Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 17

"Christine get out of bed. It's a beautiful December day and we need to go Christmas shopping," Kimmy said, pulling the thick duvet comforter off of the bed. Christine was now just about three months pregnant and a small baby bump was beginning to form. The morning sickness had gotten worse and the swollen ankles and sore back grew more painful. "No, you've been loafing around here for days on end. You're getting up,. It's Christmas Eve,"

"If you don't remember or haven't noticed, I'm pregnant," Christine grumbled as she pulled the covers back up to her chin. "And you never take a pregnant woman's blanket."

"Come on, Jordan is filming and I need to get her a present!" Kimmy bounded.

"Who left the cookie jar out?" Christine mumbled as she rolled out of bed and crawled into the bathroom. 10 minutes later she emerged. It had been two months since the newspapers got a hold of the scandal and now things were beginning to die down. "Alright, lets get this over with." Kimmy helped Christine out to the car, not taking the chance of letting her slip on the ice.

"Are you going to tell your parents that you're pregnant?"

"I wasn't planning on it," Christine said as she turned the heat button to high. "They won't care,"

"Yes they will! You're their oldest child," Kimmy said as she and Christine put on their seatbelts. Christine shook her head as she headed towards the mall. "Yes they will!"

"If it'll make you feel better I'll write them. I'll tell them to come out to the set and they can meet Zac and you and then I'll tell them the good news," Christine said. Kimmy nodded. "And then they'll be completely pissed that they had to fly all the way from Maryland to here just for something stupid like that."

"Don't you think you're parents are going to be excited?" Christine shook her head. Kimmy finally noticed the point that Christine was making and dropped the subject. They only had a few hours until Christine had to be back on the set to film. Once they were at the mall Christine and Kimmy headed inside and began their shopping. Three hours later Kimmy was carrying two bags and Christine had one, she knew what she wanted to get Jordan, it was easy shopping for her.

"I have to go film," Christine told Kimmy. Kimmy nodded, "Do you want to come with me to the set?" Once again Kimmy nodded and Christine smiled and drove to the sound set. "What's going on?" Christine asked Jordan when they walked up to the locked set door.

"I don't know, they won't let us in," Jordan whined, kicking the door.

"Do you think kicking it is going to do any good?" a soft voice asked from behind. Jordan and Christine turned around and saw the angel guy that Christine had been dancing with. "I'm Oliver," he added, extending his hand.

"I'm Christine, this is Jordan," Christine said when Jordan's eyes glazed over at the most attractive person she had ever seen. "So, I haven't seen you here before, what are you doing out here?"

"My dad's working on this project and he thought it would be a good experience for me to work with some of you guys." Jordan nodded and looked at Christine. Christine laughed and shook her head.

"Who's your dad?" Jordan asked, a sweet smile on her face.

"Christophe," he answered. Christine and Jordan's eyes were the size of dinner plates. How could this angel be the spawn of that evil thing? "I'm studying to be a choreographer, since my father is one, it made sense to come out here and work with him," Christine and Jordan nodded slowly, both wondering if he was going to be as much of an ass as his father.

"They need to open these damn doors! It's December out here and it's freezing!" Jordan whined. She may love the snow, but she doesn't love the cold without snow.

"I wonder what's going on?" Christine asked again, just as the doors clicked open. Jordan and Christine rushed into the studio and found everything to be in perfect order. Noah and Christophe were sitting in their chairs and the make-up artists were waiting patiently. "What are we filming today?" Jordan looked at the list and let out an amused sigh. "What?"

"You're going to die," Jordan warned, Christine just motioned for her to continue. "Ladies' Choice," she said and Christine just rolled her eyes and hung her head.

"Kimmy wants me to tell my parents," Christine blurted out. Jordan's eyes bulged again. "I know, I told her that they won't care but she's stubborn. I told her I'd fly them out here and give it a shot and she can see that they don't care. Everyone can watch me get smacked around by my father." Jordan locked her eyes with Christine's and shook her head.

"I won't let that happen. I promise," Jordan soothed, not really believing that Christine's father would actually do that to her. After all, she had met her best friends' father.

"You won't be able to stop it. I just need to accept it now and when they get here it'll be easier," Christine said as the make-up artist was working on her makeup.

"When are they going to come out?"

"I'm hoping right around Christmas, maybe the holiday spirit will help me out," Christine said. Jordan had never heard this tone come from her best friend. Her best friend had a tone of depression and worry. A sense of defeatedness to her which was rare. "Don't worry about me, really. I'll be fine," Christine said, getting up out of the makeup chair as Penny. Fifteen minutes later everyone was in place and the cameras were about to begin rolling. The lights dimmed, the stage lights brightened and the music began. Jordan's mind was on what Christine said, everyone can watch me get smacked around by my father. "Hey come on, I need to get home before I throw up everywhere," Jordan grimaced and nodded.

"Hey Christine! Wait up!" Elijah called, Christine and Jordan stopped and waited for their friend. "How are you guys?"

"I'm about to throw up," Christine said in false happiness. Elijah scoffed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm telling my parents to get on a plane tonight so they can be here by dinner tomorrow,"

"Are you really worried about them?" Jordan asked. Christine smiled and nodded. Her father had hit her a couple of times in the past when she told him news that he didn't want to hear. This news, she had a feeling, would fall into that category.

"Come on, lets get inside," Christine said, pulling Elijah and Jordan into their trailer. They had gotten a Christmas tree and decorated it in the corner of their trailer. "Do you want to help us decorate. I think Jordan's going to need more help than I can give her," Elijah nodded and Christine put in Christmas Carols. As Jordan and Elijah scattered Christmas decorations around the trailer Christine wrote small invitations addressed to almost everyone in the cast. Noah, Christophe, Mista Moore, Elijah, Zac, James and John all were invited over the following afternoon for Christmas Dinner. "I'll be right back, I have to go deliver these invitations," Jordan nodded and continued singing The Christmas Song. "Hey mom, it's me. Yeah I'm fine. I was wondering if you and dad could hop on a plane and get up here for tomorrow's dinner. That's great, yeah I'll pay for them. Alright see you tomorrow. Love you too, bye." Christine said to her mother over the phone as soon as she walked out of the trailer. She took a deep breath and headed towards Zac's trailer.

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing out there?" Zac asked, pulling Christine into his trailer.

"My parents are going to be here tomorrow," she told him. He nodded and turned away from her. "Listen, I don't think we're really working anymore, in fact, I don't think we ever really worked," Christine said, Zac turned to face her and nodded. "I know that you really like Jordan and I understand that, so friends?" she asked, sticking her hand out.

"Friends," he said, hugging her, ignoring her extended hand.

"I came to bring you this," she said, handing him the envelope. "You should really be there," she told him as she walked out of the room. She made her way around the set, giving out all the invitations and receiving "I'll be there's" from everyone.

"What do you think?" Jordan asked as Christine walked back into their trailer and took off her winter coat. Christine smiled and nodded, the room looked really good.

"I broke up with Zac," Christine told Kimmy, Elijah and Jordan. Kimmy smiled and Jordan felt a weight lift off of her heart. Ignoring this feeling she hugged her best friend. "Now my only worry is tomorrow," she muttered to herself. "I'm going to get to bed. Tomorrow's going to be a really long day and I'm going to need whatever sleep I can get." Christine headed to bed, leaving Elijah, Kimmy and Jordan in the living area.

"What is she talking about tomorrow? Tomorrow's Christmas, she should be happy," Elijah said, a completely confused look on his face. Kimmy shrugged and Jordan didn't answer, not completely believing what her friend was saying. But only time would tell.