Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 1

"No Christine! It's tango, dip, spin out and then fall! Not Cha-Cha, Twirl, spin in and fall! How could you mess that up?!" Christophe screamed from behind the camera. The Director, Noah, sighed and pulled his black beanie over his eyes.

"Cut! For the 14th time." He turned around in his chair and shot daggers from his eyes. "She did nothing wrong Christophe." He then turned back around, smiling brightly. "Now, again from the top. Christine, could you please be a dear and do the move like the queen says so we can get through this shot?" Christine nodded and got back into her first position. Noah sipped his triple shot frappachino and sighed. "Camera! Lights! Music! Action!" As Christine danced the intricate dance moves, Jordan walked in and sat down in her chair beside Noah, watching her friend. Jordan watched from the monitors, seeing that Christine was the perfect penny. Finally, the number and the scene was over. "Cut! Print! Mom!" Noah yelled as she got up form his chair and stormed over to his trailer. Christine sighed as she walked off the set and over to Jordan. Jordan laughed and shook her head.

"You wanted this more than life itself, remember?" Christine nodded, sitting down next to Jordan.

"Yes. I wanted the part. I don't remember signing up for Christophe though." She said motioning her thumb over to the OCD choreographer. Jordan laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, me and Zac are getting pretty sick of him." Christine raised her eyebrow at her starring friend.

"You and Zac, eh?" Jordan rolled her eyes and got up, making her way over to her set. "Just remember, I'm watching you!" Christine called after her. Jordan sighed and walked over to the mirror, messing with her wig. She wasn't used to having so much hair on her head. True, he hair was naturally thick; but this wig was ridiculous!

"Jordan!" Zac called from behind her. Jordan rolled her eyes once more and put on her fake smile. She really couldn't stand him, but she had to get along with him for the sake of the movie. She turned around and waved to him lightly.

"Hi Zac." Zac smiled his cheesy, dumb smile and leaned next to Jordan. "Whatcha need?" He shook his head.

"Just wanted to chat with you. You kinda ran off after Noah yelled cut on our scene." Jordan laughed lightly, remembering how she had 'accidentally' kicked Zac in the knee while doing their dance to 'Run and Tell That'.

"Yeah, sorry about your knee again. I guess I just got carried away with those kicks." She laughed innocently. Zac nodded and smoothed his slicked back hair. "So what scene do you have next?" Zac shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm supposed to be doing the 'It Takes Two' scene. But it looks like Noah's having a mental breakdown." Jordan nodded, looking over Noah's trailer where five assistants were trying to break down the door. "I actually came over to ask you something." Jordan looked back to Zac, a bit scared.

"You did?" He nodded, looking down at the ground shyly. Jordan knew that kind of look anywhere. Oh shit!

"Yeah, I was kinda wondering if you wanted to go on a date. We'll go to dinner and catch a movie or something." Jordan was speechless. She knew her answer, but it just wouldn't come out.

"Zac! Lets get this scene done right now before I lose my mind!" Noah called as he finally came out of his trailer. Zac nodded and looked back over to Jordan.

"See you tonight then." He then leaned in and kissed her cheek before running off to his set. Jordan stood frozen. He just kissed herGROSS! She gagged and frantically started wiping her cheek with her hand until it turned red. She then looked up into the mirror seeing Christine bounding over with a huge grin on her face. Jordan turned and quickly pointed her finger at her.

"It's not what you think!" She shouted at her. Christine laughed and shook her head, placing her hands on her hips.

"That's not what I heard." She sang in a teasing tone. Jordan groaned and turned back towards the mirror. "So? Which movie you going to see?"

"The movie of my life" Christine sat down in the make-up chair next to her, looking utterly confused.

"But they haven't made a movie of your life. They probably won't either. Unless you become some REALLY famous person." Jordan sighed and looked over at Christine. "What?"

"You're not dense Christine. Get Penny out of your head for maybe ten minutes. She's starting to effect you." Christine laughed and messed with her over-sized hair.

"So you're not even going? But I saw that he kissed your cheek!" Jordan faked gagged and placed a hand on her stomach.

"Don't remind me." She groaned, feeling sick to her stomach.