Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 3

"I'll go after her. Elijah, you and Zac go talk to Noah about what happened. Don't worry, She'll be fine in a few minutes. Just let her calm down." Jordan ordered as she hopped off the picnic table and ran to her and Christine's trailer. Zac and Elijah looked at each other before running off frantically to Noah's trailer. Jordan walked into the trailer and looked around for Christine. "Christine? Where are you?" She walked back to her bunk and saw Christine sitting in there with tears in her eyes, typing frantically on her computer. Jordan laughed and sat down on her buck across from Christine's. "Which story are you typing up now?" Christine shook her head.

"Not a story. It's an e-mail to Noah explaining my side of the story." Jordan shook her head no and took her computer away. "Hey! Not fair!"

"Christine, I have Zac and Elijah talking to Noah right now. You don't need to jeopardize your role anymore than it is. I know that Noah and everyone else can't stand Christophe, but Noah knows that he'd be pretty screwed without him." Christine sighed and sat back against her headboard.

"Tracy? Penny?" A familiar Baltimore accented voice called from the door of their trailer. Jordan laughed and stood up.

"Mama's here!" She cheered. Christine then rolled her eyes and walked up to the front and lounged on their couch. There across from her sat Jordan and John Travolta, laughing like old friends. He then turned to Christine and smiled.

"I heard about your little fight with Christophe." Christine groaned and pulled her knees up to her chest. "Now I know how everyone feels about Christophe. I've actually worked with him before on other movies." Jordan gasped, holding her hands over her mouth.

"You poor man! I feel your pain." John and Christine laughed, shaking their heads at the same time. "You two think I'm joking" Jordan said in a serious tone.

"Anyway! Don't worry about Christophe, Christine. It's all part of this acting experience and it's something that you're going to have to deal with." Christine smiled lightly and nodded. "Now If you'll excuse me, I have to go get into the fat suit." Jordan laughed and hugged John tightly. He then got up and walked over to Christine, kissing the top of her head. "If you have any problems, feel free to come talk to me. I'm here for you girls." They both nodded and smiled happily.

"Bye Mama!" Jordan laughed. John smiled and walked out of the trailer, just to run into Elijah and Zac. He patted the boys on the shoulder and walked towards the make-up room. Zac and Elijah then walked into the girls trailer. "Well? What did Noah say?" Jordan asked anxiously. Zac went over and sat next to Jordan, putting his arm around her shoulder. She sighed and pushed his arm off of her. Zac shook his head and kept his hands to himself, for now.

"Noah said that he'd talk to both Christine and Christophe in the morning. He's editing some of the scenes tonight and doesn't have time to deal with that right now." Zac explained. Christine nodded and leaned her head on Elijah's shoulder. Her and Elijah had become great friends through the movie and knew that they could rely on each other when the other wasn't feeling great.

"So do you think that Noah will choose Christine over Christophe?" That's when Elijah smiled a devious smile. Zac then put his arm back around Jordan's shoulders and leaned her in towards Christine and Elijah.

"That's where my wonderful Idea came in." Jordan rolled her eyes, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"It's a sure fire way to make Noah pick Christine." Elijah laughed. Christine and Jordan were now utterly confused. "Tell them Zac." He nodded.

"Noah will pick Christine for sure. Cause if he picks Christophe over Christine, me and Elijah are gonna quit." He then looked down at Jordan's shocked face. "And we were hoping that you'd join us in quitting too. He can't do anything without his star."