

The day started normally, with my dad dragging me out of bed…
After yelling and tickling me to get out of bed (with no results), dad grabbed a glass of water to dump on me, I got up.
As I said, perfectly normal mornig here in the Colins household.
I slowly got dressed in my regular jeans and Tee, I put on my converse and my makeup, and as I went to the kitchen to get my breakfast –

“Sam, look at the clock...” dad said
“Shit! I’m late... Bye dad!!!” I said this while running out the door “I’ll eat at school...”

I wasn’t familiar to my new schedual as I just changed school. I did it to be closer to Mel, my best friend, becouse she didn’t have lots of friends, and the ones that she did have, weren’t at her school.

“SORRY!!!” I ran into the classroom.
“You should try an alarm clock, you know?” my teacher said, ironicly

Mel was laughing really hard

“Ha ha, how funny...” I whispered
“It was!” she answered “And good morning to you too!!!”
“Good morning Mel...”

I was making the countdown in my head, or better, in my stomach. I was starving!!!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – And it rang! Thank God it rang!

I went to a small snack-bar near school (as the cafeteria was always crowded) and sat in a table, outside, eating my sandwich.
In a table nearby, there was a group of guys, about 5. I looked at them (not that I’m desperate or anything). They looked either stupid, or nerdy, but then another guy joined them. He wasn’t THAT cute. He had brown hair, and a cool haircut. He caught my eye, for some reason. Later, the other guys left, and then he noticed that I was looking straight at him. I felt my cheecks blushing. He smiled and turned away. Then I noticed a girl, comming in his direction. She was all preppy and stuff, and had nothing to do with him.

“Aiden!!!” she gets near him “Hey sweetie! I was looking everywhere for you...” she said

He answred something, but I didn’t hear him.

“Let’s go!” the girl said

He got up, and got away with her, in a “whatever” way.

I hurried eating my sandwich, as it was about to ring again, and I went back to school.

In class, I was already thinking about lunch.
My dad was working out of town, so I would eat at the cafeteria. I hated the idea... Mel said she’d come with me though. At least I wouldn’t eat alone...
After a boring-as-hell class, it rang again for luch time.
Arriving at the cafeteria, a huge line awaited us. I made a “shit!” face.

“Welcome to my school!” Mel said, laughing
“Thanks...” I answered ironicly

We stood in line for about half an hour to have a “Rice or potatoes?” from the rude lady on the other side.

“Rice, please.”

Mel chose rice aswell, and we sat at a free table.
The guy I saw earlier was there. I was starring at him.

“Forget it!” Mel said
“I said “Forget it!”, he has a girlfriend...”
“What, who???”
“Aiden! I saw you looking at him...”
“I wasn’t!!!”
“You totaly were!!!”
“Ok, ok! Maybe I was...” I said, embarassed.

Mel laughed.
“Well, you better stop looking at him. Jill will probably mess with you if she sees you starring like that!”
“Starring like what???” I said

We laughed as I put a mouthfull of rice in my mouth. When I lifted my head, I saw him, and began starring again. He smiled at me, and as before, I turned red...

“Stop it!!!” Mel said, this time a lot more seriously “You’re gonna get in trouble, and you don’t want to get in trouble with Jill, especially being new around here...”

She gave a big speech about what she did to the girls who liked her boyfriends, and lots of bla bla blas. After a while, she had to leave.

“Bye!” she said “this isn’t over yet!!!”
“Yes Mel... Bye!!!” I said sarcasticly
“Hum...” she left with a smile

I finished my lunch and tried not to stare at the guy the whole time...
I picked up my stuff, and left. My head was somewhere else, and I tripped and fell. My stuff was spread all over the floor.
I felt a hand in my back, someone helped me up. I looked at the person and:

“Hi, I’m Aiden! Let me help you with that.” an quite familiar face smiled at me, as he helped me picking up my stuff. “And your name is???”
“Oh, I-I’m Sam...” I was so embarassed!!!
“Here.” he handed me the book he just picked up “I have to go.”
“Oh, OK... Thanks for your help!”
“No problem! See you around.” he walked away and then he looked back, as if he had forgotten something “And try not to fall again!!!”
“I’ll try...” I blushed.