

So, I got home and, of course, I phoned Mel, to tell her what happened...
She, once again, told me I was alucinating, blá, blá. I didn’t really pay attention to what she said...
After hearing her for a while, I said bye, and turned off the phone, in case she thought of calling to give me more shit.

The front door opened, and I got out of my room.

“DAD! You’re home early!” he had something hidden behind his back “what’s that?”
“ First: Hi Sam!” he said “Second: I got you a present!”

He showed me what he had behind his back.
A beutifull black and red guitar!!! I used to play, but I stoped, and I was really thinking of starting again.

“Thanks dad!!!” – I kissed him
“I’m just glad you like it...” I was already running upstairs, plugging in the amps, and starting to play.
Oh my god, I was rubish... I had basically forgotten how to play the guitar! I was going to need lots and lots of practise...


I went to the music store, ‘cause I couldn’t find my old pick, so I needed a new one.

I entered the store and a guy that worked there asked me if I needed any help.
I turned around, and he said:

“Oh, hi! Remember me, Aiden? We met yesterday at school...”
“Oh.... yeah... sure!” oh, I made such a fool outff myself... again

“Sam right?” I nodded “So Sam, need any help?”
“Well, I- I’m looking for a pick, for my guitar.”
“Ok, sure...” he starded moving to the desk “ Sooo...You play?” – he asked
“Well, kindaff. I used to, but I stoped, and now I suck at it...” I said with a smile on my face. “Do you play?”
“Yeah, I actually play in a band... you can come and check us out some day!”
“S- Sure, that would be nice...”
“And if you want, I can help you get better at playing... Give you lessons or something...”
“No, thanks... I don’t have money or anything...”
“Don’t need to pay!” he said with a huge smile, that made my heart drop to my feet “So?”
“Well, I- I guess...”
“Great. We can start tomorrow if you want... You can meet me at the store, at 1 PM.” When he finished that sentence, he took a pick from the box in his hands. “This is a great one... and it even matches your guitar!” he pointed at the guitar on my shoulder.

I paid, thanked, and left the shop... I was all dreamy and stuff. As usual, I almost fell... ALMOST!!!


Nearly 1 PM; I got my guitar, said bye to my dad, and basically ran to the front door.

- Where are you going in such a hurry Sam? – I was already outside

When I got to the store, Aiden was already there. His hair was blowing in the wind. He noticed me arriving, looked at me and smiled. My heart started “bungee-jumping” from my chest again.

“H- Hey, Aiden.” I looked at my watch “You’re early!”
“So are you!” he grinned, and turned around to the door, opening it.
“Doesn’t your boss mind us playing in here?”
“No, my boss is cool!”

The afternoon was being a laugh. We were getting along great, but then, I don’t know how or why, the boyfriend/girlfiend/relitionship talk came to scene:

“So, you have a boyfriend?” he asked
“A- Actually, no...”
“Haaa....” he grinned “I don’t believe you!”
“Well, ya should...” I smiled back
“Can’t be... a girl as nice and beutifull as you, with no boyfriend!?!” I blushed

...and then we started talking again, at the same time...

“You go first...” I said
“No, you go!”
“Ok, fine.” I rolled my eyes and smiled “But you have a girlfriend right?”

His once smiling face turned careless

“Yeah, I guess so...” he shrugged

And again, Silence...

After a while, I looked at my watch. ‘It’s late!’

“Hey Aiden... Sorry, but I gotta go. It’s getting kinda late...”
“Oh, right...” he packed his guitar “I’ll walk you out... Just let me turn off the lights and close the shop.”
“Ok.” I shrugged, and started packing my stuff too

We went out, and I said goodbye. Aiden gave me a hug, and I bet I blushed!

That night, when got to bed, I rethough all of the afternoon... and then, finnaly fell asleep...