A long way from home

New life .....

~~~~ERICS POV ~~~~
Why?? Why did i have to do this to her ?? Shes more of an angle than i. I just made her a MAID i feel horrible and Christ is enjoying every minute of it it sickens me that miserable low life

"Christ! Jace! Come down here " i yelled

"What" said a wary looking Jace his hand on his head

"We cant have any relationship with her all we have to do is watch over her until Jonathan gets here" i said pain clearly in my voice i looked over at christ looking at the floor

"Sure" he said plainly

I went to go check on Katani making our food i have to admit a girls touch would be good on this house i walked into the kitchen seeing Katani jumping around the kitchen throwing eggs everywhere and flinging flour and milk around

"WHAT THE HELL??!!" I roared i felt my face getting red i took a big breath and looked at the smug looking girl standing on the table.

"I told you once and ill tell you twice I'm Not your fucking maid" she said getting down off the table and walking away she was a maid and she would have to learn like a maid i felt the dark angle take me over (okay this part of dark angle will be explained later in the story)

I grabbed her perfect chocolate brown curls in my hand and half pulled her into a special room

"Oww what the hell??" She screamed thrashing i thought about that first day with her (yesterday) and remembered the guy who had been following her and torchering her i got even angryer as i let my wings out and i heard her gasp

\(^0^\) KATANI POV (/^0^)/

I felt him grab my hair and pull me into a dark room i saw a pair of dark sleek wings - wait wings???- spread from his back and his whole eye turned a menacing black he threw me to a wall and chained me up i felt the cold cuffs digging into my skin

"E-Eric?" I asked terrifide of what was gonna happen i was so scared i looked into his eyes with no more wight and i truly thught i saw a tint of light blue strait in the middle i focuse and that speck and somthing in my mind started churning

I was about the figure some thing out but a hand came out and smacked me making my head whip the other way

All hope is lost will anybody ever save me? This remeinded me of HIM it remeinds me of my uncle this boy reminds me of them now i know in his hands i will surly die
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I know i know im sorry for those 6 readers im sorry for takeing so long i promise i will never take this long to update again <3 love yall lol bii wait message and comment plz :) i need to know if your reading and or like it and think i should keep going thx :)