Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 19

Jordan waited outside Christine's hospital room, pacing back and forth as she both waited for the cast to arrive and the doctor to come out with her diagnosis. Flashbacks of Christine's dad punching her raced through her mind. How could anyone do that to their child. The birth of a child is a wonderful thing, not something to get punished for. Jordan understood why Christine left with them though. She was afraid for her friends and what they would have thought of her if they had found out what would have happened if she didn't leave. Jordan just hoped that nothing happened with the baby. "Jordan!" Someone called from down the hallway. Jordan looked up to see Zac running towards her with Kimmy, Oliver, Noah, Christophe, and Elijah in tow. Jordan ran down and clung onto Zac tightly. He hugged her to him just as tightly as she was hugging him. Tears fell from her eyes, staining his shirt; but no one cared. "Jordan, Where is she?" She pulled away from Zac, holding onto his hand as she pulled him towards Christine's room. Oliver was the first one to burst in, not a surprise. Kimmy came over and sat down with Elijah on the bench outside.

"She's going to be alright, right?" Jordan shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. The doctor hasn't come out yet. He's been in there for a half an hour. He wouldn't let me in." Elijah pointed to the door.

"But Oliver just went in." Jordan nodded and waved it off.

"Yeah, I was asking him too many questions apparently. They both kind of kicked me out of the room" Zac laughed and kept his arm wrapped around Jordan's waist. Finally, The doctor then came out. Jordan went over, holding onto the collar of his jacket. "TELL ME!" Zac rushed over and pulled her off the doctor. He muttered a quick 'sorry' to the doctor while he took Jordan in his arms, trying to calm her down. The doctor just nodded and waved it off.

"I've had worse than her, hard to believebut true." Everyone laughed lightly. Well, Jordan just glared at him. "Anyway, Christine is going to be alright. The baby is just fine. All she'll have is a very sore jaw for a while. No singing for at least a week. Watch her though, just make sure she's comfortable." Noah nodded and stood up, coming over and shaking the doctor's hand.

"Can we go in and see her?" Kimmy asked, holding onto Elijah's hand tightly. The doctor smiled and nodded. Kimmy and Jordan left the guys, running into the hospital room. Oliver sat next to Christine, holding onto her hand tightly. Jordan went over and brushed her best friends hair back, kissing her forehead lightly.

"How you feeling sweetie?" Christine shrugged.

"Just very tired. I'll be alright." Jordan nodded and sat down in the chair next to her. Kimmy looked at Oliver and Jordan, seeing that they were occupying the only chairs next to Christine. So she did the next best thing. Kimmy got on the bed and crawled up to Christine, practically hovering over her. "Kimmy, I love you dear, but get off!" Kimmy shook her head.

"I can't! They took the seats." Christine just rolled her eyes and laughed lightly.

"Kimmy! Get off her!" Elijah said as he walked into the room. He picked Kimmy up, throwing her over his shoulder. He then leaned down and kissed Christine's cheek. "I hope you feel better. I'd stay longer, but I think it's best if I get this one back to the set before she breaks anything I'll have to pay for." Christine and Jordan smiled, laughing lightly. Jordan handed Elijah the key to their trailer, knowing that Kimmy had forgotten it. Everyone said their hello's and 'hope you feel better's' while Jordan just sat there, a blank stare on her face. Zac noticed Jordan's expression and felt it was his duty to find out what was wrong, since Christine was busy. He took Jordan's hand and leaned into her ear.

"Lets go talk outside, ok?" He whispered. Jordan nodded and walked out of the room with Zac. He took her to a little waiting room where families could wait for news of their loved ones. Jordan instantly began pacing as soon as she walked in the room. Zac just sat on the couch and watched her. "Jordan, Talk it out. It'll help."

"I knew." She mumbled. Zac was a little confused, so he made a motion for her to go on. "I knew that her father hit her and her mother didn't care. I knew that they wouldn't like that she was pregnant. I should have never let her go out there alone with them. This is all my fault." She sobbed as she paced. Zac got off the couch and went over to her, taking her in his arms.

"Jordan, none of this is your fault. You can't blame yourself for what her father did to her. The baby thing, wellthat's my fault." He laughed. Jordan shrugged into his chest. Zac kissed the top of her head. Jordan pulled away a little, looking up into his eyes. A small smile creeped onto his face. Thing was, the smile was actually sincere. That's what made Jordan so happy. She instantly pushed her lips up onto his, capturing in a heated kiss. True, it was heatedbut so gentle and sweet. In the middle of the Kiss, Oliver walked up to the room to tell them that Christine was allowed to leave when he caught the couple making out. He froze, not believing what he was seeing. Christine had told him how much they hated each other. He shook his head and knocked lightly on the door. Jordan and Zac pulled away from each other completely, her on one side of the room and him on the other. An awkward silence fell over the three until, Oliver spoke up.

"She's free to go, we can all go." Jordan nodded and quickly pushed past Oliver, running towards Christine's room. Trying to forget that she had let her true feelings slip to him.