Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 22

"What is your problem! That's a penalty!" Christine shrieked from her bedroom. The ever awaited Redskins/Cowboys game was being broadcast on the television and she was as heated as ever. "Are you blind? Jesus Christ!" Jordan came running into the room.

"What's your issue?" she asked in complete panic. Ever since Christine's accident she had been a little on edge. She was still trying to stifle the confusion that she was feeling towards a certain leading man. "'re watching football. Joy," she added as she looked at the screen and walked back out of the room. "OH! I forgot to tell you!" Christine rolled her eyes and refocused them on the television. Christine held up her finger to pause Jordan.

'If we lose, it's your fault," Christine said and Jordan laughed and nodded. "What did you want to tell me? What are you doing you dumbass! Our end-zone is the other direction! Ugh!" Jordan laughed.

"You're way too obsessed with this stupid game!" Jordan sighed as Oliver and Zac walked into the room. Oliver sat behind Christine and wrapped his arms around her. Jordan glared at her best friend and Christine nodded towards Zac with a smirk on her face. Sticking her tongue out at her best friend Jordan sat down on the floor.

"Who's playing?" Oliver asked. Jordan rolled her eyes.

"If Christine's watching it who do think is playing?" She asked, her smart ass side rearing it's ugly head. "She only watches one team," Jordan scoffed. Since she and Christine had known each other there was only one team that Christine would root for.

"Oh! Is this the Dallas game? A voice came from the door," Christine growled and looked towards her bedroom door. Kimmy was standing in the doorway, a confused look on her face. "Who's winning?"

"Oh boy, here we go," Jordan muttered up at Oliver and Zac. Christine was brought up hating the Dallas Cowboys, she was more of a Washington Redskins fan. "Kimmy, I thought you were a Miami fan?" Jordan asked, trying to avoid the whole football argument. Christine inhaled sharply, a sharp pain shooting through her stomach.

"What was that?" Oliver asked her. She shook her head and returned to watching the game. "Are you alright?"

"What was that!" Christine screamed. "What are you? Blind?!" she shouted at the television. "What were you saying?"

"Are you alright? You sounded like you were in pain," Zac said. Jordan and Kimmy had returned to the conversation and were now sitting at the foot of Christine's bed.

"I've had some sharp pains in my stomach over the past few days," Christine shrugged. "I don't think it's anything to worry about," she added with the worried looks on everyone else's faces not going away. "I'm serious. Don't worry about it. I'll be fine, don't let it ruin your New Years' Eve," she remarked sadly. Unfortunately Jordan was sticking to her guns about rarely letting Christine out of bed.

"You're coming out of this room tonight aren't you?" Oliver asked her. Christine shrugged and looked at Jordan for permission. Jordan nodded and Christine smiled, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Oliver. Every time he touched her warmth spread through her body.

"You guys should go get ready. People will be here soon," Christine told them. Kimmy and Jordan jumped up and headed out to change into party clothes. Zac stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Christine and Oliver all by themselves. "What?"

"What's really going on?" he asked her, resting his head on her shoulder. "What's wrong with you?" Christine smiled, and shook her head.

"I'm fine. Thanks for caring though," she told him, standing up with him. She was now showing a bit more. She was almost three months pregnant and there was the beginning of a baby bump. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she told him. They weren't officially together but it was bound to happen sooner or later. "You should go get ready too," she told him, a smile on her face.

"Christine there are people here!" Jordan bellowed at 8:30 that night. They were, once again, the source of the entertainment on the set. Jordan was wearing a beautiful black dress and no shoes while Christine came out wearing sweats and a tank top. "You're not dressed up?"

"I didn't feel like changing," Christine shrugged, Jordan nodded and walked to the front door and opened it. Zac, Elijah and Oliver were standing there in jeans and a dress shirts. "You look nice," she told them as they walked in the door. By 11:00 the trailer was packed with all sorts of people from the cast and crew. "Kimmy, did you hear what's going on between Jordan and your brother?" Kimmy shook her head.

"I knew he was seriously crushing on her but other than that," Kimmy said, a shrug of her slim shoulders. "Why is there more than that?" Christine shrugged, a slight smirk on her face.

"It seems that they were keeping each other company while they were waiting for me at the hospital," Christine told her. Kimmy's mouth dropped open and her eyes were the size of dinner plates. "Yeah, you had the same reaction that I did," she told her. Just as they finished the sentence Jordan stumbled into the kitchen. Her hair was disheveled and her lip gloss smeared. "See? What did I tell you?" Christine whispered to Kimmy.

"What's going on?" Kimmy asked Jordan. Jordan smiled a little. She knew that her friends were going to throw this in her face forever. The fact that she had for so long denied her feelings for a certain leading man. "We're you making out with my brother?" Jordan just shrugged with a smirk on her face.

"How long ago did I tell you?!" Christine taunted. "I knew you'd end up together," she smirked. Jordan laughed nervously. "Alright I won't laugh at you anymore. I'm happy for you," Christine said as Jordan glided out of the room. As soon as she was out of earshot Christine and Kimmy burst into laughter.

"What's going on?" Oliver asked as he and Elijah walked to the girls sides. Christine explained to him as she gasped for air in between laughs. "Well that explains it," he said. "Come on out you guys, you're going to miss the Ball Drop," he told them, taking Christine's hand Oliver led them out into the living room. Kimmy and Elijah were curled up together, Zac and Jordan were on the other end of the couch.

"3...2...1...Happy New Year!" the cries of celebration rang out through the trailer. Kimmy and Elijah kissed, as did Jordan and Zac and Christine and Oliver. All around joy was around for the first time in about two months. Jordan and Christine were going to be up for a while cleaning up.

"I can't believe we have to clean all of this up," Christine whined after all the guests had left. Now it was just the six of them, the normal six. She stood up and began to clean off the coffee table.

"Just leave it for now, we'll clean it in the morning," Jordan called as she got up and put in a movie. "We're going to relax right now." When the opening credits came up the title Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End . Settling down into a comfortable position the girls slowly fell asleep in the arms of the ones they currently love.

"What's going on with us?" Jordan asked Zac once everyone else was asleep. "I don't just want to keep doing this," she told him. In all reality she had found her true feelings for him about two weeks after he started "dating" Christine. "I hated it when you were with Christine," she admitted.

"You know why I did it, don't you?" he asked her, looking in her eyes. "I was so hurt when you started dating that Phillip prick, I felt that that was the best way to hurt you," he admitted. Their hands were interlocked and laying on the couch. "I didn't want to do it." Jordan and Zac were the only ones in the living room. Christine and Oliver had gone into her room shortly after the movie had begun, just before they fell asleep. Kimmy and Elijah were in Jordan's room doing God knows what. It was early in the morning, something like 2:00.

"We're never going to live this down, you do know that right?" Jordan asked, a playful tone in her voice. Zac nodded and smiled. Just as they were about to kiss a scream erupted from Christine's room. Jordan jerked up and bolted into her friends' room. Christine was clutching her stomach, pain written on her face. Oliver was standing at the side of the bed, panic written on his face. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, she woke up and screamed," Oliver said. "When I got up she was like this," he told Jordan and Zac.

"Christine, what's wrong sweetie?" Jordan asked, sitting next to her best friend on the bed. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" Christine couldn't talk, another scream erupted from her mouth. "I'll take that as a yes. Zac, go get your sister and Elijah. Oliver get her and I'll go get my car," Jordan said as Zac rushed out of the room and Oliver scooped Christine up, blankets an all. They were on their way to the hospital for the third time in four months. This time the outcome wouldn't be so easily cured. This would stick around for a while, scarring everyone involved.