Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 16

Jordan and Christine walked out of their trailer to go to a vocal rehearsal for when live shows had to be done. Jordan smiled as the sun finally shone brightly across the massive blanket of snow. Jordan loved the snow. She danced and played in it as they walked to the rehearsal hall. Christine however, hated the snow completely. Of course, she was wearing her regular intense high heels. Her coat was pulled tightly to her body as she tried to keep in the heat. Jordan laughed as she had to hold onto Christine tightly so she wouldn't fall. "You know you shouldn't have worn those damn high heels in a blizzard."

"You know, you don't have to be so happy in this frigid shit." Jordan smiled and pulled Christine over to the shoveled sidewalk.

"So anyway, who do you think they got as a rehearsal director?" Christine shrugged her shoulders. They then noticed Zac and Elijah standing outside a window of the rehearsal studio, looking in. "What are you dorks doing?" Jordan asked as they approached them. Elijah turned to the girls and smiled sweetly. Zac turned around and the first thing he noticed was Christine shivering. He rushed over to her side, pushing Jordan towards Elijah.

"Baby, you're shivering. You know you can't afford to get sick now that you're pregnant." Christine rolled her eyes and tried to get out of his death grip on her. Jordan laughed and turned her attention towards Elijah.

"What were you two gushing at when we got here?" Elijah smiled and looked into the window again.

"They hired Nathan Lane as our rehearsal director." Christine and Jordan shot each other a confused look. Suddenly, a familiar tenor voice filled their ears. A smile danced on the girls faces. They looked into the window, confirming their beliefs. Jordan was the first to run in with Christine hot on her tail. They stood in the doorway watching in awe as he sang on of his tenor songs from a play he had been in. Chills were sent down their spines as he belted out his song. Christine smiled at Jordan who was practically dancing out of her skin. Finally, Jordan couldn't take it anymore. Luckily at that time, he began to play and sing 'A Whole New World'. He sang the male part and Jordan began singing the female part as she walked towards him. Christine smiled and waved to him when he heard Jordan singing. Jordan and him continued on until the song was over. Jordan laughed and clapped her hands happily.

"I had no idea that you would be our rehearsal director." Mista moore smiled and nodded.

"Yeah and by the sound of it, I came right on time." Jordan's mouth dropped and Christine laughed loudly. Mista Moore turned towards Christine, smiling. "It's good to see you too Christine. I see you're not working those Keys baseball games anymore." Christine shushed him as she walked over to the piano.

"We dare not speak of the devil job, ever." Mista Moore laughed and nodded. Elijah and Zac appeared in the doorway, eyeing the trip questionably. Jordan smiled and waved them in.

"Come on in boys. Come meet our favorite choir director, Mista Moore." Zac and Elijah came and shook his hand gratefully. Zac then went behind Christine and wrapped his arms around Christine's waist, resting his hands on her stomach. Christine rolled her eyes and sighed. Mista Moore shot her his infamous confused look before deciding he didn't want to know.

"so how did you get into this? Are you still teaching at school?" He nodded his head. "Still doing show choir?" He nodded again.

"Jordan, He's on winter break. Remember?" Jordan laughed and nodded.

"I'm a friend of Christophe's. he said the old rehearsal director couldn't stand a diva." He said eyeing Jordan. She held her hands up innocently and shook her head.

"It wasn't my fault." She told him. Christine just laughed loudly and covered her mouth with her hand. Jordan glared evilly at her.

"Lets get on with this, shall we?" Instantly Christine and Jordan walked over to different sides of the piano. Mista Moore smiled and nodded. The girls then saw Zac and Elijah in wrong positions. Both of them pointed to the boys, pouting and making them wanting to switch. They were both utterly confused. Mista Moore just laughed and smiled.

"Can you two switch places?" Elijah went and stood next to Christine while Zac stood with Jordan.

"Care to tell us why?" Jordan laughed and nodded.

"Soprano's on the left of him, then tenors, baritones, and finally Alto's. that's the way it's always been and the way it will always be." Christine nodded.

"so that's why you would pout your cute little pout when the other rehearsal director put you on the right?" Zac said as he stared at Jordan. Everyone froze in an awkward silence. Jordan's heart fluttered a bit, but she shook it off. Jordan rolled her eyes and looked to Mista Moore for help. He nodded and began playing the warm-up songs. As they sang, Jordan and Christine were having a conversation through their facial expressions. Mista Moore would notice them every once in a while and just laugh. Once they got to the real songs, Mista Moore dropped a bomb on Jordan.

"Well my little Show Choir alumni, I have a question." Jordan's eyes widened at what his request could be. "Do you happen to remember the dance to 'you can't stop the beat'?" Jordan groaned and banged her head on the piano. "Answer honestly." Jordan sighed and nodded as she walked over to a place on the risers. Christine was laughing hysterically by now. Jordan glared at Christine evilly. Zac and Elijah watched with joy on their faces. Mista Moore started the music while he watched her. Thankfully for Jordan, it had been drilled into her brain so many times that she did it perfectly. She smiled smugly at Mista Moore as she went back to her respective place. Mista Moore nodded and clapped his hands. "Very impressive. You even held your middle part." Jordan laughed and nodded.

"Well I'm not middle part anymore." Jordan gloated. Christine rolled her eyes and subconsciously placed her hand on her stomach.

"Pardon us." Some light voice called from the door. Everyone turned their attention towards 2 girls who stood in the doorway. None of them had ever seen the two before. "Christophe wants to see Christine." Christine rolled her eyes and walked with the two girls. Jordan stared as Christine left her standing next to Zac. He smiled and wrapped her arm around her waist. Jordan rolled her eyes and shrugged it off her.

"Alright, well Christine should her part anyway. Lets get going." They started singing though every song that they had together. Halfway through, Zac decided to sing 'It Takes Two'. He wrapped his arms around Jordan's waist, adding 'personal effect'; as he put it. Yet as he sang to her, Jordan's heart thumped so loud that she felt it had taken a microphone and turned it onto high volume. At the end, Zac smiled and hugged her. Jordan came to her senses then and pushed him away. She ran out of the rehearsal studio in a frantic search for Christine. She knew that Christophe wanted to see her, so she ran towards the dance hall. She looked in the window and her eyes widened. Christine was dancing 'Without Love' with one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen in her life. Jordan was hooked. He was incredible. Through the door she could hear him singing along with the song. From what she heard, Jordan now believed in angels. There was one dancing with Christine!

"Jordan!" Zac called to her. She didn't bother looking at him. She was too busy staring at the god inside. He walked up to her, smiling sadly. "Look, I'm sorry. I got carried away." Jordan waved it off quickly. "What are you looking at?" Jordan sighed and rested her head on the window, staring in.

"Perfection in motion." Zac looked in the window to see Christine laughing while in the arms of the handsome man. Zac's eyes flames with jealous fury. He shook his head and stormed off, livid.