Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 24

"Zac, come on! We dont' have time for you to be signing fan-girl autographs!" Christine yelled from the gate. Jordan rolled her eyes and handed Elijah her backpack.

"You guys go ahead on. I'll get him." They nodded and went onto the plane while Jordan ran down the terminal to where Zac was, surrounded my little teeny boppers. Jordan put on a fake smile as she pushed through the girls to Zac.

"Zac, We really need to go. We'll miss our flight and if we miss our flight, you're gonna have a very angry girlfriend on your hands." Zac smiled at Jordan smugly. She had agreed to be his girlfriend about a week ago. He couldn't have been happier. Jordan turned to the teens standing around, gawking at Zac, and smiled at them sweetly. "Thank you for your adoration girls, but we have a plane to catch." They all groaned and protested as Jordan started to pull him towards the gate. Zac wrapped his arm around Jordan's shoulders as the walked through the bridge into the plane. Jordan looked around and saw Christine waving at her. She grabbed Zac's hand, pulling him down the aisle to the first class section. Jordan flopped down in her chair next to Christine while Zac sat next to Elijah.

"So how hard was it to pull him away?" Jordan groaned and leaned her head on Christine's shoulder. "That bad, huh?"

"Lets just say that I am hated by most teenage girls in the country." Christine laughed and patted Jordan's leg. "So? You excited to be going back to the school?" Christine shrugged her shoulders.

"It'll be interesting to go back." Jordan nodded. "Wonder how it's gonna be. Since we're pretty famous now." Jordan shrugged.

"All I know, is that if it's still a shit hole...I'm bringing a taser." Jordan said as she relaxed back against the seat. Christine laughed and nodded her head. The plane then took off back towards the place where Jordan and Christine's lives all started


Jordan groaned as Zac carried her off the plane. She had fallen dead asleep halfway through the flight. Christine carried her book bag off the plane as they went to get their luggage. "Hey Zac?" Jordan asked from his shoulder.

"Yes darling, what is it?" Jordan smiled and rested her head back down on his shoulder.

"You mind bringing your hands off my ass please?" Zac laughed and shook his head no. "Zaaaaac!" She whined.

"It's either I keep my hands on your ass or you get put down." Jordan groaned again and just stayed on his back. Christine and Elijah just laughed as they grabbed their bags.

"Jordan, quit being a diva and get your own bag." Jordan laughed, shaking her head.

"I'm a movie star. I don't have to walk." Christine rolled her eyes and threw the bags onto the luggage cart. Jordan saw the pile of bags and got a great idea. She jumped off Zac's back and went to sit on top of the luggage, looking like a queen. Christine put her hands on her hips and stared at her.

"Get your butt off my bag." Elijah said as he pushed Jordan onto the floor. Christine laughed as Jordan pouted on the ground. Elijah rolled his eyes and helped Jordan up. "I'm sorry love." Jordan shook her head and walked out to the main lobby. Zac pushed the luggage cart as the cast began to follow Jordan.

"Christine!" Christine turned around to see Oliver walking out of the gate. She smiled and ran into his arms. He kissed her cheek and spun her around. When he put her down, she kissed his lips quickly.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Oliver had gone to England to visit his mother after Christine got out of the hospital. He laughed and held her tighter to him.

"My dad called me to tell me that you guys were coming here for some filming down at your old school. Dad thought there should be at least one choreographer for you." He then smiled and laughed lightly. "Besides, I want to see where you came from." Christine smiled and kissed him happily. True, they weren't dating officially yet. They knew that they loved each other though.

"Oliver!" Jordan screamed as she ran towards him. Oliver let go of Christine and caught Jordan right before she could knock them both over. Instead, she just knocked Oliver down. "What are you doing here?!" Oliver laughed and pushed Jordan off him.

"I came home from England to be your choreographer for this filming." Jordan stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

"But we're not filming any of the dance scenes here." He nodded. "Which ones?"

"A bit of Run And Tell That, I Can Hear The Bells, and I thinkLadies Choice." Jordan groaned and walked back out to Zac and Elijah, leaving the lovebirds alone for a few minutes. Zac opened up his arms and Jordan walked into them.

"Oliver is here. He came to be our dancer." Elijah rolled his eyes and sat down on his luggage.

"Where the hell is our ride? It won't take long for people to recognize me." Jordan rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Oh please" Just then, a million teen girls came running towards them. Zac held Jordan in his arms tighter, trying to protect her.

"Zac! What did you do?!" Christine screamed as she ran out of the terminal with Oliver.

"I didn't do anything! They just bombarded us." Elijah stood up and pointed towards a school bus.

"The rescue bus!" Jordan poked her head out of the mob of girls and smiled when she saw the bus driver.

"Mrs. Beth!" She screamed. The bus pulled up and the doors opened. Zac pushed Jordan into the bus with him right behind her. Oliver and Christine were next on the bus. Poor Elijah though, shook his head while being bombarded. Jordan stuck her head out of the window. "Elijah, come on. Get on!" He shook his head again.

"No way. I'm not getting on that thing." Christine sighed and put her head out the window next to Jordan.

"Elijah Kelley! Get your ass on this bus right now!" He shook his head no. Zac smiled as he got a great idea. Zac pushed his head out of the window, making all the girls scream their deafening scream. Jordan and Christine groaned and went back into the bus.

"Girls!" Zac cheered. "Do me a favor. Elijah won't get on the bus. We need him to or we can't finish out movie that I know you're all dying to see." In an instant, the girls pushed Elijah onto the bus. Zac smiled and went back into the bus. Elijah was pounding on the door.

"I hate buses!" He cried. Jordan and Christine started laughing hysterically. Elijah glared at the girls. "Oh shut up." He said before pouting in the front seat. Christine walked up and sat with him, giving him a big hug.

"Aww don't worry Elijah. At least we won't put you in the back. We're not in the 60's here." Elijah rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"We love you!" Jordan said, hugging him from over the back of the seat.

"Hey" Zac and Oliver whined. The girls laughed and ran back to their men. Elijah pouted more, not having Kimmy there. He pulled out his cell phone to call his love.

"Zac, I'm tired." Christine perked up from the seat in front of Jordan and stared at her.

"You just slept 5 or so hours straight! How the hell can you be tired?" Jordan shrugged and snuggled into Zac's chest. Zac smiled like a banshee, no complaints were heard from him. Soon, Christine fell asleep on Oliver and Elijah fell asleep on the phone with Kimmy; pissing her off completely. It didn't take long to get to the school, seeing as it was only about an hour or so away form the airport. Once the bus stopped in front of the school, the principal jumped onto the bus.

"My girls!" he screamed, waking everyone up with a start.

"Holy hell on a cracker!" Jordan screamed as she woke up. The principal just smiled and went to hug her. Jordan froze, incredibly uncomfortable by the contact. Christine stared at the hug in pure shock. As soon as their principal detached from Jordan, he went and hugged Christine. She went limp, not wanting him to touch her .Jordan quickly hid behind Zac, shuddering uncontrollably.

"It's so nice of your girls to come visit. Please follow me, we'll have a quick meeting in my office and then may give your other cast mates a tour of our prestigious school." He ranted before stumbling off the bus into the school. Christine and Jordan stared at each other for a moment.

"Prestigious?!" They shouted at the same time. Jordan shook her head and picked up her bag she carried everywhere. It was an Avenged Sevenfold messenger bag that was given to her by Synyster Gates. It was her baby.

"I think he's a little buzzed." Christine said as she walked off the bus. Jordan grabbed Zac's hand, walking off the bus herself.

"I'm surprised he's not dead yet." Christine laughed and nodded.

"What is his name anyway?" Zac asked. Jordan laughed and leaned into him a bit.

"That alcoholic is named Jay Kennis. No need to be afraid, if you get in trouble; he'll forget 10 minutes later." Zac, Oliver, and Elijah laughed loudly. Jordan and Christine froze, serious faces on. "You think I'm kidding." They stopped laughing, realization setting in. Christine and Jordan then looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Come on, lets get in there before Kennis goes ballistic." Christine said pulling Oliver along. The cast walked into Kennis' office. Christine and Jordan sat in the chairs while the guys stood behind them. Kennis smiled his fake smile adorning his beet red face.

"Well girls? How does it feel to be back here." Jordan looked around the room cautiously. Christine simply shrugged her shoulders.

"It's been about 8 months since we've last been here. Nothing's really changed." Kennis laughed a little and nodded.

"4 years at this school and I'd never been in this office. Now I come back for a few weeks and I'm here. How the hell did this happen?!" Everyone laughed lightly. Jordan looked around, not understanding. "What are you laughing at? I'm serious." Zac smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"so would you like to give your cast a tour? Oh and make sure to check out the theatre. Mrs. Baker has decided to do Hairspray as the spring musical." Christine put her hand on Jordan's leg, restraining her. Jordan put on a fake smile and stood up, taking hold of Zac's hand tightly.

"We would love to check out the theatre." Jordan said through clenched teeth. She turned to Zac and motioned to get out of there. Zac caught the hint and nodded. "You'll just be going now." She then practically ran out of Kennis' office with Zac in tow. Christine laughed and slowly stood up.

"That you for the hospitality. We'll get started with the tour now. Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't do anything bad." Kennis nodded, still smiling like and idiot. Christine, Oliver, and Elijah walked out of the office. By the time they walked into the hallway, there were running towards the theatre. Jordan stood outside the door, staring at a display case. Christine stopped next to her and stared as well. Oliver came up behind Christine, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Is that you?" Christine nodded.

"That's my senior picture and my head shot." She turned to Jordan who was staring at her own senior picture and head shot. "How did they get my head shot?" Jordan pointed to the large name at the bottom of the case. Christine narrowed her eyes evilly. "Baker." Jordan walked into the auditorium lobby and tried to get the doors of the theatre open. Unfortunately, it was locked.

"Damn you Baker. That's it! I'm going to Mista Moore's room." Christine, Zac, Oliver, and Elijah walked down the hall behind her.

"Jordan, you know he's not there. He's up at the set." Jordan smiled deviously before turning the corner and walked into the room. All eyes set on Jordan curiously. Jordan smiled and walked up to the front of the class. Christine and the guys walked in, sinking into the side.

"Jordan! Christine!" Adrian shouted as he ran down from the risers. Jordan laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Excuse me, Who are you all?" Jordan pulled away from Adrian and smiled at the sub.

"I'm an alumni of this school." The sub shrugged.

"Who cares, you can't be in here interrupting the class. They have to watch this music movie for a grade." Christine walked over to the projector and picked up the movie box.

"Oh man, this is the same movie we were punished to watch! No one ever paid attention to this." The class nodded, waving to the girls. Most of the girls in the class were friends with Jordan and Christine because they were juniors when they were seniors.

"Well that's too bad. They have to do this." Jordan shook her head and broke the tape. "Hey! Now you all get out of here right now." Jordan shook her head no.

"No thanks. We'll be taking over for you. You get out." The sub screamed and ran out of the room. Jordan laughed and turned towards the class. "Now who here would like to know about our movie?" Everyone raised their hand. Jordan and Christine laughed. "Oh lord, you're in for a looooong story."