A long way from home

Its a joke...... Right?

RECAPP: nah im just kidding you can go back and read :P
I woke up and saw the darkness surounding me. I tried to stand up but saw that i was tied down to the bed. My awms where tied to the bed post and my legs were tied together i curled up my legs and tried the best to cover myself with the flashy dress i was wearing. I started to worry (yes i was being slow!!) about being tied to a BED all hopeless but i didnt struggle i mean what would i do with cuts because of the ropes that would just slow me down when i trie to escape?! I looked around as my eyes became ajusted and saw the magnificent room i was in. The bed was a little circular and the room was all black and white and had a LOT of books and a big flat screen tv with two couches and a love seat . I heard footsteps so i quickly preatended to be asleep. "Dude what you do to her shes been out for a whole day already?!" A beatiful voice like melting honey rang out "nothing man" said the guy who kidnapped me "no shes awake shes faking right now" said a deep yet smooth voice it was sexy but how did he know i must not be that good of an actor! I opeaned my eyes and the room was finally light "let me go NOW cowards!!" I yelled spitting out each word with venom im not a girl to go down with a fight ! "Oh but we cant sweet cheeks" said the one who kidnapped me "and why not?!" I asked " cuz then you would run away" he retorted i glared at him and finally noticed the other two men in the room one was tan with beatiful blue eyes , blond hair that hanged over his eyes and the same wiry muscles as the one who kidnapped me and the other one had chocolate brown hair that was short and messy he had more of a lean muscles and grey eyes with specks of gold in them they were so breath taking but no time for gawking at them since THEY FREKIN KIDNAPPED ME!!! "Katani you are here for a reason" said the guy with blond hair said "oh really what is that so you can rape me or like get a ransom?!" I half yelled "no" he said bluntly "we will explain in time when you are ready but right now you have to calm down" he calmly ended "yea we will untie you once you calm down " said the one with brown messy hair he looked so jumpy and energetic i could easily fool him "okay im calm" i told him and he jumped up and started unting me "no shes lieing" said the blond one "and you will saty untill you start saying the truth" he said wile they all walk out the door "NO WAIT I PROMISE I WONT RUN!!" I yelled actually honest anything is better than being tied up in this cloths "un-tie her" said the blond one to the jumpy one "yay!" He exlaimed starting to untie me again "aww man i kinda liked her tied up" said the one who kidnapped me wile winking i almost threw up :P once i was un tied they gave me a tour of the HUGE house witch was surrounded my a HUGE gate ment to keep prisioners in. They had a pool and a beautiful garden they also had a library and the most coolest game room/ movie theater!! These guy were loaded!! "Well now time for interductions" said the blondy "ohh my first my name is Jace" said the one with brown hair "christ" said well the one who kidnapped me "and my name is eric" said blondy. "We will lead you to your new room and you will stay their untill we let you out and dont trie to escape we took EVER precaution" said blo- eric "fine" i muttered its not like i could go over that fence and i wont be able to fight 3 very muscular men even though im great at fighting. They led my to a room witch was extrodanary it was all purple with black furniture. The bathroom was huge and everythig and i do mean EVERYTHING a girl needed and or wanted!! "Rest tomarrow we have somthing planed" said eric "yea yea whatever just get the hell out of my room" i said i mean they took me i can be a bitch if i want to no questions asked!! I took a shower and got dressed into some baggy sweats and a old boy shirt and went to bead oh well at least im not naked i thought befor drifting off into sleep

What will they do to me??
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Well yea here is book 2 its june like 20 something 2013 i will update tomarrow !! Comment message me come on please!!