Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 18

"It's Christmas! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Kimmy and Jordan cheered early the next morning. Christine looked at them and rolled back over. "Get up! It's Christmas morning!"

"What the hell are you doing waking me up at..." she paused to look at the clock, "five o'clock in the morning!?" she nearly screeched. "Let me get more sleep,"

"Come on! Santa came!" Kimmy said, tugging on Christine's arm like a four-year-old.

"Santa's not real," Christine murmured as she practically rolled out of bed. Kimmy and Jordan gasped. "Please tell me you knew that?" she pleaded as she grabbed her bathrobe and slipped it on. "What are you two...four?" Jordan smiled and grabbed Christine's hand and pulled her out into the living area as there was a light knocking at the door. "Who the hell is that?"

"We invited a few people over to open presents with us," Jordan said sheepishly. Christine rolled her eyes as Kimmy walked over to the door and opened it. The cold air billowed in, snow and ice flew in as nine people walked through the door.

"A few people?" Christine whispered to Jordan as everyone began unloading gifts under the tree. There were two girls who looked unfamiliar.

"Christine, Jordan, these are my daughters' Josie and Cora," Noah introduced. Josie had thick brown hair and Cora had light blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hello," Christine said, instantly switching into her 'host' mode. "Can I get anyone anything?"

"No, you're going to sit down with me," Elijah said, grabbing Christine's shoulders and guiding her to the sofa in the living area of the trailer. "Let Jordan play host for the time being, you're going to do enough of that later." When everyone was settled down the gift giving began. Christine got a mass amount of baby things, Jordan got significant numbers of cd's and DVD's. Christine and Jordan had pitched in and jointly bought him an original score of the Producer's. Looking at the clock a few hours later it was reading 10:05, the dinner was in 4 hours and Christine and Jordan needed to start working. Noah was given a beautiful scrapbook that Christine had been working on for weeks while she was stuck in bed. He almost started crying when he opened the book and looked through the pictures.

"I absolutely love it!" Mista Moore and Noah said about both of their gifts. Christine and Jordan smiled when this news was delivered. Christine had given Jordan a beautiful leather journal with Italian lyrics and music notes all across the cover.

"Alright everyone, we're going to need our trailer back to get started on the dinner. You're all welcome back at 2:00 for dinner," Jordan announced just as Christine was standing up and walking into the kitchen. Kimmy met her there, wearing her rubber ducky sweatshirt that Jordan bought for her.

"So, what do you need us to do?" Kimmy asked Christine when Jordan walked back from escorting their guests out of the door.

"We need to move the furniture so everyone can sit at a table," Christine said. "We'll put it in our rooms for now and move it back later," she said when Jordan gave her a questioning glance. Once the furniture was moved and the table was set up Jordan clicked on the stereo and Christmas music blasted out of the speakers. Christine and Kimmy were working on cooking the food while Jordan skirted around trying to stay out of the way.

"Christine?" Jordan asked, glancing at the clock on the wall. "Can I go get dressed?" Christine looked at the clock, reading 1:40, and nodded. She also went into her room and changed into a pair of black slacks and a red sweater. Jordan came out wearing, what else? Reindeer ears and all black. Kimmy came out wearing black pants and a green top. Slowly everyone returned, even more people showed up. Brittany and Michelle showed up and instant ally Josie clicked with Brittany. "Just what we need, another bitch," Jordan grumbled to Christine who smiled.

"Merry Christmas," Zac told Christine and Jordan as he walked in. "Sorry I couldn't make it this morning, I way over slept," he added sheepishly. Christine nodded and took his coat, hanging it up.

"Jordan can you turn this music down to a dull roar please?" Christine called as she was laying the food on the table. Mashed potatoes, roast beef, baked cinnamon apples, green beans and rolls all lined the table. Salt, pepper and condiments also were scattered on the table. A fresh apple pie was sitting on the cooling rack.

"You got it!" Jordan called from the other side of the trailer. The music instantly decreased in volume. "Alright everyone, dinner's ready." Everyone gathered around the table in the stereotypical picturesque Christmas dinner.

"Christine, I thought you said your parents were coming today?" Kimmy said to Christine who just shrugged.

"They told me that they would be here sometime today," she responded, her voice wavering in confidence a little bit. "But I'm not worried about it, they'll be here later. Let's just have fun while we can," she said, knowing that they wouldn't be having fun later.

"Jordan?" Cora, Noah's younger daughter asked. "What's it like living on set?" This girl was obviously out of high school, but not accustomed to living with her father on a movie set.

"I think it's fun. I really like it here. Of course, I have my best friend," Jordan said, looking to the seat where Christine had been sitting. "Where'd Christine go?" Elijah looked towards the open door where Christine was standing with her parents. "The truth comes out."

"What are you talking about?" Kimmy asked Jordan following her eyes."They look nice,"

"Just watch."

"Mom, dad, come on in," Christine said, opening the door for her parents. Her mother looked exactly like her, except for the eyes. Christine had her fathers' eyes. "Come in and have something to eat, we've just started. You, of course, know Jordan and Mr. Moore. This is James Marsden, John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Brittany Snow, Noah, our director, Christophe, the choreographer, Oliver, Christophe's Son, Zac Efron and Kimmy Efron." Christine said, introducing everyone sitting around the table.

"Just tell me why you had to fly us all the way up here in the middle of winter?" Christine's father said, his tone demanding and forceful. Christine's face contorted into something that Jordan had never seen before. It was a face full of fear and obedience. Her father, Allen, and her mother, Melanie both sat down in open chairs near Jordan. Jordan stood up, not wanting be near them when they heard this news. "Well?"

Christine took a deep breath and spit it out, "I'm having a baby," she said, her eyes squeezed shut. Christine's father's face twitched and her mother remained indifferent. For almost a minute there was no noise, no movement, no nothing.

"Do you know whose it is?" her father asked. Christine shook her head, her eyes telling everyone else in the room not to move or contradict her. Nobody did. "Can I speak with you in private? NOW?" Christine instantly snapped into motion, almost militarily. Grabbing her coat she followed her parents out of the door. Before she closed the door she shot a look at Jordan, almost warning her not to follow, although knowing her friend the look was to not get involved.

"That's not good. Someone's coming with me," Jordan said, slipping on shoes and her coat. "I'm not leaving her out there alone with them," Zac stood up and walked out of the trailer with her.

"Do you have any idea where she'll be?" he asked her. Jordan shook her head. "Why do you think she told us not to correct her?"

"She was trying to protect you. She knew that her father would tear you apart if she told him your name," Jordan explained to him. "The thing is, I always thought her father was nice."

"You've always been worthless. You never did what you were told!" Jordan heard as she turned a corner. "And now this?! What am I supposed to think about this?! We trusted you when we let you come out here and you repay us like this?!" When Jordan and Zac finally found the feuding family Christine was standing like a little child being scolded by her father. Jordan's eyes widened as Christine's father raised a closed fist and punched his only daughter right in the cheek and nose. Before Jordan could begin to think Zac wasn't at her side anymore.

"Jordan call the police!" he screamed as he chased after Christine's father. Her mother had wondered away just before her father had bolted. Jordan rushed out of the hiding place and helped Christine up off the ground. Her nose bleeding and a bruise forming on her cheek. Pulling out her cell phone she dialed 9-1-1 as she watched Zac get Christine's father to the ground.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"We need an ambulance and police to 55964 Webster Street. Please hurry, tell the guards at the gate that Noah Ward officiated it. Please hurry," Jordan hung up the phone as she watched the scene in front of her. About three minutes later she heard the sirens and an ambulance pulled up followed by a cop car. Christine and Jordan climbed into the ambulance where a paramedic worked on Christine's nose and cheek, while Christine's father was shoved into the police car. "Zac go back to our trailer and tell everyone what happened. We're going to the hospital," Jordan said just before the back doors of the ambulance was slammed shut.