Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 25

"I don't wanna go!" Jordan whined as Christine, Oliver and Elijah walked into the auditorium of their old high school. "She's going to butcher it, and you know it!" Christine nodded; it was a well known fact about their former drama teacher. Her inability to put on a successful play was her claim to fame. They had been in the choir room, telling infamous tales of the set to their friends. The substitute eventually wondered back into the room, sitting quietly at the desk. When the final bell rang four of them were heading towards the theatre. Zac was hanging back singing autographs for their friends.

"Just stop whining," Oliver begged his hands over his ears. Jordan stuck his tongue out at her. "Not my job," he smirked, walking into the theatre with Christine. Jordan and Elijah stood there, Jordan trying to figure out what Oliver had just told her, Elijah was smirking and holding back a laugh. Jordan and Elijah walked into the theatre and found Christine and Oliver, a look of disgust plaguing both of their faces. Jordan turned to the stage, finding classic favorites in the lead roles. When the song "Good Morning Baltimore" pulsed through the speakers and pudgy girl on stage waddled forward. Jordan's eyes bulged when the voice rang out. Christine clasped her hands over her ears, Jordan's hands flew to her eyes and the two guys were left standing there in horror.

"Make it stop," Christine pleaded. Jordan nodded and smirked. She began to walk down one of the aisles, meeting the eyes of the girl on stage. Jordan's voice was outshining the leads. People on-stage began to realize that something was different. "That works too," Christine muttered as she followed her best friend down the aisle. When the music stopped, a new disaster was heard. "Here it comes," she whispered to Elijah and Oliver.

"What are you doing interrupting-" the screeching voice of the horrid director called. "Oh! It's my girls! How are you doing?" She asked, rushing towards Christine, trying to hug her. Subconsciously Jordan and Christine stepped back, away from their former director. "Anyway, you should know better than interfering with my rehearsals!" she played. Christine and Jordan looked at each other, their eyes wide. "Who are these two?" Just as she finished the sentence the door creaked open and Zac walked in, the girls on stage went wild.

"This is Oliver, he's our choreographer," Christine introduced, a smile dancing over her pearly smile. "And this is Elijah, most of you know him as Seaweed," she continued. "And I'm sure that you all know who that is," she muttered as Zac walked up to Jordan.

"What are you doing? I told you less sparkle, more plaid. If you don't get it right" Miss Baker threatened a boy with dark hair and thick rimmed black glasses. The boy's eyes widened when he saw Christine and Jordan standing there. Immediately his head lowered his eyes on the ground.

"Matt?" Christine and Jordan would recognize him anywhere. Christine and her younger brother had been close, up until she was cast in Hairspray and she was away for most of a year. The boy raised his head and his eyes met his sisters.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed, bitter resentment sliding through his lips. "You left," he told her.

"More importantly, I told you how I wanted the costumes and you didn't listen. This was your second chance," Miss Baker barked, attempting climb up on stage. "Now I don't want to tell you again"

"What are yelling at my brother for?" Christine snapped, having heard enough of her yelling. Zac looked at Jordan with confusion in his eyes. Jordan shook her head, not taking her eyes off the scene in front of her. Christine had jumped up on the stage. Oliver had backed up next to Jordan, Zac and Elijah. "I don't know who you think you are?!" Christine started, her anger working through her whole body. Jordan was standing in the pit, adrenaline pumping through her just through the sheer pleasure of watching someone blow up at this horrible person.

"Excuse me?"

"Who do you think you are? You're some two-bit, has been director who gets her thrills from watching people with actual talent be forced into the background!" Jordan was shocked; 8 months ago she wouldn't have believed that Christine would do something like this. Oliver and Elijah were standing in pure shock, watching the scene in front of them.

"You have no right to talk like this to me!" the director hollered back. "You're in my theatre!"

"I'm not your student anymore. In fact, Kennins invited us back. I don't think he'd be too fond of you if I told him who you really are!" Christine threatened. When the thought had finished flowing out of her mouth a sharp pain collided with Christine's cheek. Tears stung her eyes as she looked up to find the director's hand stretched out in front of her. Hatred was boiling in Christine's eyes. Back on the ground there was rage flowing out of Jordan and Oliver. Without another word Christine had walked out of the auditorium, Jordan and the rest of the group had followed her. She was walking furiously down to the office. "I want her out of here!" Kennis stuffed a bottle under his desk when the five students walked, more like stormed, into his office.

"Christine, Jordan? What is this about?"

"I want that bitch fired, right now!" Christine ranted.

"Now, I know you've never been fond of Mrs. Baker" Jordan interrupted the principle as he was about to get into his lecture.

"This isn't a question about disliking her. She just slapped Christine!" Jordan was furious; she was willing to do anything to fire her.

"Now girls, there's no reason to make things..."

"Why would they make this up!?" Oliver burst. "I'm sorry sir, I don't know you. But this is ridiculous. You have five people here who are telling you what one of your staff just did and you don't believe them. I would suggest that you make every effort possible to fire her before we take this all the way to the Supreme Court." Jordan and Christine had never seen this side of him before.

"I'll take care of it," the principle responded. When none of the kids moved he sighed. "Fine, I'll do it now. What are we going to do with the show? The kids are so excited about it,"

"We'll do it," Christine said. "It's perfect. Four of us have been in the show and we have our own choreographer," she reasoned. Kennis nodded and stood up from his chair, swaying in place slightly. Christine and Jordan chuckled lightly under their breath and followed their principle towards the auditorium.

"Dorothy!" he called, walking into the theatre. Fifteen minutes later she was gone, in a furious wind. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," he addressed the students. Christine and Jordan rolled their eyes and smiled again. "I'd like to introduce your new directors," he said, motioning to Jordan and Christine. "They've agreed to stay here long enough to help you complete the musical." Cheers were heard on the stage, backstage and up in the sound booth.

"Alright guys, here's the plan, be ready for new auditions in two days," Jordan told everyone on the stage. "We're recasting the show. No favorites," she said, some rolled their eyes, and others smiled. Christine, Jordan, Zac, Oliver and Elijah headed to their hotel. They had been given the penthouse suite, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchen. "Alright, so who thought it was awesome seeing Christine go off on that bitch?" her eyes were glowing with sparkle; Christine still had anger pulsing though her veins.

"I can't believe she hit me," Christine mumbled, she had put ice on it when she got home but the large bruise was inevitable. "Damnit, it's bruising. I hate that woman," she muttered, sinking into the couch. Oliver smiled and went to sit with her. Soon all of them were sitting around in the living room, thinking about and discussing their plans for the revamped version of Tuscarora's presentation of Hairspray .