

When I got home, I was so tired, I just dove into my bed... then, I heard that annoying sound of a new AIM

Aiden: hey sam...
Me: hey
Aiden: i just wanna say sorry
Me: fr what?
Aiden: u know, fr turning my back on u, when u were just tryin to help... sorry?
Me: course :) i wasn't mad in the first place
Aiden: good...
Me: well, u thinking of telling me, ur what?
Aiden: i broke up with jill... she was furious

‘WHAT??? He broke up with her!!! YEAH!!!' I was making a party in my head... 'Ok sam, calm down...' I said to myself

Me: really??? Why u broke up w/ her?
Aiden: i wanted to brake up w/ her fr some time now, she nevr got the point... I guess it’s true what they say bout blondes... :)
Aiden: hey, i gotta go, see u at school’
Me: sure! Bye

I got up, and went to practise my guitar skills (the skills I don’t really have)


This day didn’t start normally... Why? Well, ‘cause today I actually got up by myself, and in time!

GO ME!!!

As always, I walked to Mel’s, and then we walked to school together.

In front of the gates, there was Aiden.

He looked at me and asked:

“Hi Sam! Wanna practice this afternoon?”
“Sure! I’m free...”
“Cool! Meet you after school.”

Me and Mel walked into school.

“Wanna put me up to date?” Mel grinned
“What!? He’s just giving me some guitar lessons!” I answered, embarased
“Yeah right...” she laughed “Tell me stories...”
“Arrgghhhh! Come on!”

We walked to our lockers, as we did everyday.

When my only afternoon class was over, Aiden was outside waiting for me. We walked off together, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Jill gazing at me, furiously. I looked back at her, and grinned. I could see she wanted to kill someone, and I bet, that someone was me.