Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 23

The ambulance came, sirens roaring and lights flashing. Christine was wrapped in a blanket and shivering and Jordan and Oliver climbed into the back of the ambulance with her. Zac had said he would gather the rest of the people who matter and meet them there. Jordan was sick with worry, her mind flashed back to the pains that she had been having in her stomach. Every time the pain came Christine's voice would scream out, echoing off of the metal in the ambulance. By the time they arrived at the hospital she was unconscious from the pain. This scene kept playing itself in Jordan and Oliver's head. They were sitting in the waiting room, Christine had been taken into the Emergency Room.

"Where is she?" Kimmy's anxious voice roared. Jordan looked up, Kimmy, Zac, Elijah and Noah were racing down the hallway. "Do you know what happened?" Jordan shook her head, that's what nobody would tell her.

"The doctors just took her back there. We just got here," Oliver told Noah. As they settled down into the hard plastic chairs in the waiting room another form of chaos presented itself.

"Mommy look!" A little girl with blonde hair whispered. Her mother looked like she had been awake for days. "It's Zac Efron." The little girls mother looked down at her daughter, an exhausted look in her eyes. She looked at the group of teenagers, plus one, and smiled sympathetically before grabbing her daughter and pulling her away.

"We can't go anywhere, can we?" Jordan hissed. The silence fell over the group, until the doctor in the white lab coat. Noah immediately stood up and looked at the doctor.

"Is there any family for Christine Friis?" the doctor asked. Noah shook his head.

"We're filming a movie, I'm the director," he told the doctor. The doctor, a short balding man, shook his head. "What do you mean "no"?"

"I'm afraid it's hospital policy that I can only tell a family member," Jordan glared at the little man, he didn't notice. "If there's nobody here that fits that bill..."

"I'm her fiancee," Jordan's head whipped to face the voice. Oliver stood up. Jordan's jaw dropped. "Please tell me what's wrong with her." The doctor gave a curt nod and turned and led Oliver into a glass waiting room. "Will you tell me now?" he asked, his patience wearing thin.

"I'm afraid you are going to have to make a very hard decision." The medical chart sat just a few feet in front of them. "The medicine that they put her on to heal her nose caused complications with the baby. You have to choose whether we keep her on the medicine and cause a miscarriage or we take her off the medicine and try and save the baby. It's your decision now," the doctor told him, laying a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "I'll give you a few minutes, just in case you want to consult anyone," he added, a glint in his eye. Oliver nodded and walked out to Jordan and the rest of the group.

"What's wrong with her?" Jordan nearly knocked him down because she was so anxious to hear what was going on with her best friend. "Tell me!"

"The medication she's on caused complications with the baby. That's what the stomach pains were. We have to choose, keep her on the medicine or take her off. Keeping her on it will cause a miscarriage, taking it off of the medicine would save the baby but potentially hurt her," Oliver told them. Jordan was sitting in the chair.

"We don't have a choice," Jordan and Zac said at the same time. Zac stopped talking and let Jordan go first. "She'll be devastated but I think that we should keep her on the medicine. She can always have more kids. If we take her off and she gets hurt there's no taking that back," Jordan reasoned, Oliver nodded. They were on the same page when it came to Christine. Oliver nodded once and turned around and walked back into the room where the doctor was waiting. After informing the doctor of the decision he walked back.

"He told me that we need to especially careful with what we say around her after this happens. She needs to know we still are there for her," Jordan looked at him like he was crazy for even having to say it.

"When can she come home?"

"Three days," he told Noah, the one parent like figure on the scene. Jordan nodded and leaned her head on Zac's shoulder, preparing herself for a long three days in the hospital at her best friend's side.

"What do you need?" Zac asked her, looking down at her. She looked up, confused at what he meant. "If I run home for you what do you want me to get for you?" Jordan smiled and rattled off a few things that she could use including a change of clothes and the Twilight Series. Zac nodded and stood up. Kimmy, Elijah and Noah headed back to the set with Zac. "I'll be back. Do you need anything?" Zac asked Oliver knowing that he wasn't going anywhere either. He only shrugged, his mind obviously elsewhere. Zac left and was back at the hospital about 30 minutes later. "Here you go," he told Jordan, kissing her gently on the forehead. "I'm going to go, I'll see you soon." Oliver and Jordan walked into Christine's room and pulled chairs up next to her bed. Jordan and Oliver were on opposite sides of her bed, each holding one of her hands. The doctors had put her on a sedative so she wouldn't feel much of the pain, but she could still feel it, not that she was awake, just thrashing around a bit.

"Do you think she's awake?" Jordan asked Oliver in the middle of the night, the moonlight shining into the hospital room, reflecting off of the white walls. The chairs they had pulled up to her bed hadn't been moved. Oliver shrugged, his hand still firmly in her hand. "You really care don't you?" For the first time since they had sat down at Christine's bedside their eyes met. His bright blue eyes met Jordan's brown eyes. There was nothing but concern and love behind his icy eyes. At about five o' clock the next morning, 18 hours after Jordan and Oliver had first sat down in the chairs, a small nurse walked in the room.

"Can I help you?" Oliver asked, waking up out of his light sleep.

"There are some people here for you," she told him. He nodded and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Jordan, wake up," he burst. Jordan groaned and sat up, well, up more. Kimmy, Elijah, Zac and Cora walked into the room. They brought a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses.

"Here's some coffee," Zac said, handing Jordan a vanilla cappuccino. Kimmy handed Oliver something in a Starbucks cup as well with a weak smile. How are you holding up?" he asked, leaning against the wall.

"I'm never coming to a hospital again," Jordan muttered, cracking her back and releasing the tension that had built up over night. A comfortable silence fell over the group.

"Why don't you guys go get something to eat," Elijah offered, looking between Jordan and Oliver. Jordan stood up and laced hands with Zac, heading towards the door. "Oliver?"

"I'm not going anywhere," he said, his voice quiet. His hand was still wrapped in Christine's hand. "She needs me here," Jordan nodded and everyone else walked out of the room. "I'm not going anywhere. I know you're not going to be happy with the decision we made, but we were thinking of you. I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life," he told her before falling asleep, his head resting on her bed, their hands intertwined. The rest of that day passed with as much ease as could be expected. By the time the moon reappeared exhaustion was on Jordan and Oliver's face.

"I'm sleeping on the floor tonight," Jordan told Oliver after all of the visitors had gone back to the set. Oliver nodded and curled up in his chair. Sleep came easily that night, the two of them fell asleep quickly and were quickly reawakened by Christine's panicked scream. "Wazzagoinon?!" The small balding doctor burst through the door.

"What's going on?! What's wrong with her?" Oliver bellowed, worry and confusion buried deep in his voice. The doctor didn't answer but continued to bustle around Christine's bed, checking her chart and reading things over.

"The sedative wore off," he muttered. "They were supposed to give her another one, but nobody read the chart today," he told them. Jordan was up, standing at Oliver's side.

"What does that mean? She can feel all the pain that the sedative was preventing?" Jordan asked, trying to process information after just waking up from limited sleep. The doctor nodded as Christine's a lot voice rang out again. "What can we do?"

"Nothing, we can't put her on another one until morning," the doctor told them. "She's going to have to work through the pain." When the doctor said that Jordan's mind went spinning. That amount of pain for that long? With one resounding scream, she stopped breathing.

"I don't think that was supposed to happen!" Jordan cried, rushing to Christine's side, Oliver was not even one step behind her. Both of them had tears in their eyes. "What's going on?"

"The pain. It's caused her to go into a coma,"

"A coma?" Oliver's voice cracked. Coma's are never good, Jordan thought. "Now what?"

"This is actually the best thing that could happen," the doctor told him. "Now that she's gone into what we call a pain induced coma, she'll sleep for a few hours and then she'll be awake." Oliver nodded. "Let me have the attendant get you a pair of cots. You can set them up in the room. I can't imagine those chairs are comfortable," the doctor said with a small smile. Jordan nodded and smiled back.

"This is the best thing that could happen," Jordan said as the attendants wheeled in two cots with a pillow and a blanket. "She can come home with us tomorrow, and we can tell her about our trip home." Oliver nodded, his eyes were still red and bloodshot, but now they held the remnants of tears.

"Come on Christine, we're going to sign you out," Jordan said the next morning. The doctor had released Christine a day early and Oliver had gone ahead to check her out. Christine nodded and eased out of bed.

"Have you been here the whole time?" Christine asked Jordan as she slipped on a pair of slippers that had been brought for her. Jordan nodded.

"Oliver too. Christine, he really cares about you," Jordan told her. Christine nodded. "He wouldn't leave your side. I left you to eat, sorry," she joked. Christine smiled and stood up, leaning on Jordan for support. Her strength was still limited, the pain had wiped her energy. They slowly made their way out to the circulation desk where Oliver was waiting.

"You're up," he said, his strength and energy low too, rushing towards her. "How do you feel?"

"A little weak," she coughed, a weak smile on her lips. "You didn't need to stay," she told him. He smiled, the first true smile in three days. He took her hand, this time, she reacted, lacing their fingers together. Jordan smiled, finally her best friend was happy, maybe this time it would last.

"Let's get you home," Jordan said, walking out into the parking lot and into the car that Zac was waiting in. "Oh, I forgot to tell you," Jordan told Christine as they unlocked the door to their trailer.

"Please don't tell me you did something stupid," Christine said as she walked into her room and layed down in her bed.

"Haven't you laid in a bed enough lately?" Jordan asked, following her friend into the room."But no, nothing stupid, you'll like it actually. We're going home,"

"Do you really think that I want to go back to that house? After what I just went through?" Christine scoffed, getting out of her bed and gathering things for her shower.

"Not that home. We're going back to school," Jordan said and she waited to watch the smile creep across Christine's face. When it did Jordan smiled too. "I knew you'd like it."

"When do we leave?" Christine asked. Jordan shrugged. "You don't know?"

"Actually, no. Zac and Elijah were working on that aspect. The only catch of us going back is they're going to do a little filming there."

"They're filming at our school!" Christine squeaked. "Did you call Adrien? Or Matt?" Christine asked. Jordan shook her head.

"Everyone who matters knows. They know we're coming but the school doesn't, they're going to suprise the school, or something like that," Jordan said, quoting what she had heard her former principle say. "So, within a few weeks we'll be back at your home."