Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 28

"Can we go now?" Christine pleaded. They were running late for opening night of the show. The kids from the high school would already be at the school and at they rate they were going, they would be there mere moments before the show started. "We're going to be even later than we already are," she said, her foot tapping impatiently on the floor. Her character shoes were heeled and polished. Jordan and Zac were sitting at the small kitchen table, waiting for Elijah to come out of the bathroom. Kimmy had left mere minutes before Christine began her hissy fit. Oliver was standing at Christine's side, a playful smirk on her face. "What are you smirking at?"

"We'll meet you downstairs," he told Zac and Jordan. Jordan nodded a smile on her face. He picked Christine up and slung her over his shoulder. Jordan began to laugh as Christine's voice could be heard all the way down the hallway. Moments later Elijah came out of the bathroom to find Jordan and Zac nearly dying of laughter.

"Where are Christine and Oliver?" he asked. Jordan and Zac began to laugh even harder."Did I miss something?" he asked. Jordan nodded, tears coming out of her eyes do to the laughter.

"Lets just go before Christine kills us all." The three of them walked down the flight of stairs and into the car that was waiting for them. Christine was sitting in the drivers seat, Oliver was in the passengers seat. Christine was tapping her hands on the steering wheel to the beat of "Without Love". They got in the car without speaking a word. Christine drove to the school, when they pulled into the parking lot there were network vans scattered everywhere. "Paparazzi," Jordan muttered, dropping her head onto Zac's shoulder.

"What's so bad about that?" Oliver asked, looking at Christine. "I thought you'd like this, it gets the school publicity." Christine shook her head.

"The paparazzi means that our personal lives are under scrutiny," she said, the annoyance of being late not on her mind anymore. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather people not know the details of my life in the past few months," Jordan nodded from the backseat.

"Hon, they probably already know most of it," she confessed. "Things leak from the set all the time," she told her friend. Christine nodded and put her finger on her nose. Jordan lost the 'nose goes' game and had to face the paparazzi first. "I hate you, all of you,"

"I'll be right behind you," Christine called. Jordan nodded. "We'll walk up together. I need to get in there and start warming them up," she said, getting out of the car. "Come find us when you get in," she said before shutting her door and walking towards the mass media with a smile on her face.

"Jordan! Jordan! We'd like to interview you for our expose on the movie in this months People Magazine. Do you have some time?" Christine nodded as she got swept up by another interviewer. "Alright, what's it like living on the set of the biggest movie of the year with your best friend?"

"It's incredible! There is no one in the world that I would want to share this experience with other than her. It's seriously the best time I've ever had, can't say I can speak for her but I'm pretty sure she would say the same thing as well." Jordan answered, sweeping her hair out of her face. The interviewer smiled and noticed that Jordan looked up to see Zac walk through the door.

"Is there one person on the set that you cannot stand?" the interviewer asked, her pen flying across the paper. Jordan was looking around noticing that the crowd was building and kids from the cast were arriving.

"Well, I'm not one to point any fingers...oh what the hell, yes I am! Yes, I hate one member of the cast especially. Not gonna tell you who it is, but I will say that he's the only council member who will never be one of the nicest kids in town." Jordan sneered, her face and eyes conveying hate and loathing. The interviewer scribbled down her answer and continued.

"Alright, there are a fair amount of rumors floating around my office that you've become accustomed to the hospital in Toronto. Care to share what that's all about?"

"All I have to say on that one is that a dear friend has had some issues and I've been right there the entire way to help them through it. I'll always be there, no matter what...even if it does mean eating that crappy hospital food." Jordan was remembering the times that Christine was in the hospital and trying not to get to upset. She looked up and Christine was standing at the door with Zac and Oliver.

"Another rumor that's made it's way across my desk is that you and a certain co-star are finding the beginning of true love. Do you 'hear the bells'?" Jordan smiled, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Haha, No. I don't hear any kind of bells. I mean, I hear bells in my head all the time, but that's just cause I've always got a tune in my head. I understand what kind of bells you mean though and I can safely say No; no bells are being heard anytime soon...I hope."

"What's it like being back here? At your alma madder?" Jordan smiled and looked around, her eyes landing on the posters of Christine and herself. The memories came flooding back to her.

"Incredibly surreal. It's only been 8 months since I've graduated from here...but it seems like longer. Everything has just happened so fast that it's a little dizzying to be here. I'm excited though. What better place to return to than your high school? It's always fun." Jordan said, a smile crossing her face because of the memories flashing in front of her eyes.

"Our final question for today is what can we expect from the Hollywood quartet? More movies or straight to Broadway?"

"Movies are so much fun. I've always loved Broadway myself, so I guess it would be thrilling to get to be on one of the stages. As for my other cast mates, only time will tell. I can't make their decisions for them...even thought that would be so much fun! haha!" Jordan laughed and looked at the clock, It was going on 5:45,, she would be needed backstage. "Thanks for your time," she said walking away from the interviewer with a smile. As soon as Jordan was behind the safety of the auditorium doors the reporter jumped towards Christine who had just entered the room.

"So Christine, give a little insight on what it's like to be working on a movie with such huge a-list stars."

"Working with people like John Travolta and James Marsden is such a unique experience. I learn so much from them all the time. They sort of kept an eye on Jordan and me when we first arrived, so I owe them a lot." Christine was holding her bag with stage make up and the basic's of her costume. She smiled at the reporter between questions.

"We've heard that you've been spending most of your free time in a hospital lately. Care to share on any of that?"

"Unfortunately I have," Christine scoffed, the memories of the horrendous events flashing into her head. "There have been a series of events that have resulted in a hospital visit. Luckily I have friends who stand by my side and help me through the hardest things in my life."

"I've heard that it was because of a little bundle of joy you have been expecting? How is the little one?"

"Unfortunately the 'little one' your referencing caused a lot of health problems and the medication that I was on forced a miscarriage. Once again, I'm lucky I have people who love me," Christine looked up at the clock, it was getting closer and closer to 6 o' clock with every question.

"Rumor has it that your best friend has hooked up with the leading man! What do you have to say to that?"

"Finally! I mean it was bound to happen they just didn't know it at first! They're happy and they're falling in love. As much as that scares all of us it's good for them. Jordan deserves someone that loves her. She's lucky." Christine was smiling, the reporter was following the same habits that she had practiced with Jordan.

"It also brings up that wide spreading rumor that you and her man had your own little affair, what's the story behind that one?"

"Haha, that was strange and unfortunately for you all, the juicy details won't be revealed here. That's a personal matter that Jordan, Zac and I have worked through." Christine smirked, the reporter did not like the lack of information in the response to that question.

"Finally, how excited are you to be here back at your alma mater?"

"I love it here. I'm glad to have shared this with the person that I'm slowly falling for and being back here only 8 months after graduation is so amazing. There are still people here who I know and giving them the chance to work with us is the best feeling in the world." The reporter gave her a look when she revealed more than enough information and revealed the secret romance. "I hope you're going to stay for the show, maybe we'll catch up with you for more questions later," Christine said, walking into the safety of the auditorium dressing room. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Jordan warming the cast up. She slipped into the dressing room and put on her costume and her make up.

"How'd the interview go?" Oliver asked her, Christine shrugged. "Well, I hate to break this to you, but Ashley lost her voice. Jordan's taking her place. I've been trying to teach her the dances," Christine nodded. As they took the stage the show went on. The audience went wild when they heard Jordan's voice come out of the speakers in "Good Morning Baltimore". The intermission came and Jordan and Christine found each other for the first time.

"We're doing more interviews after the show," Christine told her. Jordan groaned. "Calm down. You're doing one with me and one with Zac, you'll be fine," Christine said as she drank a bottle of water. "Now, I suppose we should finish the show," Christine said, touching her make-up up and walking to her place in the wings. The audience awarded them a standing ovation and they took their final bows. When the show was over Christine and Jordan changed into their street clothes and met up with Zac and Oliver. "We're going to do more interviews."

"What do you mean we?" Oliver asked.

"You and I are doing an interview, Zac and Jordan and then Jordan and me. That's what I mean," Oliver nodded and took her hand. "Jordan and I are up first, after that I don't know who's second," The three of them nodded. Elijah and Kimmy had headed back to the hotel and were going to wake up for them.

"It's so wonderful of you to give us this much of an interview. Who's first?" the woman asked. Jordan and Christine raised their hands and walked into the Guidance Department conference room. "Alright, now that I have both of you in one place I can ask you what made you want to be in a movie?"

"I didn't know I wanted to be in a movie until this one here dragged me to the auditions." Christine and Jordan were sitting on one side of the long table.

"Well I've always loved acting. I've been doing it since I could walk. I guess I would just have to say that the thrill of being on camera made me want to do it."

"Why Hairspray? What attracted you to your characters?" the reporter followed up.

"I've always been one step behind this diva. I don't know, Penny and I have so much in common that it's uncanny. We're both a little quirky." Christine and Jordan were coming across so naturally in this interview, it's like they were having a normal conversation.

"Oh please! Without you, do you really think that I would have survived to this point?...Tracy for me was a girl who didn't care what size she was or what she looked like, she was happy with who she was and that's pretty much how I based my life." Jordan and Christine were laughing, their answers mirrored their lives completely.

"Is there anything about each other that you can't stand or wish to change about the other?" This reporter was definitely getting right to the controversial questions.

"You can go first on that one!" Christine joked. Jordan smiled and nodded.

"Haha! Actually, there really isn't anything I would change! Christine is so awesome the way she is and I'm sure that if I changed anything about her...she just wouldn't be her anymore."

"Nah, Jordan and I are friends because of who we are naturally. I think that the two of us, keeping our friendship the way it is, will be a good model for young girls across the country." Christine and Jordan looked at each other and smiled. The photographers who were standing behind the interviewer took a picture.

"Oh man, that's a bit scary if you think about it..."

"If you could send a message to young girls across the country, what would you say?"

"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something." Jordan smiled and nodded towards Christine, knowing her answer already.

"I think Hairspray has good messages because it shows people that everyone is an individual. When I was in high school I was working towards eliminating race in high schools. This is pop culture's way of getting that message out."

"Alright, thanks for your time. I'll be seeing one of you in a little while. Who's next?" Jordan looked at Christine and she nodded. "I take it you're staying here?" Christine nodded, Jordan walked out and Oliver walked in a few minutes later, joining hands with Christine under the table.

"From the looks of you two, I believe I can safely guess that love is blooming? Tell us, how did you two meet?"

"We met because I couldn't stand his father as a choreographer. He just pushed buttons in a way that I couldn't stand, luckily, I can stand this one," Christine said motioning towards Oliver, a sly smile on her face.

"Yes, my father can be a bit controlling. The Director, Noah could see that, so he called me. The rest is simply fantastic history." Oliver said, squeezing her hand beneath the table.

"Do you two plan to continue your relationship after the movie wraps or is this just some movie set fling?"

"I've never really been someone who just throws something away when one chapter is over. I'm happy and I hope that it stays that way for a while."

"Same here, I've never been with someone so captivating as she is. She's a lot to handle, but I'd handle anything she'd throw at me any day." Christine squished up her face and her nose. Oliver leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose, allowing the photographers a perfect photo op.

"So how is Christine as a dancer? Has Oliver taught you a few new steps?"

"Christine is actually a wonderful dancer! Thankfully she came to me already knowing how to waltz, so that's always a plus. Besides that...I don't think I've taught her that many things."

"I was a horrible dancer. I had to learn how to waltz my senior year in high school and that's my extent of my history as a dancer. If it weren't for him, I don't think I'd be as confident in the dance movements this movie requires." Their conflicting answers caused another confrontation of the eyes.

"Really? Wow...Then I guess I did a pretty fantastic job! Jeez, I was trying to be nice for your darling...haha just kidding." He was smiling now, his straight teeth showing.

"I was trying to be nice to you!"

"Seems that not all relationships have their agreements. Have you two ever had a huge argument?"

"You go first," Christine smirked, he stuck his tongue out at her to which she smiled again and winked.

"Ok, not that I know of. If we have...then I guess I've forgotten about it. She seems to have that affect on me." He said, his British accent really coming out.

"I don't remember one either. Of course we bicker over stupid little things but nothing major." They smiled and stood up, their hands still intertwined.

"Thank your for taking time to answer our questions. When Jordan and Zac are done we'll do a picture," Christine and Oliver nodded and walked out of the room, sending Jordan and Zac in. "Hello," Jordan and Zac nodded, the energy was quickly draining. "Alright, Christine and Oliver seem like they're falling in love quickly. I know both of you have close relationships with Christine, do you feel that he's right for her?

"No way! He should totally be with me, I'm the one who has love British men for as long as I can remember. He's like my perfect match and I'm stuck with this lug. No, I'm kidding. He's totally right for her. I couldn't be happier for the both of them." Jordan was laughing and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Way to make me feel amazing! I'm happy for them as well, Christine's been through a lot and he's the one who makes her happy." Zac scoffed and smiled when he finished his answer.

"Oh you know I love you...hush up. haha"

"Love? That's a strong word. Do you think that Zac's millions of fan girls will like to hear that? Do you think you can make it through the harsh reality of Hollywood?" The reporter asked.

"Of course they'll hate me for it! But when have I ever cared what anyone else thought of anything that I do? I'm pretty sure we'll be able to make it, we're awesome like that." Jordan shrugged, people hating her was never a real concern.

"Fan girls? I have fan girls? No I'm kidding, I don't really think that matters. Why should we care? I think we'll be fine,"

"I talked to Jordan about the future earlier. Are you guys planning on sticking together in the furore of your careers or are your wanting to spread out?"

"I'll let you start, honey." Jordan played,

"I think it would be stupid to think that we're going to be together in our careers forever. But I don't want to be away from her completely. It would be too hard,"

"Well duh it would be hard! You know you wouldn't be able to stay away from me for too long, I'm your entertainment!" Jordan and Zac had the interviewer laughing. They were showing their own form of love.

"That's an understatement. She's why I wake up in the morning," Jordan smiled and laced hands with him.

"If you guys could change one thing about each other what would you change?"

"hahahahaha! Oh where should I begin..."

"thanks a lot,"

"I'm just kidding! Gosh, no one can take a joke anymore. I really wouldn't change anything about Zac. Well, except if he could do something about those fan girls...I'm a little scared of them."

"Yeah, well I'm working on that. What would I change? Hm, well...let me see..."

"be nice..."

"Of course dear. I wouldn't change anything except she's so opinionated and when and Christine get going, it's hard to stop them. But I guess that's a good thing."

"Opinionated? I thought that was a good thing!"

"It is, I said it was a good thing!"

"Well then you'll never stop me and Christine. We're a damn force to be reckoned with! Mwahahaha!" Zac smiled and rolled his eyes. Jordan smirked and grinned in success.

"Alright, one more then I'll let you go. Have you all taken the big step of 'meeting the parents' yet?"

"Isn't meeting the parents something you do when you're engaged?" Jordan was startled by the question and it showed in her response.

"If you want to meet my family you're welcome to. I mean you already know my sister,"

"You're sister is amazing, I love her. I'm just not so sure that you're ready to meet my family. My mom has been kinda obsessed about you ever since her and my brother watched High School Musical."

"That's where you get it from huh?" he taunted

"I'm sorry, who was the one who banned you from watching that movie? Yeah, I went there." Jordan snapped. She and Zac smiled at each other.

"Alright, you win," he surrendered.

"It was nice talking to you," the reporter said, closing her book and snapping one last picture of the couple.

"You too!" Jordan said, walking out of the room to find Oliver and Christine sitting on the floor waiting for them. "Hey guys, we're done," Jordan said, poking Christine in the shoulder. As they walked out to the car. "That was fun!" Jordan cheered, her energy still there. Everyone else in the car was practically falling asleep as their journey to the hotel just began their adventure in stardom.