
The plan...

SHORT AS HELL, as I'm having a lack of inspiration... No, not true... I just don't feel like writing! :P Anyways, I wanted to bring up the suspence again!


I came up from his side, and Aiden didn’t see me comming... I kissed his cheek sofly, and he looked at me, finnaly noticing my presence. He put on a huge grin.

“Hi babe...” he said, and put his hands on my face, to pull me into a kiss.

I gasped at the slight pain from the bruise on my left cheek. He looked at it.

“Hey, what happened???” he sounded worried

“Got in a fight...” I said proudly and happy

“With who?” he still sounded worried... he knew that I was kindff an outcast, and that most people around there, didn’t really like the “EMO fag”

“Jill!” I was sooo proud of myself!

“WTF!!!” he said, shocked “WHY?”

“Hey, she pissed me off...” I stuck out my tongue at him

He couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of me kicking the preps butt...

“And she beat the shit outff me... but it was fun anyways!”

“But why did you fight anyways? Wasn’t becouse of me was it? I don’t want you in problems becouse of me...”

I told him the whole story, and I told him I got detention after class, so I wouldn’t be able to go practice guitar with him.

Aiden’s P.O.V.

‘What am I going to do the whole afternoon? I was going to practice with Sam, but she’s in detention...’ I thought to myself...

...and then, one of my brilliant ideas came in mind!