Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 29

"We still have to go? It's the last night, plus, I know the plot," Zac complained. Jordan was throwing her character shoes, stage makeup and anything else she would need to close Tuscarora's version of Hairspray. Jordan rolled her eyes and grabbed a bottle of water from the small refrigerator.

"Have you seen Christine at all today?" Jordan asked, turning around to face her current 'teen heartthrob'. Zac shook his head and Jordan bit her bottom lip. This was unlike Christine; normally she would at least acknowledge the others. Jordan walked into the room she shared with Kimmy and Christine and found a note lying on Christine's bed.

It's about time you found this. Jordan scoffed and continued reading. Incase you haven't completely killed yourself with worry, Elijah, Kimmy, Oliver and I came down to the school early, we're starting the preparations for the cast party. Jordan had completely forgotten about the cast party. Zac had wondered over to the room's threshold. "It's from Christine, they went to the school to start working on the cast party," Jordan muttered, tossing the note in the direction of the trash can, and missing horribly.

"I suppose we should go, Christine just called, she wanted to make sure you knew you had to be at the school" he paused to look at the clock on the table in the bedroom "now."

"Shit!" Jordan exclaimed, clutching her small bag and Zac's hand, dragging him out of the building towards the car they had been given. "She's so going to kill me,"

"No she's not, you're not late." He told her, Jordan looked at him while waiting for the red light to change. "She told me to do whatever it takes to get you to the school in ten minutes," Zac smirked and Jordan smacked him on the shoulder. Their winter coats had been thrown into the backseat of the car, seeing as it was February; it was slightly snowing as they drove to the final performance of the show.

"I hate you," she mumbled, driving to the school.

"You could never hate me," he smirked. "You love me," Jordan's heart dropped. Did she? She had never really thought about it before. Her mind was so wrapped around the idea that she didn't see the truck that was swerving into and out of her lane. The car skidded against the side of Jordan and Zac's car, tearing off the mirror and causing Jordan to jerk off the road into a tree. The front airbags deployed, catching the two teenagers.


"They should have been here by now," Christine panicked as the minutes ticked away until the curtain opened, Jordan and Zac were still a no show. Kimmy and Elijah were in the cafeteria finishing the cast party preparations. Christine and Oliver were backstage, getting ready and helping the students warm up for their finale.

"I don't know. I'm sure she'll be here. She wouldn't do that to you," Oliver reassured, rubbing her back gently. "Why don't you go talk to your cast, I'll go open the doors," he told her, kissing her gently.

"Thanks," she told him, her head falling to his chest. "Alright guys, it's the final night. When I was here we had a tradition, a tradition of doing things that the director didn't exactly write into the script. Just have fun, after all, it's your last night to perform with a movie star," she smirked. Her friends hugged her, the guys kissed her on the cheek. "Curtain is in about three minutes, so do whatever you want to do now, and I'll see you onstage," she finished, her mind racing about what to do without a lead.

"Did she show up?" Oliver asked. Christine shook her head. "Any ideas?"

"We didn't give her an understudy, we didn't think we'd need to," Christine muttered, her mind obviously whirling around. "Kimmy!" Christine gasped.

"Do you think that she'd do it? I mean, she doesn't know any of the songs or the dances," Oliver told her, following her down the hallway towards the cafeteria.

"I'm not making her play Tracy," Christine told her, taking the pins out of her hair. "She's going to play Penny, a far less demanding role. I can take Jordan's place. " Oliver looked at her with a confused look. "Don't give me that look. I worked out these dances with you, I know them."

"What are you guys doing here?" Kimmy asked as they raced into the cafeteria. "The curtain's in like a minute." Christine looked at Oliver and he bolted out of the cafeteria to make an announcement to the audience.

"I need you to do me a favor," Christine said and Elijah started to laugh in the background.


"I need you to play Penny," Christine blurted out. Kimmy's eyebrows shot into her hair line. "Jordan's not here and if you agree I'll take her part as Tracy and you can do Penny,"

"I don't know," Kimmy answered.

"Look, I know you can sing, I've heard you. Plus, her dances aren't that hard, Oliver will work on them with you backstage. Please!" Christine begged. "I can't let these kids down," Kimmy looked back and forth between Elijah and Christine.

"Get me into costume," she muttered, Christine screamed and grabbed Kimmy's hand, running her backstage and changing costumes. About fifteen minutes later the two girls emerged, in their respective costumes. "I can't believe you talked me into this, I feel like I'm going to throw up," she told Christine.

"You'll be fine. The first time your onstage you're with me. Oliver will help you and tell you when to be onstage," Kimmy nodded and Christine hugged her. "Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver," Kimmy nodded again and walked onto stage, the pulsing thump of Good Morning Baltimore.

"How did I do?" Kimmy exclaimed, rushing off stage at intermission. Christine, Oliver and Elijah were right there waiting for her. "That was so much fun!" Christine smiled as Kimmy rushed into Elijah's waiting arms.

"Well, there's a whole other act we still have to do," Christine said, touching up her make-up. "I don't know how Jordan does it," she muttered, adjusting the wig on the top of her head. Kimmy's cell phone was heard, the song was unfamiliar but the echoing ring caused the four stars to jump.

"Hello? They're where? Are they okay? Yeah, we'll be right there," Kimmy hung up the phone with a horrified look on her face. "They're in the hospital," she told them. Christine started choking on her water and the tears were beginning to brim around Kimmy's eyeliner lined eyes. "We're going, right?"

"She's want me to finish the show," Christine told Kimmy. "You should go, it's your brother," she offered.

"What are you going to do about the show?"

"I have an idea, you should go," Christine said, finding Alexis in the audience as the plan formulated in her mind. "We'll be there when the show's over," Kimmy nodded and grabbed Elijah's hand, running out of the school.

"You have an idea?" Oliver said. Christine nodded and walked into the audience, grabbing Alexis and pulling her backstage.

"Kimmy had to go to the hospital, what we're going to do is for Without Love Penny and Seaweed will be behind a curtain and we'll use shadows, that way you don't have to walk on your ankle and the number will still be in the show. The rest of Penny's scenes we'll just leave her out of them," Alexis nodded and began to work on the complicated hairstyle of Penny Pingleton. The crowd loved the end of the show and the fact that celebrities were working with high school students blew their minds. Christine bolted off stage, after saying a brief thank you to the audience and Oliver was waiting with her small bag.

"Ready?" Christine nodded and they started walking towards the doors, their hands locked together.

"Where are you guys going? Aren't you staying for the cast party?" Nate asked Christine and Oliver as they neared the doors. Christine's heart fell into her stomach, she needed to be at the hospital with Jordan, with her sister.

"Listen guys, something happened, before the show started. I didn't know until intermission and I didn't want you all to worry. But Zac and Jordan were in an accident, they're in the hospital." The cast and crew gasped.

"But you still stayed to finish the show?" one of the chorus girls asked. Christine nodded.

"But I really have to go. We'll meet up when Jordan and Zac are out of the hospital," she told them, a forced smile making its way onto her lips.

"We want to come,"

"No. You're staying here and celebrating, I'll let you know how they are," Christine said, pushing open the doors and walking towards the taxi that was waiting to take them to the hospital.

"Christine, you're not breathing," Oliver whispered as they walked into the doors of Frederick Memorial Hospital, the eerie glow of the hospital lights cast a mood of death over the hospital. "What room is Jordan Greene and Zac Efron in?" The nurse at the reception desk looked up and smiled at who was standing in front of her.

"They're not out of surgery yet, sir," the nurse told them. "You're other friend is waiting just down the hall," she motioned about forty feet down the hall where there was an enclosed. Christine had tears practically flowing out of her eyes as they walked to the room where Kimmy and Elijah were staying.

"They wouldn't tell me anything! They didn't believe that I was his sister!" she sobbed into Christine's shoulder as they walked into the room. Oliver went to sit by Elijah as the two girls were to emotional to think straight.

"Is there anyone here for Mr. Zac Efron and Miss. Jordan Greene?" a male's voice announced over a loudspeaker in the hospital. Kimmy and Christine looked at each other before joining hands and walking out of the room to hear the fate of their friends.