Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 21

"Christine! Good news!" Jordan cheered as she walked into Christine's bedroom. "You are free from this room for a few hours." Christine smiled and sat up.

"What's the catch, you bed rest Nazi?" Jordan laughed and helped Christine out of her bed.

"Well since we have the night off, we're having movie night." Christine eyed Jordan cautiously. Jordan smiled and nodded. "It's Zac's movie choice." Christine groaned and leaned her head on Jordan's shoulder as they walked into the living room. Zac was over at the TV, putting in the movie. Kimmy and Elijah were sitting close together on the couch. Christine then smiled brightly when she saw Oliver sitting there, looking happily at her. Jordan rolled her eyes and sat Christine down next to him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Zac then turned around and ran up to Christine, pressing his hands on her stomach.

"So? How's our little one doing?" Christine rolled her eyes and leaned into Oliver's chest, pushing Zac's hands off her.

"It's fine. No thanks to you." Zac nodded before going over to the lazy-boy Jordan was sitting on. He picked her up and then sat her back down on his lap.

"Hey! What the fuck id your issue?" Jordan complained, but she didn't move off him. Christine and Kimmy stared at Jordan in pure shock. Jordan crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. "I'm not leaving. I was here first." Zac smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist. He then pressed play on the movie. The opening title appeared, making Jordan and Christine gag. Christine decided to focus all her attention on Oliver and not the movie. Kimmy and Elijah were too busy making out to even care what movie it was. Jordan, poor thing, was stuck on Zac's lap as she watched high school musical 2 happily. Thankfully, there was a knock on the door. Jordan jumped off Zac's lap quickly and ran to the door. Adrian stood there, smiling happily. His expression soon changed when Jordan pulled him into the trailer.

"Whoa! Anxious much?" Jordan laughed and sat with him at the table.

"Just make sure I don't go insane from Zac singing." Adrian looked over to a very content Zac.

"But he's not" Zac suddenly jumped up from his chair, belting out the lyrics to 'what time is it?' Adrian's eyes widened and he sunk down in his seat. "Nevermind." Without breaking her kiss with Elijah, Kimmy took a pillow and chucked it at his head. Zac caught it and glared at Kimmy.

"It isn't called a throw pillow for nothing." Christine laughed as she and Oliver stood up.

"Where are you two going?" Jordan asked, standing up.

"Chill out Jordan. We're going to lay back in my room." Jordan sighed and sat back down. Zac was still marveling at his 'incredible' acting in the movie.

"It's just you and me now Adrian." He looked over to Kimmy and Elijah who were getting heavier into it. Jordan followed his gaze before rolling her eyes. She reached behind her and grabbed a spray water bottle. Jordan spritzed it at Kimmy and Elijah. "Hey! No fucking on my couch!" She scolded. Kimmy giggled as Elijah picked her up and carried her out of the trailer, his lips attached to her neck. Jordan rolled her eyes and sprayed Zac next. He jumped, obviously startled.

"What the fuck was that for?" He whined. Adrian laughed and rested his head in his hand.

"No high school musical in my trailer." Zac pouted and sat down, turning the movie off. Jordan smiled and went back to having a somewhat intelligent conversation with Adrian.


"Oliver, You didn't have to stay with me. I'm alright." Oliver shrugged his shoulders and rested his head on top of Christine's.

"I want to. I have to make sure you're safe." Christine smiled up at him happily. It was the first real smile she had in months. Oliver had only seen her smile brightly when he had first met her. Her smile made his heart soar with all the happiness he could fathom. So when his eyes pressed against hers, he had no regrets. On the inside, Christine was flying. He was the best kisser she had ever come across. Nothing could go wrong in her book.

"Aw man! DamnChristine gets all the action!" Jordan groaned in the doorway. Oliver pulled away from Christine, blushing the deepest shade of red. Zac came up behind Jordan and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'll give you all the action you want." He whispered in her ear. Jordan shivered, both from his touch and disgust. She screamed and ran back out to Adrian. Zac smiled smugly and nodded. "She wants me." Christine laughed and nodded her head as Zac followed Jordan.

"Does she really?" Christine smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I think so. She got pretty jealous while I was with him. The whole hating him thing is just a cover for herself. It's so obvious that she loves him." Oliver nodded.

"That would explain them making out at the hospital." Christine sat up straight, staring at Oliver.

"They made out?" Oliver nodded. "Whoa! When?" Oliver smiled and kissed her nose.

"Let her tell you all the juicy details." He said as he got up from the bed. Christine grabbed his hand, not wanting him to go.

"Why are you leaving?" He smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed and took her in his arms.

"I have to go dance with Brittany tomorrow morning. I need all the rest I can get." She laughed and hugged him tightly. He kissed the top of her head and rested his hand on her stomach. "Take care of the little one, alright?" She nodded and laid back down blissfully. He smiled and walked out of Christine's room. He froze in the living room as she saw Zac teaching Adrian a dance from high school musical 2. Oliver looked to the couch where Jordan was spread out on the couch. Jordan looked to him helplessly. He smiled and ruffled her hair as he walked out of the trailer. Jordan rolled off the couch and stood up, walking into Christine's room.

"You made out with Zac." Christine accused, not even looking at Jordan. Jordan froze, caught red handed. Christine looked over, smiling slyly. "Oliver told me." Jordan rolled her eyes and sat down next to her. "Why can't you just tell him that you like him?" Jordan shrugged her shoulders.

"Cause he's so cute, smart, a great dancer, funny, and that accent! Oh, It's so sexy!" Christine nodded, then hesitated. She stared at Jordan, confused out of her mind.

"Accent? Zac doesn't have an accent." Jordan sat up, staring at Christine.

"Zac? Since when were we talking about Zac? I was talking about Oliver." Christine laughed and shook her head.

"Well, Oliver is mine. So you either admit you like Zac or go date Adrian." Jordan rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'd rather date Adrian." Jordan murmured. Christine nodded. Suddenly, a sharp pain ran through Christine's body, causing her to gasp loudly. Jordan became alert quickly, scared for her friend. "Are you alright?" Christine nodded.

"Yeah, just a little twinge or something." Jordan nodded cautiously.

"You want me to call the doctor or something?" Christine shook her head. If only Jordan had, heartbreak would have been avoided.