

Nothing really interesting happened that day really... Oh, yeah, I got a threat from Jill...

“Stay away from Aiden you emo bitch, he’s mine!”

I giggled at the sight of that litle note inside my locker... Did she really believe I was afraid of her??? I giggled again...

“What are your laughing at?” Mel, who was right beside me, asked
“At Jill...” I answered, with a big grinn through my face, I really though that was funny... “she left me this note, here.”
I passed the note to Mel.
“Ok, you are in serious trouble girl...” I raised my eyebrow at her, not believing what she just said, she giggled “But I must agree this is quite funny...”
We both broke down laughing, and then I saw Jill with her friend at the end of the hall...
“Come on Mel...” I said, and her eyes went wide open.
“You don’t want trouble with Jill, Sam, believe me...”
“What if I do?” I gave her a grin “I’m not scared of her...”

“Hi Jill!” I said, sarcasticaly, in a friendly tone, just to piss her off
“Hi emofreak.” She said in the same tone, quickly changing to a rough “What do you want?”
“Hey, hey, calm down...” I smiled, proud of acheiving my goal “You know what, that was exactly what I was going to ask you...” I said, still using that preppy girl friend tone.
“Leave my boyfriend alone!” she said, slightly pissed, and slightly scared, as she wasn’t used to people standing up against her.
“Jill, get this on you’re bleached barbie head, he’s not you’re boyfriend anymore!” this time, in my normal tone “He broke up with you, remember?”

Her eyes pierced through mine, when she gazed me furiously. She was so pissed, and i was so happy she was pissed!!!
“Yeah, becouse you bitch, stole him from me!!!”
“Fuck off Jill...”
“Come on Anna” she said to her friend, more like puppet, standing beside her, and while walking away she said “You’ll pay for it bitch!”
“Ohhhh, I’m so scared....” I said sarcasticly, and then I started laughing my lungs out, and soon Mel joined me in this laughter maratone.
“I can’t believe you stood up on her!” Mel said, trying to get her breath back
“I needed too! It was so fun too!!!” she rolled her eyes
“I told you already, you’re in for trouble...”
“Yeah, yeah... Ohhhh, I’m so scared...” I said, exactly the same way i had told before to Jill. We both started laughing again.