Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 10

"What is going on!" Noah bellowed as he walked back into the set and found Christine and Jordan 'fighting' on the cement floor. The suddenness of his voice caused the two girls to jump away from each other. "Now would someone kindly explain what the hell is going on!?" he asked, loosing his temper again.

"She attacked me-"

"She was asking for it-"

"Alright, just stop," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Whatever happened isn't going to happen again, because we're running behind schedule. Jordan, Christine, get to make up. We're going to film 'You Can't Stop the Beat,' in 45 minutes. Someone find Elijah and someone else get me a cappuccino." When he finished talking everyone snapped into motion. Christine's forming black eye and Jordan's busted lip were going to be hard to hide, even with the heavy layer of make-up caking their faces.

"How can you not see it?" Jordan asked, desperation laced in her soprano voice. "I don't want to be saying these things, but you know Zac. I was talking to Kimmy, she said he's done shit like this before," Jordan continued as Christine walked ahead of her, rolling her eyes. "Just do me a favor?" she asked, grabbing Christine's arm and turning her around so they were face to face. "Ask him about Marie, Sue and Vanessa, see what he tells you." Nodding, Christine walked away, her heart pleading for her friendship with Jordan to come back.

"When are you going to stop stringing her along?" Elijah asked Zac as they waited for the two girls to return from the make-up trailer. "I don't want you to hurt her, anymore than you already have,"

"Well then you might just want to look away," a voice said from the shadows. Stepping out into the harsh lighting of the set, Kimmy shielded her eyes and walked over to the two boys. "You see, my brother has stubbornness to him, that tends to hurt him more than it helps him,"

"What do you mean?" Elijah asked, looking nervously between his co-star and the little sister everybody on set liked. "You've done this before?!" . Zac looked at his sister, fury in his eyes. "That's it, I'm not going to let you do this to her," he said, walking off the set in an attempt to find Christine before Zac did. Fortunately, she was walking towards the set, meaning towards him.

"Christine, listen I need to talk to you about Zac," he said. Christine rolled her heavily made up eyes.

"Not you too," she said with a sigh. "I already have Jordan and Kimmy on my case. I thought you'd be behind me," she whispered, hurt at the fact that he didn't seem to trust her. Trust had never come easily for her, it was something that people had to earn from her, and not many people did.

"I convinced her to talk to him about it," Jordan told Kimmy that night while they were eating in Jordan's trailer. "I'm not sure that she's going to though." Just as Jordan took a sip of her Dr. Pepper Kimmy spoke up.

"I told Elijah," she said. Jordan spit the soda out of her mouth and sprayed it all over Kimmy. "Lovely. Thank you. But yeah. I told Elijah and he stormed out, so I think he's going to talk some sense into her," she said.

"I hope so," Jordan said, glancing into Christine's empty room. She and Christine new everything about each other. They had never fought for more than about 6 hours. They'd always cave and work out the little problem. Jordan looked at the ring she wore on her left hands' middle finger. She and Christine had gone into a vintage jewelry store their freshman year in high school and picked out rings. Christine was looking at her ring while Brittany was surrounding her with questions.

"I'm going out for a little while," Christine muttered briefly before climbing off her bed and slipping on shoes and a coat. Before Brittany had a chance to respond Christine was out of the trailer and making her way to Elijah and Zac's trailer. Just walking into the common area she found Zac and Elijah in the middle of a heated argument.

"This isn't right!" Elijah screamed, neither of them noticed that Christine had walked into the room. "She doesn't deserve this shit! She's been through enough!" he continued. Zac rolled his eyes and sat back down on the couch.

"She's tough girl, she'll get over it. Plus, she's smart, she's going to figure it out eventually. I don't see why I can't just play along until she does," he said with a casual shrug of his shoulders. Christine was standing behind Zac. Elijah looked up and saw her, opening his mouth to greet her, she shook her head and held a finger to her lips. The tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes. Silently she walked out of the trailer. After walking around for about 15 minutes she realized that he wasn't worth crying over. That there was something more important that she had to do. Hoping it wouldn't be too late she headed to her original trailer. The trailer she shared with her best friend. Knocking on the door, Kimmy opened it a minute later and pulled her in the door.

"Jordan!" she yelled. Jordan came rushing out and her face softened at the sight of her best friend sitting in the trailer once again.

"What are you doing here?" Jordan asked, sitting in a chair across from Christine. "What did he do to you?" Christine shook her head. He hadn't done anything to hurt her, not in the sense she was asking about.

"You were right," Christine whispered. It had always been hard for her to admit that she had made a mistake, in this case, she had ignored what her best friend was telling her, for a guy. "He was just using me. And you know what? It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would," she said, with a smile on her face.

"What happened?" Kimmy chirped from her spot on the counter.

"I thought about what Jordan had been saying and it all made sense, so I was going to go by his trailer and confront him. When I got there he and Elijah were in the middle of a fight. Elijah was saying I didn't deserve it and Zac said, and I quote, "She's tough girl, she'll get over it. Plus, she's smart, she's going to figure it out eventually. I don't see why I can't just play along until she does." After that Elijah saw I was there, I didn't want him to say anything so I motioned for him to stay quiet," she confessed. The entire story was out in the open. Kimmy had a look of complete joy on her face. "What? What's that face for?"

"That's her thinking face," Jordan said. "Last time she made that face she hurt herself," she added with a sideways glance at Kimmy.

"HEY!" Kimmy said, throwing a spoon at Jordan's head. Christine rolled her eyes. "I had an idea. Since he doesn't know you over heard him, we could use that to our advantage. We're just going to play up the 'Penny' side of Christine for a little while. We're going to play along, just don't realize it for a while. It'll drive him crazy and he'll have to spill eventually," she said with an evil grin on her face.

"You know, I'd never know the two of you were siblings. I didn't think plots of revenge fell in the job description of a younger sibling," Christine quipped from the couch. That night, the three girls formed a strong friendship based around one thing. The annihilation of a certain male species.