

Sorry it's short....
I'm now back in school again, I wont be updating so often... probably once a week"


I got up with the annoying sound of an alarm clock...
‘AN ALARM CLOCK???’ I thought ‘I don’t have one of those!!!’

Well.... I effortly got up, dragging myself to the kitchen jut to see my dad, smiling widely at me.

“Hi Sam...” he said, sarcasm all over the place “Liked your present?”
“Yes daddy, loved it...” I answered inthe same sarcastic tone, and then I gazed at him furiously “You’re the devil!!! Get away from me you evil spirit!!!” I said, crossing my fingers “Who are you, where’s my dad?”

We broke down laughing....

“Hi daddy!” I said, in my normal tone again
“Hi Sam...” he smiled “Had a nice sleep?”
“Yeah, until someone decided to give me an alarm clock!” I said, grabbing my cereal

As always, I went to Mel’s, to pick her up, and we walked to school. Well, we drove to school, seeing that Mel’s dad gave her his old car. It was just an old piece of junk, but Mel loved it, and it was better than walking...

We entered the school gates together, and then Mel went to see her boyfriend (yes, she’s got a boyfriend, a Tom guy or something... I don’t really like him, and don’t really know him either).

I was all alone, I started walking toward my locker.

“Hi EmoFag!” Jilll grinned, mocking me
“Hi Barbie!” I grinned even more, while rolling my eyes.
“Go Fuck yourself bitch!!!” she said

Ok, I didn’t take that as nicely, and I slammed her against a bunch of lockers behind, punching her preety dollface, and leaving her with an even preetier bleeding nose. I guess she and her friends (puppets) didn’t take that nicely either, seeing that the next thing I remember was a catfight... Me, against the 3 Barbie dolls. I kicked their buts!!! Well, not really... but they were more, and had sharper nails!!! I did rip of some bleached hair, and made one bloody nose (apart from the one before), oh, and I broke Barbie’s nail!
After a while, the other two ran off, probably to call the principal. Now it was just me and Jill.

“Samantha Colins, Jill Edwards!!! I want you both in my office!!!” The raging and high pitched voice of Mr. Cavallero, the principal, came from behind.
I gave her one last punch, threw her aside, and walked to the principals office, big grin on my face, proud of myself...