Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 20

"Don't move!" Jordan scolded from Christine's door. "You heard what the doctor said. You're not getting out of bed for at least a week," she quoted. Christine rolled her eyes and laid back down in bed. "I know hon, but it's what's best for the baby,"

"This is going to suck, you are aware of how bitchy I'm going to be aren't you?" Christine asked and Jordan nodded, she knew how her best friend was going to grow tired of this. The medicine that the doctor put her on to heal her nose could hurt the baby, that's the point of this stupid bed rest thing.

"Just try and relax. Zac and Adrian are going to come over, so try and get some rest," Jordan said, trying to get out of the room.

"What else am I supposed to do for the next month?" Christine asked sarcastically. Jordan sighed and walked out of the room.

"That's going to be interesting," Jordan said as she walked out into the living room. Adrian had been granted a work study that would allow him to stay out here and learn about theatre while still in school. "She's so mad that she has to stay there. I can't believe that I didn't believe her about her father. Maybe I could have helped prevent this,"

"We all could have," Oliver said walking in the room. "I'm going to go keep her company while whatever you're going to do," he said looking at the apron around Jordan's waist. He knocked on Christine's door and walked in.

"Maybe that'll keep her peaceful for a little while. Ready to get started?" Jordan asked the High School Senior. He nodded, worry showing in his green eyes.

"Have you ever done this before?" he asked her, also tying an apron around his waist.

"No. No I have not," Jordan said with a smile on her face.


"What are you doing here?" Christine asked Oliver as he walked into her room and pulled a chair up next to her bed. "I thought your father would have you working Zac and Elijah to death,"

"I did, we were up at 3:00 this morning," he said, a slight smirk on his face. Christine laughed. "They're coming by here later. You had us all really worried you know?"

"I'm sorry, I never wanted that to happen,"

"Well we didn't want this to happen," he told her, sincerity flowing out of his blue eyes. "When Zac came back and told us what happened we all panicked,"


"I need 3/4 cup milk," Jordan said, reading the back of the cake box. She decided that she and Adrian would make Christine a cake since she couldn't get out of bed. Adrian handed her the measuring cup with 3/4 cup milk in it. Jordan took it and poured it into the pan.

"Jordan I don't think that this is right," Adrian said, looking at the scene in front of him with doubt in his eyes. "I've never done something like this before but I've watched my mom and this isn't what she does,"

"There's a reason that I don't normally cook," Jordan muttered as she ran her flour-ey hand through her hand. "Shit!" she said, realizing what she had just done.

"What the hell is going on?" a confused voice asked from the door. "Why do you have flour in your hair?" Zac asked, holding the door open behind him for Elijah to walk in.

"I'm cooking a cake for Christine," Jordan told them. Elijah started laughing looking at the frying pan on the stove with lumpy cake mix in it. "What?"

"You have no idea what you're doing do you?" Elijah asked. Jordan shrugged and looked at Adrian.

"It said put it in a pan. I thought it meant frying pan," Jordan shrugged. This caused Elijah and Zac to start laughing even harder. "What you two know who to cook a cake?"

"First of all, you bake a cake, not cook," Zac told her, taking off his cordory jacket and hanging it up on the coat rack. Jordan stuck her tounge out at him.

"Fine, if your such an expert, you do it." Jordan smiled and walked over to the couch, sitting down to watch Phantom of the Opera a slight pout on her face. "This should be amusing," she mused.

"First, you put a cake in the oven. Not on the stove," Elijah said, putting the whole frying pan in the oven. Jordan rolled her eyes.

"That's a technical difficulty," she waved off. Oliver walked out of Christine room with a disgusted look on his face. "What's wrong with you?"

"Christine sent me out for maraschino cherries and peanut butter," he said, his face contorting into a more sever form of disgust. Jordan shrugged and hopped up off the couch.

"That's one of the more mild cravings," she explained as she dug through the refrigerator. "She woke me up at two in the morning one time asking me for pizza, mayonase and peaches," Jordan added, scrunching up her nose.

"That's disgusting," Zac commented from his place in front of the oven with oven mits and a pink frilly apron around his waist. Jordan took one look at him and took out her cell phone, snapping a picture before he realized that was going on.

"That's too perfect," Jordan commented, looking at the picture before closing the phone.

"EWWWWWWWW! I stepped on a skittle and now my foot's all sticky!" Kimmy screamed as she ran into the trailer.

"Go step in a toilet," Christine shouted from her room. Jordan laughed again.

"Whoa, bro, whatchya wearing?" Kimmy asked, eyeing the pink frilly apron around his waist. "That's what's disgusting," she added to Jordan.

"Please don't make me come out there!" Christine called, instantly the group out in the living area quieted down and Christine dozed back off to sleep. Jordan looked in her best friends' room and found that she was asleep again.

"I don't think she's taking this seriously," Jordan told everyone else in the group. "She keeps trying to get up." Everyone in the room was now looking at Jordan, their eyes pleading with her to tell them more. "I've never seen that side of her father before. He was always nice around me," she shrugged. As and akward silence fell over the group the oven timer went off. Elijah stood up and pulled on an oven mit, taking the frying pan out of the oven.

"It looks a little strange, but it's done," he told her, laying the frying pan cake back down on the stove. "Next time, use a baking dish." Jordan nodded and laughed just as a horrible scream came from Christine's room. "Has she said anything about it to you?" Jordan shook her head.

"Christine's strong. She'll get through this, just like she gets through everything else," Jordan explained with a look of hope on her face for her best friend. "I've been thinking that Christine and I should head back to Maryland,"

"We're not finished shooting yet!" Elijah complained.

"Not permanently, just for a visit home. Although I'm not sure she's going to want to go home. Maybe we could go back to the school for a little while. She always thrived there, it was her home." Jordan said and Adrian nodded.

"You could come back with me after winter break ends and stay for a little while. I'm sure everyone would want to see you two,"

"We could all go," Zac offered and Adrian and Jordan locked eyes. If Zac went back to Christine and Jordan's old school all the girls would go wild. "We can talk to Noah, I'm sure he'd okay it, we could probably even film there a little bit. " Jordan nodded and the two guys headed out to talk to the director.

"Do you think this will help her?" Elijah asked Jordan as he flipped the frying pan cake out onto the cooling rack. He was, of course, talking about the trip home.

"I think that this will be one of the things that will help her. I think that this will be one of the only things that will help her," Jordan said, looking at the door of her best friends room. "Well, what did he say?" she asked when Adrian and Zac walked back into the trailer after talking with Noah.

"He said we could go at the end of January. We'll be able to do some of the minor filming there and we'll stay at one of the hotels in the area," he told her. Jordan smiled and stood up to walk into Christine's room. "Just let her sleep. Tell her when she wakes up,"