Nicest Kids in Town

Lucky 13

Jordan stormed into her trailer and straight back to her bed. She rummaged through drawers until she found the bracelet Philip had given her as an early birthday present. Jordan then ran up into the kitchen, fuming mad. Christine stood there watching Jordan helplessly. "Jordan, what's that?" Tears fell down Jordan's cheeks as she walked over to the sink, throwing the bracelet into the garbage disposal.

"Trash" She growled then flipped the switch on the garbage disposal. The metal grinded against the blades of the disposal, making the most obnoxious screeching sound ever. Christine held her hands to her ears and turned away from it. Jordan stared evilly at it until the sound disappeared into the soft hum of the machine. She then sighed loudly and smiled. Jordan felt much better now that she didn't feel attached to Philip anymore. She was free to finish the movie and enjoy her birthday without having to worry about him all night.

"JordanYou alright?" Jordan nodded and smiled brightly. Christine stood up and carefully walked over to Jordan, pulling her away from the sink. "Alright, I'm not letting you near that sink ever again." Jordan laughed and hugged Christine. "Now that you feel better, why don't you go get ready." Jordan nodded and ran back to the bathroom. Christine sighed and walked over to the sink. She looked down into the disposal and saw shredded pieces of gold at the bottom. She felt that it wasn't her place to ask what it had been. Christine walked back to the bedroom where Jordan could be heard singing an Avenged Sevenfold song from the bathroom. She loved that band with all her heart. She swore that one day she was gonna marry Synyster Gates. Christine rolled her eyes and shook her head at it, knowing it would never happen. But she let her keep her dreams alive. Christine walked over to the closet and put in the two dresses that Jordan had bought for the party. Christine's was so elegant and beautiful, she couldn't believe it was from Hot Topic. Jordan then walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. She felt much better after he shower, much more relieved. "Feel better?" Christine asked. Jordan nodded.

"Yes, Much better. You can have the shower now if you'd like." Christine nodded and walked in. Jordan was still hurting a bit from the betrayal, but she decided that since it was her birthdayshe had to get over it. Jordan walked over the full length mirror and began to fix up her hair. She first started by blow drying it with her neon blue hairdryer. She absolutely loved that thing to death. She then started to straighten it. This was the part that she hatedIt took her forever to straighten it. Once it laid perfectly straight on her head, she began flipping it out with the ends and making it all 'flippy' as she loved to call it. Christine had been standing behind her the whole time just smiling and shaking her head. Jordan looked into the mirror at her and smiled. "May I help you?" Christine shook her head and walked over to her bunk. Christine's phone began to ring with a High School Musical ringtone that Zac put on there. She rolled her eyes and picked it up.

"Hey Zac, what can I do for yousweetie?" She cringed. Jordan laughed from her straightening.

"Well I was wondering if you would be my date for this little shindig for Jordan tonight?" Christine smiled and sighed. True, Zac was a real dork; but he had his moments of sweetness.

"Of course I'll be your date Zac. I'm your girlfriend, it kinda comes with the title." She joked. Jordan glared at Christine's bunk through the mirror. She was still a little bitter about the whole Philip thing. "What time do you want to come pick me up?" Zac laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"What time does this party start?" Christine poked her head out of her bunk and looked at Jordan in the mirror for the answer. Jordan rolled her eyes and mouthed 'eight'. Christine smiled and blew a kiss to her.

"The birthday girl says 8. And it's across the set at the big studio." Zac looked down at his watch and smiled.

"Well then how about I come to get you at 6:30 and we'll take a little detour walk to the party; Just you and me." Christine sighed and brought her knees up to her chest.

"I don't know Zac, I am probably gonna have to go help set up soon." Zac scoffed.

"Come on, You'll get to the party eventually. I feel like we haven't really spent any time with just us two. Jordan or Elijah is always with us. I want you all to myself baby, can't you see that?" Christine groaned and rested her head on her knees. She knew what this meant, but she wasn't sure that she was ready for this. "Christine, I love you. I have something that I need to tell you, but I can't do it now. Can you please just come with me before the party?" She sighed again and nodded her head, not even thinking that he couldn't see her. "Christine?" She sat up, running her hand through her still wet hair.

"I'll go with you, Zac." Zac smiled and cheered to himself. His plan was working perfectly.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 6:30 and we'll go on our walk." Christine nodded and hung up the phone.

"You do know that it's already 5:45, right?" Jordan said as she put on her make-up. Christine looked at the time on her phone and screamed. Christine flew out of her bed and ran into the bathroom where she rushed to get her make-up done and her hair perfect. Jordan just laughed as she watched her best friend in such a hurry.

"You shut up! You have no idea what's going on!" Jordan rolled her eyes and walked over to where Christine was getting ready. She leaned against the doorframe and watched as Christine curled her hair.

"What do you mean I have no idea what's going on?" Christine and held onto the edges of the sink, looking down into it sadly. Jordan tensed up and placed her hand on the back of Christine's back. "Hun, What's going on?"

"The Revenge is happening." Jordan nodded. Christine looked up at Jordan with a pout on her face. "He said that he loves me." Jordan's eyes widened instantly.

"Really?" Christine nodded. "ButHeI thought that heWhy?!" Christine scoffed and pushed Jordan's hand off her.

"I don't know Jordan! Maybe he finally realized that he really does like me better than you. Maybe he changed his mind about this whole dating me to get to you thingI don't know." Jordan folded her arms across her chest and sighed.

"You know, You don't have to do this Christine. No one is making you do this." Christine shook her head and continued to curl her hair.

"No, I need to do this. I have to prove to myself that he actually does love me and this is how I'll be able to tell." Jordan shrugged and nodded. "I don't expect you to understand."

"I understand more than anyone else ever would! Why would you say that?" Christine shook her head. Jordan rolled her eyes and walked out to the bag and pulled out her dress. She took off her robe and put on the dress, smoothing it out in all the right places. "Well you're not the only one with a date to this thing." Christine raised her eyebrows and poked her head out of the bathroom.

"Really? Who are you going with?" Jordan placed her favorite black necklace pendant around her neck and smiled.

"Elijah said that he wanted to be my date for tonight. Said something about having the pleasure of escorting the guest of honour or some shit like that." She laughed. Christine smiled and nodded, going back to her hair. "Nothing is going to be the same after this. You know that right?" Christine nodded.

"It has to be done though. It's time to grow up Jordan and I think this is the perfect time to do it." Jordan shrugged and walked back over to Christine.

"Is this really how you dreamed it would happen?" Sighing, Christine turned off her curler and pinned her hair up into a cute half-up do.

"A lot of things didn't turn out like how I dreamed they wouldn't happen. This is just another one of those things." Jordan nodded, knowing exactly how that was.

"You better get dressed. He'll be here at 6:30 on the dot you know." Christine nodded and walked over to her bed where the dress laid out. She looked over to Jordan who smiled innocently and shrugged. Christine put the dress on and smoothed it out the same way Jordan did hers. Jordan smiled and clapped her hands happily. "You look great babe."

"Yes, she does." The girls turned to see Zac standing in the living room, looking his girlfriend up and down with hungry eyes. Jordan rolled her eyes and pushed past him to sit on the couch and turn on the T.V. Christine glared at Jordan before smiling shyly at Zac. He walked up to her and kissed her lips gently, wrapping his arms around her waist. His lips were at her ear, kissing it sweetly.

"You look hot." Jordan let out a loud laugh and continued to watch TV. Christine shot an evil look at Jordan. She shrugged her shoulders and mouthed 'You gonna fall for that?'. Christine rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around Zac, hugging him quickly.

"You ready to go?" Zac nodded, taking hold of Christine's hand and leading her towards the door a little too quickly. Christine smiled nervously at Jordan who smiled sympathetically. Truth was, Jordan was regretting the revenge plan. She didn't want Christine to have to go through with it. Not especially when Jordan was starting to feel some kind twinge of something go through her whenever Christine would kiss him. She shook it off and continued to watch some movie on TV. She had missed the first opening part of it, so she couldn't really tell what it was. That was until she saw 16 Candles. The birthday movie of loveJordan hated this movie. Especially nowShe turned it off and threw the remote at the TV. What the fuck was going on?! Why was she feeling like this? Jordan went back to her bed and sat on her bed, placing her earphones into her ears as she tried to drown out everything. She listened to Paramore, singing along to every song. She was at peace for a while


Meanwhile, Christine was a different story. Her and Zac had been walking around the set until they got to the same pond they had been sitting at for the past 6 weeks. Christine was a nervous wreck. She had barely said 2 words to Zac the whole time they walked. Zac was the same way. Zac then smiled when he saw the sun was setting and his spot was all set up. He placed his hands over Christine's eyes as he guided her to the spot. "Zac? What are you doing?" She laughed. Zac smiled and kept his hands over her eyes.

"It's a surprise baby." Christine nodded, even though she hated surprises. Once Zac had her set up where he wanted her, he took his hands off her eyes. Christine smiled when she saw the blanket that sat beneath the tree. Pillows surrounded the whole perimeter and a mix of red rose petals and the fall leaves were scattered everywhere. Candles were set up on the big rocks the surrounded the area. The sunlight from the sunset placed a heavenly looking glow over it. Christine turned to Zac and kissed him happily. He looked into her eyes, smiling. "You like it?" She nodded and kissed him again.

"I love it. But you do know that I'm not the birthday girl for all this right?" He shrugged his shoulders and pushed Christine back towards the blanket. They sat down, holding each other in their arms.

"You're the only girl I care about Christine. Jordan is nothing." Unfortunately, the scenery around her made her judgment a little cloudy. She believed everything Zac was saying and that was enough to prove to her that he was hers forever. She kissed Zac passionately as he pushed her back down onto the blanket, his hand creeping up her leg.


"Jordan? Jordan?? JORDAN!" Elijah called before pulling the earphones out of her ears. Jordan's eyes shot open to see Elijah hovering above her. Jordan smiled and sat up, stretching. "I've been calling you for the last 10 minutes. You've either been asleep or completely lost." Jordan laughed and nodded.

"Lost, I admit it." Jordan stood up and smoothed out her dress before sighing. "Ya ready?" He nodded, holding out his arm for her. She took it graciously and walked out of the trailer with him. They walked slowly for a few minutes.

"You do know that it's almost 9, right?" Jordan's eyes widened and she pulled Elijah along in a dead run towards the party hall.


"Oh, Jordan." Zac moaned as he finished with Christine and his 'night of passion'. Christine opened her eyes quickly, feeling her heart break. She realized that he was still using her to get Jordan; but she couldn't let him know. She let him finish and move away from her before she started putting her clothes back on. Zac smiled smugly and kissed Christine on the lips gently. "I love you so much." Christine nodded.

"I loved you too." She replied softly. She sighed and stood up, smoothing out her dress and fixing her dress. Zac stood up and kissed her again.

"So how about we get to that part for that little brat now?" Christine rolled her eyes and nodded, walking back towards the studio. Zac caught up with her, taking her hand in his. Christine sighed and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill out. She refused to let him see her hurt like this. It would only give him more reason to try and get Jordan faster. Instead she would just suck it up until she got back to Jordan.


Jordan danced around in a large group of cast members and crew to the rock music that she loved. Everything was just how she wanted it. Very gothic and rock, just like her true personality. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Zac and Christine walk in the door. Zac was smiling smugly, like he was on top of the world. Christine looked like a walking corpse. She had her eyes set on the floor in front of her and barely held onto Zac's hand. Instantly Jordan felt terrible for her, except for the small part of her that was happy that Christine didn't enjoy it and that Christine found out that she was wrong about him. Jordan quickly pushed that aside and ran over to Christine as fast as she could. Christine looked up and saw Jordan running towards her. Zac saw her too. He smiled his ugly, smug smile and kissed Christine on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go hang out with the guys, ok?" Christine nodded, never breaking her gaze of Jordan. Zac smiled and kissed Christine's lips gently before walking over to his friends to gloat over what they had just done. Jordan glared evilly at Zac before grabbing Christine in a hug.

"I was wrong...He never loved me." Jordan stared at Christine sympathetically as she smoothed her friends hair back. "He called out your name during it." Jordan shuddered involuntarily on the inside.

"I am so sorry baby." Christine shook her head no.

"Don't be. You tried to warn me, but I didn't listen to you. I'm the one who should be sorry." Jordan shook her head no and hugged Christine tightly again. Christine then pulled away and brushed her hair behind her ear. "I'm gonna go back to trailer and lay down. I'm really not in the mood for a party right now." Jordan nodded. "Happy Birthday sweetie." Jordan sighed and watched as Christine walked out of the studio back towards the trailer.

"Hey, Where's she going? What happened?" Kimmy asked from behind Jordan. She had come back in town for the party after her tests back at school. Jordan turned towards her and shook her head.

"Your brother just shattered her heart. That's what just fucking happened." Jordan said before stalking off back towards her party. She was hurting insidebut her smile had to stay on.