Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 15

"Holy shit there are two of them!" Jordan hollered, jumping behind Christine as they were walking towards the set. Zac had been released from the hospital about three hours after he was admitted. He had been told that he needed to take it easy for the next few days. "One of them is bad enough," Christine rolled her eyes and continued over to the set.

"Hey baby," Zac smoozed as he noticed Christine walking towards them. "This is Adrian, he won the fan contest,"

"There was a fan contest?" Jordan asked Christine quietly. Christine nodded and focused back towards the two guys. "Well, welcome to the set," she said to the mini-Zac.

"Hey thanks," Adrian said. "I really like it here. I think I'm going to get more involved in the theatre at my school,"

"That where we all started," Christine added lightly, her mind still not returning completely from the mind blowing news she had received a few days ago. "It's a great way to get started. Where do you go to high school?"

"Tuscarora," Adrian said and Christine and Jordan looked at each other with amusement in her eyes.

"In Frederick?" Jordan asked and the young boy nodded. "That's where we went,"

"I know, they have your pictures up in the main hallway. One from each of you at graduation and a character picture. All the guys practically worship them," Christine and Jordan laughed.

"How's Baker doing?" Christine scoffed. Adrian laughed. "Is that the reason that you didn't do theatre before now?" Adrian nodded. "Smart kid. See Jordan he's not like Zac." Jordan burst out laughing at her friend's joke.

"She's practically kicking herself because of where you two are now. She's taking all the credit for teaching you what you know. Singing and all,"

"That was so Mista Moore!!" Jordan screeched.

"Oh, so you had Mr. Moore too?" Christine nodded. "Well we should go, we're expected on the set. It was nice meeting you Adrian. Please feel free to drop by whenever you want,"

"Are you going to tell him?" Christine shook her head and turned to walk away.

"Tell me what?" Zac asked, grabbing her arm before she could get too far away from him. Christine just shook her head, shooting a glare at Jordan.

"What? He has a right to know," Jordan shrugged.

"What aren't you telling me?" Zac exploded, gripping Christine's arm harder. She winced under the pain and his grip loosened slightly.

"It's none of your business!" Christine fired. Jordan shook her head, falling into the back. "Just leave me alone," she added, the hurt and betrayal showing through her voice.

"Just tell him that you're pregnant!" Jordan screamed, clapping her hands over her mouth when the words flew out of her mouth. Christine closed her eyes and held her breath. Zac's eyes widened.

"I'm going to kill you," Christine threatened, not moving or opening her eyes. "I'm going to fucking kill you,"

"You weren't going to tell me?" Zac asked, turning Christine's shoulders to make her face him.

"I wasn't planning on it," she answered honestly trying to get away from him. He wasn't having any of that. "I would suggest you think about what happened and when you figure it out, you will know why I wasn't going to tell you." Christine had told Jordan what he did, she understood perfectly, unfortunately for the feuding couple everyone on the set seemed to be coming forward now.

"Just tell me what I did damnit!" he hollered, gripping her upper arms tightly.

"Get the hell of of me," Christine hissed. "You have no right to touch me."

"What's going on?" Elijah whispered to Jordan. Jordan just shook her head motioned for him to look at the couple in front of them.

"You weren't going to tell me that you're pregnant with my kid?!" Elijah's mouth fell open and his eyes widened. Jordan nodded with a sad smile on her face. "I think that I have a right to know that sort of thing! Even Jordan thinks so," he added, yanking Jordan forward from the back. Jordan stood by her friend looking at her arm in disgust.

"Christine?" Jordan asked looking at her best friend. "He touched me, I need Lysol!" Christine just looked at her friend an unsympathetic look in her eyes. She simply looked from Jordan's eyes to her own stomach where, as Jordan put it, "the spawn of Satan" was currently residing. "Yeah, sorry," she said as she backed into her former place. Kimmy was standing next to Elijah holding hands. "I need Lysol," she whispered to them.

"What's going on?" Kimmy asked.

"Goddamnit Zac, just leave me the hell alone!" Christine said, trying to walk away. He, once again, grabbed her arm but this time she was expecting it and she pulled away, causing her to fall face first into the cement. "Don't touch me," she hissed as he tried to help her up. "You've done enough,"

"What the hell is going on?" Kimmy asked as John and James walked up to the group. Brittany and Michelle were standing on the other side of the argument and Phillip was strolling up to the scene.

"Zac got Christine pregnant," Elijah told her. Kimmy didn't move, her only movement was her face contorting into a look of disgust.

"Well then why did you sleep with me then?" he argued. Christine rolled her eyes.

"You really are that stupid aren't you?" Christine said. "I've only been dating you is to see if you really loved me or if you were using me to get to Jordan. I think I figured that answer out."

"Christine come on! I need Lysol!" Jordan bellowed as was flailing on the ground.

"I have to go," Christine said, walking away from Zac. Kimmy caught up with them and followed them into the trailer where Jordan was scrubbing her arm, trying to ignore the tingling feeling in her arm where their skin met. Christine had taken off the light sweat jacket she had been wearing and that revealed the bruises on her upper arms.

"Holy shit! Did Zac do that to you?" Jordan screamed as she turned around at the sink. "I'm going to kill him!"

"I can't believe you had sex with my brother!" Kimmy groaned.

"I can't believe you almost had sex with Elijah," Christine fired back as she walked into the bathroom and became more acquainted with morning sickness. "This is going to be a long nine months," just as Christine walked back out of the bathroom there was a quick knock at the door. Jordan answered the door and Noah and Christophe burst through, leaving a crowd of reporters behind.

"Would someone like to explain what's going on?" Noah questioned, a very authoritative tone in his voice.

"I'm pregnant," Christine told him, causing him to almost fall backwards onto the couch. Christophe's face turned a bright red. "Cool it there dancer-boy, I know my dances, I'll be fine."

"How did that happen?" Noah asked, finding his voice.

"Did someone not get taught the birds and the bees?" Jordan teased. Noah rolled his eyes.

"I should be fine. I'm almost done with all my filming and everything after that I don't need to be on camera for." Christine said. She had thought all through this situation, even if she would have to leave the cast because of this mistake.

"There are reporters all over this place asking for you. Apparently they got word of what's going on and they want to talk to you," Noah explained as Christophe stood in the corner looking pissed.

"I'm not going out there," Christine said. "You're crazy,"

"Alright, just get some rest. We'll do all your work in the afternoons and early evenings," Christine nodded and smiled. "Well get some rest and we'll start again in a few days when the new rehearsal coach gets here."

"We're getting a new rehearsal coach?" Jordan asked, Noah simply nodded before slipping out of the doors. "That was interesting."

"I want to watch a movie," Kimmy stated. Christine nodded and she walked into her room and laid in her bed.

"Are you coming? We're going to watch it in here," Christine said and Kimmy nodded and bounded into Christine's room. Just as Kimmy, Jordan and Christine settled down and relaxed to Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End the entire nation now knew of the controversy that erupted on the set of Hairspray .