

We walked in the store, and Aiden’s boss was there.
“Well Sam, this is my boss, and dad, James Enlow.” his dad smiled “Dad, this is Sam...”
“Well hello Sam!”
“Hi Mr.Enlow”
“Just call me James...” he smiled and I smiled back
“I told you my boss was cool!” Aiden grinned “I forgot to tell you, today we can’t practice here... we’ll have to practice at my place. Is that ok?”
“Ohh... Ok!” I replied, not expecting this
“Great!” Aiden smiled, and my heart jumped off my chest again (I’m starting to think that my heart enjoys extreme sports) “I’m just getting my guitar, and we’re off!” ha said

He picked his guitar, placed it in his left shoulder, and we were off to his place. ‘WE ARE OFF TO HIS PLACE!!!’ oh gosh...
After walking for a while Aiden sudently stopped, facing a brick house, looking at it. The house was gorgeous! It had a perfectly tended garden, and it was preety big.

“Welcome!” he said, taking a deap breath and walking to the front door. He opened it, and we entered.
The inside was even better than the outside, if that was possible... all perfectly cleaned and organised.
“Wow, you’re house is REALLY nice!”
“Thanks...” he said, looking around “My mom is a clean freak!” he laughed a bit, and I laughed with him.
“I know what you mean...” I rolled my eyes
“Your mom too, huh?”
“No, my dad actually...” I felt a little sad “My mom died when I was 6...”
“Oh, sorry to have brought that up...” Aiden said embarassed
“Don’t worry...” I smiled, and he seemed relieved “Sooo, we’re gonna practice or what?”
“Yeah! Let’s go!”

He lead me to a room upstairs. When we entered I was amazed with all the stuff in the walls and floor. It was all preety messy, at least compared to the rest of his place.
He had tons and tons of CD’s, and his walls were covered in pictures from gigs and band t-shirts.

“You can throw your stuff over the bed...” he said, while plugging his guitar to the amps.

I did the same to my guitar, and we started playing, but, after a while, he was tired of teaching, and I was tired of learning, so we chatted for a bit.
I love talking to Aiden, becouse he listens and understands me. We found lots more in common.
We talked about everything: bands, gigs, the news and even the weather.
Then a moment of silence arrived, and I felt kindaff uncomfortable... I started messing around with one of the purple streaks in my hair.

“I like your hair...” Aiden said, smiling
“Oh, thanks.” I let go of my hair, and felt myself blush.
Aiden smiled again, I smiled back, and then the silence came again... he was starring at me, and I felt uncomfortable. I was just looking down at the floor, but then, all of a sudden, I felt a hand in my hair.
“It’s soft too.” His face was very close to mine. His hand went down to my neck, as he pulled me into a kiss. At first I was shocked, as I didn’t expect him to kiss me at all, but when I came down to my head, I kissed him back.
We pulled back, due to lack of air, and then starred at each other for mere seconds, but just mere seconds, becouse the next thing I know, we were kissing again.
When we finnaly pulled off from our last kiss, (there were some more between the second and the last... :P) I looked at the clock hanging on the wall.
“Shit, it’s late!!!” I looked at Aiden sadly, I didn’t want to leave... “I really gotta go...”
“No, don’t go!!!” he whinned
“I have to, my dad is gonna kill me!” I stood up and grabbed my guitar.
He stood up aswell, and walked behind me to the door. When I was opening it, he grabbed my waist and turned my face to his, kissing me again.
“Bye...” he said
“Bye...” I started walking down the street, but he remained on his doorstep, watching me walking off. I turned around, now just quite far from him, and blinked to him. He grinned and walked back in. I was walking on clouds, cloud, cloud 9 to be precise.

When I got to my room, I praticaly threw my guitar away, and plopped in my bed, to hear the distinct sound of a new AIM.

Aiden: missing u here
Sam: missing u too :D
Sam: aiden, r we like, dating?
Aiden: i dn’t know... do u want us to b dating?
Sam: hell yeah!!! :D:D
Aiden: then hell yeah, we’re dating!!!
Sam: i had fun today...
Aiden: did u? what did u do?
Sam: i made out with a really hot guy... you?
Aiden: i kissed a girl i wanted to kiss since i first saw her... wich was 5 days ago... she’s the most gourgeous girl ever!
Sam: oh is she??? we barely started dating, and you’re already cheating on me... :P
Aiden: noooo!!! you’re beutifull!
Sam: i like the sound of that... say it again
Aiden: you’re beutifulll!!!!
Sam: i’m getting addicted to this...
Aiden: hey beutifull, i gotta go...
Aiden: but i luv u!
Sam: well, i like the sound of that too... :D
Sam: luv u too!!! see ya at school!
Aiden: can’t wait! bye

And then, he signed off...