Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 26

"Was it always this boring and hard?" Jordan groaned looking through all the audition forms. They were about halfway done and they still hadn't found anyone perfect enough. Christine and Jordan had forbidden the regular favorites to have lead roles. They would have to settle for chorus roles or they wouldn't be in the show at all. Christine laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. We've always been on the other side of these auditions. We're audition-er's; not the other way around." Jordan laughed and nodded, flipping to the next audition sheet. Jordan then spazzed around in the chair, pointing at the paper. Christine just stared at her like she had finally lost it. "What is your issue?" Jordan took the mic and looked down to the stage. They had
decided to sit up in the balcony as to not seem too intimidating to the actors.

"Ashley, My love!" Jordan sung through the microphone. A small girl walked onto the stage. Jordan and Christine beamed at the sight of their friend. Ashley stood on the stage and smiled at the two. "Hello my darling." Jordan laughed. Ashley smiled and waved.

"Have no fear, It's just us. This won't ever be like one of Baker's auditions." Ashley laughed and nodded.

"So Please, go and sing us your song. We can't wait to hear it." Ashley took a deep breath and began her song. She sang, 'Fine, Fine Line' from Avenue Q. Jordan gazed in shock at the power of her voice. Christine immediately circled Ashley's name and wrote 'Tracy' next to it. Christine was about to stop her, but Jordan wouldn't let her.

"It's too beautiful to stop." Christine laughed and waited for Ashley to finish. As soon as she did, both the girls stood up and clapped intensely. Jordan picked up the microphone. "No need to keep you waiting. You got Tracy! You're perfect!" Ashley clapped her hands and ran off the stage. Elijah and Zac walked through the door and over to the girls.

"So? How's it going?" Zac asked as she sat down next to Jordan, placing his arm around her shoulders.

"We pretty much have our cast. There are just a few more council members that we have to cast, but that's it." Christine said as she looked through the audition forms.

"We found our Tracy though!" Jordan beamed, leaning into Zac's side. Zac smiled and kissed the top of her head lightly.

"Are we done with the Auditions yet? These kids are getting restless back here!" Oliver called from the stage. He was put in charge of keeping all the kids backstage while auditions were going on. Christine perked her head up and nodded. "Thank bloody lord!" Oliver exasperated as he walked backstage. Everyone laughed and shook their heads. Christine simply sighed happily.

"Ahh, Gotta love that man's accent." Jordan laughed and nodded.

"Bless that man's mother." Elijah looked over to her, confusion sweeping over his pretty face.

"His mother? Why his mother?" Jordan laughed again and looked up to him.

"Think about it, She's got to deal with all the girls banging down her door just to get a glimpse at her son and then She's married to Christophe! That's enough of a challenge as it is." Again, everyone laughed loudly at their friends explanation. Out of the corner of their eyes, they saw Oliver lining the actors up on the stage so that they could be put into their roles. Jordan and Christine stood up, a microphone in each of their hands.

"First of all, We'd like to thank you for Auditioning." Christine started.

"Yes, We know how stressful and nerve-wracking these things can be. Hopefully we weren't too hard on you guys." Jordan joked to break the tension looming in the air. The kids laughed and made light comments.

"Anyway, We've come to our decisions on casting." Christine said as she took out the first set of papers. "First we're going to do the chorus people."

"Believe me, I hate this part. But the Chorus parts are really needed. I didn't understand that until a while ago how important you guys are. So please don't feel like we did this cause we hate you and want other people as our leadsthat's only a little bit of it." Jordan again, Joked. It sure was funny to see all the faces of the kids just drop from the sadness.

"She's kidding!" Christine covered as she slapped Jordan's head. "Seriously, You guys are important. So when I call your names, please step forward." Christine then began to rattle off the names of the people who would be in the chorus. Once the names were all called, Christine smiled. "Thank you guys. Please go see Oliver on your way out and he'll hand you your scripts and music book. First rehearsal will be next Friday after school. Bye!" Those people who had had their names called then walked off the stage to get their material and go home.

"Alright, Next will be our council members! Again, When I call your name step forward. I'll give you the name of your character and then you're free to go get your materials and go home after that. Thanks." Jordan then began to go through the list of council members that frankly, they were casting on the spot. Once that was through, all that was left was the adult roles and then the 4 leads that Jordan and Christine knew all too well. Christine did the Adult characters and sent their actors on their merry ways.

"Now here's the fun part!" Christine said as only 4 actors remained on the stage. Jordan took the audition form for Link Larkin and handed it to Zac. "We thought it would be fun if your characters from the movie would announce your roles." Zac took the mic from
Jordan and looked down to the awaiting kids.

"Nathan C, You'll be playing Link Larkin. Play it well man. Remember, I'll be here during rehearsals and stuff if you need any help on your 'Link Wink'." Jordan rolled her eyes and snatched the mic back from him.

"Congrats Nate! You get to play the man-whore of this play!" Nate laughed and nodded as he walked off the stage to get his things. Jordan then turned to Christine and whispered, "He won't need much practice with that" Christine chuckled and gave her microphone to Elijah, as well as handing him the audition form. Elijah cleared his throat and looked down to the only guy remaining on the stage.

"Obella Obbo, Seeing as you are the last guy and black man on the stage; That makes you Seaweed Stups! Congrats man. Just like Zac said to Nate, I'll be here the whole time if you need help." Obella cheered and did a little dance as he walked off the stage. The 4 friends laughed and shook their heads. "There goes seaweedLets not let Noah see him. I may be out of a job!" Christine laughed and then took the microphone from him.

"Alexis, You're penny!" Alexis cheered and ran off the stage before Christine could say any congratulatory words. Jordan simply grabbed her mic and motioned to Ashley.

"That leaves you as Tracy! But you already knew that." Ashley nodded and thanked them before going off the stage. Jordan then cheered and threw all the papers up in the air, some of them falling down into the house below. Jordan covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "oops! Sorry! Hey Oliver!" He walked out onto the stage, looking up at her. "Care to get those for me?" Oliver rolled his eyes and hopped down to get the papers Jordan had tossed down there. Christine sighed and began walking out of the balcony.

"Lets go back to the hotel and order room service. I'm far too tried to go out right now." Jordan and Zac nodded as they followed.

"I agree! How the hell did Noah put up with all that? I would have killed myself." Jordan sighed. Elijah laughed and kissed Jordan's cheek.

"Why do you think he has his therapist on-set with him?" The friends laughed as they exited their beloved theatre for some well earned R&R back at their hotel.