Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 11

"Christine! Come one, wake up. There's an emergency and Noah needs us on the set." Elijah yelled as she shook her awake.

"uhhh5 more minutes, mommy!" She mumbled into her pillow. "Ugh, what kind of emergency?" She finally said as she wouldn't stop shoving her.

"Christophe." Elijah simply stated. A groan erupted from her mouth as she buried her head back under the covers.

"God damnit! Wait, we're supposed to be suspended." She said flopping out of bed. "what time is it?"

"Quarter after four." He replied.

"Why is it sofour 'o clock in the morning. Well, lets not keep the diva waiting." Christine replied moodily heading for the door.

"Jordan needs to come too." He said. Christine stopped, turned towards him and burst into laughter. "What?"

"Good luck with that. I'll get Zac and meet you there." She then poked her head into the door, remembering something very Important. "Watch out for her foot!" She yelled after him.

20 minutes later Christine and Zac walked up to the set just as Elijah walked up, Jordan half-awake on her back. Christine laughed and shook her head. "Zac, Kiss her." Just as Zac was about to go over to kiss her awake, Jordan popped her head up.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" she shouted, not wanting to be anywhere near Zac's lips. She then groaned as she looked around. "What are we doing out here?" Just then, Noah and Christophe walked up to the stars.

"We're having a dance rehearsal." Noah replied cheerily. Jordan glared at Noah as she got off Elijah's back, stalking over to him.

"Care to tell me why in the hell we're having a fucking dance rehearsal at" She paused, not knowing what time it actually was. She turned her head to Christine and whispered. "What time is it?" Christine smiled and leaned in closer to her.

"4:30 in the morning." Jordan's mouth dropped and her eyes fumed with hate. She turned back to Noah, getting in his face.

"Why the fuck am I awake at 4:30 in the goddamned morning, Noah?!" Noah laughed and tried to put his arm around her shoulder. Jordan slapped his hand away, pissed the fuck off. "You better have a great reason for me to be up this early." Noah smiled and pulled out a double chocolate chip frappachino from behind his back. Jordan's eyes widened, seeing her favorite drink. Christine rolled her eyes, shaking her head. Jordan stole the frosty drink and hugged Noah quickly before running off behind Elijah's back to suck it down.

"Now that we're all contentlet's go dancing!" Christophe cheered, striking a dramatic pose. Christine stepped away from the little group, holding her hand up.

"Who said that we were all content?" Noah sighed, running his hand through his dark hair.

"Christine" He started.

"No! I'm not happy right now. First of all, Christophe and I are supposed to be on suspension. Second, I don't want to dance at 4:30 in the morning. Way too early for me to comprehend anything. I'll never remember it by the time we shoot. And lastly, I really don't want to be here right now. I'm tired and"

"Cranky." Zac said under his breath. Christine turned and glared at him. He held his hands up in defense. "Sorry baby, continue." She rolled her eyes, not forgetting that this whole dating thing was still an act.

"I'm not in the mood to do this right now" Christine said as she crossed her arms. Jordan then smiled and chucked the empty coffee cup into the nearest trashcan.

"Done!" She cheered, her arms high above her head in victory. Everyone turned their heads and stared at her. She shrugged her shoulders with an innocent smile. "What?" They then collectively shook their heads, going back to the previous conversation.

"Christine, I realized that if I kept you both on suspension that I would never get this movie done on time. Yes, It's very early to be dancing right now and we're all tired. I'm actually very surprised that we got Jordan out of bed so early." Jordan laughed and nodded her head. "We just really have to go do at least one solid rehearsal and then we can shoot it right after all the other dancers and Taylor wakes up." Elijah smiled, thinking of his on screen little sister, Taylor Parks and how good she was at the song they would be doing.

"What song are we doing anyway?!" Zac chimed in, not really a morning person either.

"Run and Tell That." Christophe answered. Jordan, still a bit sleepy, looked around curiously.

"Run and tell what to who?" Elijah sighed and picked Jordan up, slinging her over his shoulder and started walking into the rehearsal studio.

"Lets get this done before that frappachino wears out of her." Everyone agreed and hurried into the dance hall.

"One fucking solid rehearsal my ass! We've done this at least 20 times." Jordan complained as she laid down on the ground, out of breath. Christine and Zac stood over her, shaking their heads contently.

"Jordan, all we have to do is stand around and pretty much watch them dance! How can you get tired from that?" Jordan rested her body on her elbows, glaring at Christine.

"Do you know how many time's I've had to say'Well you better be next.'?!" Zac laughed and walked away to go find Elijah who was dancing up a storm. Jordan watched Zac walk away before motioning for Christine to come down to her level. Christine rolled her eyes and sat down next to her friend. "So he still has no clue huh?" Christine shook her head no.

"Not that I know of. He is an actor though, so it's still kinda hard to tell." Jordan nodded, looking back to Zac as he chatted with Elijah.

"Think we should fill in Elijah?" Christine shook her head no.

"No, They're friends and I wouldn't want to break them up. It has nothing to do with his and Zac's friendship. It's strictly a thing between me and him." Jordan scoffed and hit Christine's shoulder. "And you of course. But you're not the one dating him." Jordan sighed and nodded.

"And thank the lord for that." Christine laughed. "So have you heard about this mall thing tomorrow?" Christine nodded her head.

"Yeah, sounds like a good time to go shopping. Don't you think?" Jordan shrugged. She had never been too hyped on shopping or anything. She'd rather have someone else buy her something and if she didn't like it, she would just take it back and get something else. "Oh come on, We'll have fun anyway. Phillip is gonna go." Jordan smiled and nodded her head. Christine smiled at her best friends smile when she said his name. She was happy to finally see Jordan happy. "You really like him don't you?" Jordan nodded.

"He's different. I can just tell." Jordan sighed happily.

"Alright! Everyone into costume and make-up! We gotta get this done before the promo stuff later today." Jordan groaned and got up off the ground, helping Christine up.

"Ugh, time to go put at least 10 lbs. of costume on and at least 5lbs. Of makeup..."Will it never end?" Jordan complained. Christine laughed as she put her arm around her best friends shoulder and walked off to the make-up trailer