winter shall rein forever!"
All the Guardians shouted 'NO' as Cailleach pushed May over the edge and she went free falling down the cold dark nothingness. As North charged, Bunnymund threw his boomerangs, Sandy threw sand, and Toothiana attacked the Winter fay and Cailleach, Jack dived down the pit after May.
Jack scooped up May, who started to cling to him, and headed out of the darkness and to the fighting. "Yyyyou nnneeed ttttto gettt mmmee tttto ssssssssommmme ssssssun." May's teeth chattered. Jack nodded and road the wind as fast as he could, asking it to be swift. Bypassing everyone, Jack flew through the palace and gracefully landed on the ground outside where the sun was shining bright even though the temperatures were still cold. He placed the half frozen young women on the ground and watched as she soaked up the sun's rays. She held her eyes close as she angled her head towards the sun, letting it warm her. Slowly her limp dull hair changed to a wavy golden brown, her pale skin became sunkissed giving her a slight tan, and her once pale blue lips colored to that of a light pink rose color. She smiled and turned her head towards Jack, his jaw opened slightly as her caramel eyes shone bright.
"Thank you for rescuing me, I am in your debt." She bowed her head in thanks.
Slightly embarrassed, Jack replied "It was nothing, just doing my job."
Realization came across May's face, "You are Jack Frost, the Guardian of Fun." Her smile shown bright like the sun.
"That's me. All work and no fun is not how I work."
"Well Guardian Jack, shall we go help the others and put Cailleach to sleep?"
"Eternal sleep or hibernation?" Jack grinned.
May chuckled, "As much as I would like to punish her, just hibernation. We must keep the balance."
"As you wish my queen." Jack gave a playful deep bow with mischief shining in his blue eyes. May shook her head as she chuckled. "Need me to ferry you to the battle?"
"No, now that I have my powers back, us touching for long periods of time would cause problems. Thank you for the offer, but I have a better plan." May grinned as her eyes began to glow.