Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 12

After weeks of relentless filming and horrible melodramatics normally seen in daytime soap operas mixed with Christophe's emergency 4:30 dance rehearsal (which had Christine and Jordan pissed at the choreographer) the set was buzzing with the wish to do something normal. "Christine, what are we doing today?" she asked as she flopped down on the couch in their trailer. Kimmy had flown back to the east coast for a while, she was expected back within a few days.

"Did you seriously forget?" she asked, Jordan was still wearing her classic look of sheer confusion. "That's right, you were talking after we woke you up at 4:30, nevermind. We're going to the mall, some time away from this set."

"Please tell me we can get some serious revenge going?" she asked, hope shining in her blue eyes.

"Sounds good to me," Christine sighed. Being cooped up on a movie set may seem glamorous to some people, but after you're practically forbidden from leaving the set, it gets pretty dull. "We should grab Elijah," she said. Jordan nodded as she walked into her room to change and get ready. Christine rolled her eyes and walked out of the trailer and towards Elijah and Zac's. "Elijah, open the door," she called, knocking on the door. Unfortunately, he didn't open the door. Zac did.

"Hey, how have you been?" he asked, ushering her in and kissing her. "I haven't had a chance to come see you." By this time, Elijah had walked into the room.

"We're going to the mall, Jordan and I, they agreed to close the mall and let us shop from 8 until midnight without hassle. So, are you guys in?" she asked, allowing herself to be pulled into Zac's lap. Keeping her face completely the same, not allowing herself to show any negative emotion.

"I'm in," Elijah said, deciding to keep a close eye on Zac, not knowing that Christine and Jordan had their own plan of revenge. "Just give us a few minutes and we'll meet you in your trailer." Christine nodded and kissed Zac on the cheek before waving to Elijah and prancing out of the room.

"They're coming, both of them," Christine said as she walked back into her trailer. Jordan was applying a line of black eyeliner around her eyes. "The way you were bitching about make-up yesterday I thought you'd never put make-up on again. But they're going to meet us here in a few minutes and we'll hang out until we can go without getting mobbed by Zac's adoring fans." Christine's resentment towards the 'Hollywood Hottie' was growing greater minute. The filming was getting closer and closer to wrapping and time was going to run out.

"Well, I suppose that we should go get the car," she said, picking up her keys.

"I'm not letting you drive," Christine said, taking the keys out of her hand. Jordan stood, rooted to the spot, her face frozen in a pout. "No, that's it. You're going to end up wondering off with Phillip and the rest of us will be stranded. We're taking my car,"

"Why are you two arguing when you're about to be released into a closed mall?" Zac asked as he walked into the trailer and wrapped an arm around Christine's waist, giving Christine just a moment to roll her eyes, just enough for Jordan to see.

"Jordan wants to drive, and I told her I was driving. We'll lets get going," she said, walking out to the car. "Ugh, Jordan what are you doing?"

"I told you, I'm driving," she said, one of the stubborn fights that the two of them often times got into her car. "Who's coming with me?" she asked, Christine just rolled her eyes, a playful smile on her face. "Elijah? Zac?" she asked.

"Afraid I can't do that," Zac said wrapping his arm, once again, around Christine's waist. "See, I have to stay with my girl," Jordan could practically see Christine almost throwing up in her mouth. Suppressing a smile she turned to Elijah.

"Nope. Last time I was with you we had to walk home. I'm afraid I'm with Christine on this one too," he said, sliding into the back seat of Christine's black mustang convertible.

"You all suck," Jordan said, ignoring Christine triumphant laugh, as she climbed into the car, next to Elijah. "So, what's the first store we're going to?"

"You honestly think that's going to work?" Christine asked, turning around briefly to look at Jordan. "You're crazy, they're not going to want to stay with us while we go shopping in Victoria Secret?" she asked, adding a subtle wink, which fortunately Jordan caught.

"No, it's fine," Zac said, just as Christine and Jordan knew he would. "We'll wait for you." In the back seat both Jordan and Elijah rolled their eyes at his pigheadedness.

"Aw, that's sweet of you, but I'm sure you and Elijah would have much more fun in other stores. You don't need to follow us around all night," Christine said sweetly, playing the girlfriend role perfectly.

"Because that would be torture," Jordan whispered, under her breath, only Elijah caught it and he too enjoyed Jordan's dry sense of humor. "Perfect, we're here. I've been in dire need of getting off of that set for weeks," she said, flinging herself out of the car.

"Jordan, calm down. You're going to hurt the concrete," Zac said as he and Christine walked by.

"Well, Jordan. I do believe that we have some shopping to do," Christine said, separating herself from the clutches of Zac and grabbing Jordan's hand. "We'll meet you here," she said, pointing into a small alcove which had tons of privacy, "in 4 hours." Zac and Elijah nodded, walking away from the two girls, leaving them to plan their revenge.

"Christine you have to do it," Jordan told her. "It's the perfect revenge,"

"If it's so perfect..." Christine said, a smirk coming onto her lips. "You do it,"

"Ugh! That's disgusting," Jordan said, her dramatics coming out of her at full force. "I...uh...I mean it would only work if you did it. You are the girlfriend after all." Jordan then looked over her shoulder at the Hot Topic, her favorite store. It was also her only escape from this awkward conversation. "HOT TOPIC!!!" She took Christine's hand and rushed into the store. Her eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.

"Now Jordan, Think of all the things that you don't need in here and think of the things that we don't need in our trailer. It's packed full of enough of your Hot Topic crap." Christine said as she held onto Jordan's shoulders tightly. Jordan was itching to go running around the store, eyeing everything her little her heart could imagine. "Got that in your head?" Jordan nodded. "Alright then, What don't you need?" Jordan slowly turned her head towards Christine, a demonic smile apparent of her face.

"Nothing!" With that, Jordan was gone. She eyed ever band t-shirt, poster, skellanimal, make-up, hobo gloves, and the rest of the store in record time. Christine just stood at the entrance to the store, watching Jordan like she was in fast forward. In a record time of 10 minutes, Jordan had at least 5 piles of shirts, postersthe works! She paid for her goodies and walked out of the store, each bag clung close to her. She stepped up to Christine and smiled innocently. "And I'm spent."

"Yeah! All your allowance! Now what are you gonna do about the revenge thing? You don't have any money to buy the stuff that we needed." Jordan smiled and pulled Christine over to the alcove where they had told the boys to meet them later. She sat her down and pulled out and extravagant dress from one of the bags. Christine's eyes opened wider than Jordan had ever seen them. She handed Christine the Dress and put her finger up.

"But wait! There's more!" Jordan said like a game-show host. She then reached into the bag and pulled out a dress that looked just like Christine's, but a different color. "We'll match! Kinda." Christine marveled over the dress, not believing that Jordan had gotten it from Hot Topic. "I know, I'm amazing."

"What is this for?" Jordan smiled and plopped down on the seat next to Christine.

"Well, It just so happens that my birthday is tomorrow. So I asked Noah if we could have a birthday party for me. He was more than anxious to do it since we haven't been having that much fun on the set in a while." Christine raised her eyebrow at Jordan, looking between her and the dress.

"So why the extravagant dresses?" Jordan smiled bigger and clapped her hands together. Christine wondered how someone so bubbly most of the time ever got through high schooloh yeahHer.

"I'm having a Halloween Ball!" Christine groaned and leaned back onto the seat. "What? It's all part of the revenge, I kept that in mind." Christine groaned again, closing her eyes tightly.

"Wait, I heard the word party. When and where?" Zac said, walking around the corner as the hand on Christine's watch clicked to midnight. Zac pulled Christine into a deep kiss.

"Ugh! Major PDA," Jordan said, sheilding her eyes. Christine pulled away, wiping her mouth (more out of disgust than anything else) and looked at Jordan and Elijah who had just appeared.

"Jordan's birthday is tomorrow. Noah said we could have a party," Christine explained to the two boys. "Well, that means I need to go get you something, what do you want..." she turned to look at Jordan, when she saw she was asleep she turned back to the boys. "She's out cold,"

"Perfect, we can just sleep in the mall," Zac said, Christine's eyebrows widened. "Just live a little, we'll be awake and gone before the mall opens. Wait where are you going?" he shouted at Christine's retreating back.

"If i'm sleeping here, I'm buying a blanket. Would anyone else like one?" Elijah raised his hand, looking at the dirty couch with disgust. "Alright, be back in a second," she said walking towards JCPennys. Five minutes later she came back with four blankets; red, black, green and pink. "The pink one is for Jordan, it's her birthday present." Elijah curled up on the end of the couch where Jordan was splattered. Zac pulled Christine down next to him across from them. As he drifted to sleep she was left to think about the task she would have to do the next night.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S ZAC EFRON!" a voice screamed the next morning, causing Christine and Elijah to sit straight up.

"Because it was such a good idea to sleep in a public mall," Elijah muttered, cracking out his neck and waking Jordan up.

"Zac, wake up. One of your bagillion fan girls are here," Christine told him. shaking his shoulder. "You're such a dumbass!" she said, slapping him on the back of the head once he sat up.

"What was that for?"

"We're now stuck, in the mall on Jordan's birthday, doing promo because some idiot genius boy seemed to think that it was a good idea to sleep in a mall," she said, her sarcastic side coming out in full shine. "We're going to call Noah, tell him we're going to do a few hours of promo and we'll be home by 3 for Jordan's party at 8,"

"There is no way I'm going to be seen like this," Jordan said standing up. "I'm going to cartoon cuts,"

"You're going...where?" Christine asked, not sure that she heard the name right. "You're not four-years-old," she added when Jordan pointed to a salon where an elephant washed your hair.

"We should probably go in JCPennys, they'll be able to do our hair quickly," Elijah suggested, Christine nodded and stood up on the couch.

"Alright, listen everyone. We're going to go get ready and grab something to eat, we'll be back in about an hour," she bellowed out over the screaming girls and the flashing cameras. "This is going to be really bad," she mumbled as they walked into the department store.

"Zac! Zac, is it true? You're really dating Christine?" one of the photographers asked. Christine and Jordan looked up from signing a little girl's picture, waiting for his response. Apparently he's the 'hot' one in the cast.

"Yeah, that's true. We've been together 6 weeks,"

"When's the movie supposed to come out?" a different reporter asked Christine and Jordan.

"July 20th is the announced date," Jordan answered, a smile on her face for the cameras.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, this conclused the signing session," Christine announced. "We've got to be heading back to the set..." Christine said, looking at Jordan who's face was fixated in one direction. Phillip was sitting on the ledge, above a fake indoor waterfall, making out with some girl who they'd never seen before. "Oh God," she said as she, Elijah and Zac followed Jordan's angry steps.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" she screamed at him. He bolted away from the girl at lightning speed. There was lipstick smeared all around his mouth. "Well," she added, tapping her foot impatiently.

"I didn't think we were working out," he commented stupidly.

"No shit we're not working out. You're cheating on me with a 10 cent skank at the mall!" Jordan screamed as she slapped him, causing him to tumble backwards into the bottom pool of water. "Serves you right you asshole." The four of them headed towards Christine's black mustang and headed back to the set to get ready for Jordan's birthday party.