A long way from home


Recap: Christ almost choked katani and Eric saved her but she ran crying
I couldnt hold in the anger i felt twordes Katani not wanting to even be near us and when she had tried to escape i guess i lost it i feel horrable for what i had done "Katani!!!" I yelled trieing to get her to come back but of course she didnt
" now look what you did! " Eric yelled fuming
" i-i dont know what came over me i just--" i studdered i didnt know what to say
" you fucken lost it! Now she wont trust us " Eric spit as he turned on his heel and followed her i dont know why or how but for the first time in years I've feel guilty.........
And love

"Katani" eric sighed as he reached me and sat next to me by the fountine his golden blond hair moving into his blue eyes "listen i-i just wanted to tell you that christ gets out of control some times" he said looking at me through his lashes when i didnt respond he turned to leave but i grabbed his hand

" when i was little my uncle used to come over every year" i said slowly " every year after my 13th birthday he would come to my room and hurt me .... One day he almost got to far untill......" I looked into his light blue eyes "a man with beautiful white wings and golded blond hair crashed into my room and stared in my eyes with his light blue eyes"

I turned back into the water of the fountin seeing his reflection as it turned to a suprised alarmed look "he told me not to worry anymore and that he had to do somthing to my mind to keep him safe i agreed and he earased mmy memory i belive i didnt remeber no i didnt reconise who or what happened " i looked back up and tuched his cheek caressing it with my fingers "untill now" i finished whispering the last part

"Katani.... I-I" he started but i cut him of
"tell me was it you?" My voice calm and steady
he hesatated and awnsered with a grave flat voice "yes"
As soon as i heard those words i jumped into his arms and started to smile a real sincer smile that i didnt know would come out in 2 years all those smiles with stacy i now relized that they were fake

"Thank you" i whispered into his ear as he pulled me back to look at his eyes "but i have one question" i said calmly sitting on him lap

"And that is" he asked smiling like he was relived of some really heavy burden

" YOUR A FREAKEN ANGLE LIKE FOR REALLS??!!! I KNOW YOU ARNT HUMAN SO JACE AND CHRIST ARNT EITHER YEA THATS RIGHT I READ A LOT OF FICTIONALL BOOKS AND THIS IS VERY CONFUSING I NEED A COOKIE WHY THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY I WANT A COOKIE I WANT AWNSERS!!" I say waving my arms around freakishly he chuckled and picked me up bridle style and belowed "Jace , christ shes figgured it out come down here!!"

My jaw was now on the floor staring wide eyed at all of the boys
"Kat?" Jace asked looking conserned
Ithought about what they just told me Jace was a werewolf , christ was a vampire , Eric was a Angle , and i was a unknown species that a LOT of people want.... So they are protecting me..... Not confusing at all

I mean a lot of people would be angry or sad of just depressed but i actually thought this was AWSOME

" so i have POWERS?!" I said exitedly jusping out my seat everyone looked at me suprised probably cuz im naturally weird and diffrent but still .....

" yepp" christ said looking at me with guilty eyes

"Awsome ! What are they?" I asked exitedly

" well since your unkown we will have to try to find out...." Eric said

" yea your gonna train with is TRAINING BUDDYS!!" Yelled Jace jumping up and down

"Train?" I said raising my eye brow

"Yess" said jace his heyzel eyes twinkling (yes i kinda changed his eye color and his hair color is golder brown its curly ish!!" i couldnt dissapoint him by saying no so....

"Let the training beginn i said grinning
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I liked this chapter sorry i havent updated but i was at the beach dont worry i will update tomarrows <33 love yall and please comment or message me come on i want to know yall like this <333