River Heights

I Get Welcomed To Insanity

I drop my bag onto the sidewalk outside of the gate and look inside at the courtyard. People milled about the courtyard talking, arguing, or using their powers. A girl with a neon blue mowhawk and two others sat on a wall of a building that had a sign reading Girls Dorm. A girl sat in a fountain in the middle of the courtyard continuosly splashing a fuming boy with blood red hair. Multiple boys who all looked the same teased a girl dressed in all black with armor covered skeletons surrounding her. A girl with short pink hair walked a horse from across the courtyard and out the gate talking quietly to the horse. She smiled widely at me then continued to walk the horse down the sidewalk and disappear a few seconds later. A boy a girl scream at each other about some math problem that I don't know shit about. "Duck!" I hear someone scream and instictively duck. A giant ball of fire sails over my head and lands at the feet of a ten year old boy. He stands there speechless and frozen as he stares at the burning grass at his feet. I slowly stand and dust myself off. I'm only here for maybe five minutes and I almost get my head burned off. I pick up my bag and turn around ending up looking at the boy with blood red hair.
He smiles weekly and rubs the back of his head. "I'm real sorry about that. Brooke just really pisses me off. She's the one in the fountain." he points to the girl sitting in the fountain who sticks her tongue out at the boy. "Anyways, I'm Robin. The official term for my power is pyromancer, but my power is actually controlling fire. Able to manipulate it. An arson more or less."
"I'm Nicole," I say. "I'm a shape shifter more or less."
He motions for me to follow him and he starts walking. I shoulder my bag and follow him as he walks slowly ignoring everything that went on around us. "The girl with the mohawk sitting on the wall. That's Reno. She'll most likely give you, your room. The building with the graffitti is the Cafeteria. We're like a normal school, only it's filled with kids who are abnormal." He explains where each building is and what we usually do. There are no rules but each kid has made an unwritten rule that everyone has to follow. Like...no cursing, no going out of the school gates. "One thing, Haley is the necromancer. She wears all black and her facial expression is almost always a scowl. Avoid her and you'll survive without a scratch." He smiles and we stop in front of the girls dorm building. "I just want to be the first to welcome you." He throws out his arms and gives me a warm smile. "Welcome to River Hieghts! Testing peoples' insanity limits since the worlds very first abnormality!"