
right after the catfight

As I expected, detention after school... OH FUCK! I wanted to practice with Aiden...
Well, for now, classes... We could at least have been suspended, that way I could go home, but NOOOO, “Miss Samantha” has to stay for classes, and meet Mr. CavaZERO after school... It sucks!

Well, at least I got my chance to beat Jill up, or be beated up by her and her puppets.... but I did have a change to cause some damage, and that’s just enough for me!
I went to the bathroom after leaving the principals office. I missed almost the whole class, it wasn’t worth it to show up now... Looking in the mirror I saw a preety noticeable bruise on my face, shaped after Barbie’s rings...

It rang just a few minutes after. Walking outside there he was, Aiden, as hot as ever.
As I walked towards him, a hand stopped me, grabbing my shoulder...

Short as hell, I know, but i'm working on it!!!
I hav a few ideas, and a feeling that aiden is paying a visit to the hospital, in one of the next chapters.
Wont say for who or what though... You'll just have to wait! :P