Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 30

Christine and Kimmy made their way towards the reception desk, their hearts pounding against their ribcages. Their hands were joined, trying to find a small sense of hope; the doctors had been relentless, not cluing them into anything in regards to Jordan and Zac. "Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on with my brother?" Kimmy exploded, the nurse looked up at her with an annoyed glance. "I've been waiting in there-"

"Ma'am, I'm going to ask you to step outside," a burly security guard had a hold of Kimmy's upper arm. The look on Kimmy's face showed one of complete contempt and disgust. Christine was calmly trying to talk to the receptionist.

"I'm not going anywhere until they tell me what's going on with Zac!
Christine's attention was diverted back towards her furious friend who looked ready to attack the security guard.

"She's been waiting for almost two hours, she deserves to know what's going on with her brother," Christine reasoned, looking between the security guard and the receptionist.

"Do you know how many people have claimed to be his sister? Or his friends' brother?" the nurse asked the two angry girls.

"How many of them can prove that they are?!" Kimmy nearly screamed as she threw her drivers license into the security guard's face.

"Ma'am, you just assaulted a police officer," he told her, brandishing his handcuffs. Christine couldn't help but scoff at the line she knew all too well from the movie.

"You're not a police officer, you're a wannabe, a rent-a-cop," Kimmy spat, Christine's eyes widened; the security guard was appalled, his handcuffs clicked around Kimmy's wrists.

"That's it, you're coming with me," he snapped handcuffs on Christine's wrists.

"That went well"


"I'm sorry," Jordan muttered to Zac as she lifted herself out of the hospital bed. "If I had been paying attention" The car that hit them had been totaled; Jordan and Zac only suffered cuts and bruises. The doctor was waiting to release them.

"I'm afraid that two of your visitors have been detained at the police station," the doctor told them. Jordan was signing her release forms while Zac slid on his leather jacket. The disbelief was displayed on their faces.

"Stop joking, where are they?" Jordan laughed, handing the nurse the release forms. The doctor wasn't kidding; his lack of response told the two of them everything.

"Who was it?" Zac asked, grabbing Jordan's hand. The doctor shrugged. "Guys or girls?" he led.

"Two girls," Jordan stared at the doctor, a smirk coming onto her face. "You all should head to the waiting room; you have other visitors waiting for you." The doctor turned to walk away from the two of them.

"Why did they get arrested?" Jordan asked, her voice finally coming back to her. The doctor turned around to face her. "What did you do? In order for Christine to get arrested you had to do something to piss her off," Jordan reasoned. She knew that Christine was waiting for the day that she got the call from Jordan in jail.

"The one claiming to be your sister," the doctor explained, pointing at Zac. "She started demanding information," Zac looked like he was ready to kill the man standing in front of him. "When she got aggravated she assaulted a police officer, she threw her license at him," the doctor continued.

"You dumbass! That was my sister!" Zac shouted, releasing Jordan's hand and storming away from the doctor. Jordan bolted after him. "I can't believe they didn't believe her," he muttered.

"Let's just go get Oliver and Elijah, they probably don't know where Christine and Kimmy are," Jordan explained, taking his hand and head to meet up with Elijah and Oliver.


"Way to go" Christine muttered as she and Kimmy were herded into the holding cell. "Jordan's never going to let me live this down"

"You got that right love," Jordan smirked as she waltzed into the cramped jail. Christine closed her eyes and rested her head on the bars of the cell. Kimmy, on the other hand, smiled and ran up to the bars.

"You're alive! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" Kimmy looked around, noticing that her brother was missing. "Don't you ever scare us like that again!" she switched. "Where's Zac?"

"He's out in the car, said something about leaving you your dignity or something like that," Jordan dismissed. Christine and Kimmy both raised their eyebrows at her. Jordan laughed and elaborated. "He's waiting outside with the camera. He was so excited about snapping your first jail release shot," Kimmy rolled her eyes in defeat.

"That's the spirit!" Jordan cheered, leaning against the bars a smug smile spreading across her lips. Christine shook her head. "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a littlebackwards?" Christine nodded. "Never thought I would be the one bailing you out of jail," Christine stood up and walked over to the bars.

"Will you just get us out of here? You can torment me later," Christine muttered, not looking too thrilled to be in a dirty jail cell. Jordan shook her head, the smirk still proudly displayed on her face. "No?" Jordan shook her head and sat on a bench across from the cell.

"I'm going to enjoy this while I can."

"Christine!" Jordan turned to see Oliver racing towards the cell. She pouted, her plan was destroyed now.

"Thank God! Someone to finally get me out of here," Christine said as the guard opened the cell door. She rushed into his waiting arms, the worry still gracing his gorgeous face.

"Are you alright, honey?" she nodded, Jordan stood up, a little annoyed that her plan was so easily foiled.

"Well it was a nice moment whilst it lasted," Jordan replied in her fake, but impressive British accent.

"Mine's better," Oliver whispered as he and Christine walked past Jordan.

"You would have done the same thing if I were in there!" she pouted as the moon light up the parking lot.

"Don't worry, I think I'll have the chance," Christine muttered, Jordan stood, her mouth agape as Kimmy skipped ahead of her. The look of shock turned to a pitiful pout as she followed her friends out of the station. She saw Kimmy chasing Zac around the parking lot.

"Zachary David Alexander Efron, I swear on your pathetic acting talent that if you don't give me that camera right now you won't be alive long enough to make High School Musical 3!" Jordan and Christine laughed as they walked towards the car. Zac ran and hid behind Jordan. He had apparently hit a few of her bruises. The silence that followed Jordan's screech of pain was a realization. They had been in the same place for months, they had yet to do something fun.

"Let's go do karaoke!" Zac burst after they had all piled into the car. Christine and Oliver were sitting in the backseat with Kimmy and Elijah. Jordan and Zac were in the front seat. "Come on, it'll be fun!"

"I'm game!" Jordan exclaimed her excitement was the motivation that the rest of the group needed. Soon enough they were heading towards the karaoke club and being ushered into the club, VIP status. "I think thatElijah should go first!" They had gotten a plush booth for six, each couple instantly finding a way to be close. Elijah shook his head and stood up, the emcee had announced that there would be special guest stars singing and when they saw Elijah, they went wild. He opened his mouth to begin his song from Rent! .

"Live In My House I'll Be Your Shelter Just Pay Me Back With One Thousand Kisses Be My Lover And I'll Cover You. Open Your Door - I'll Be Your Tenant Don't Got Much Baggage To Lay At Your Feet But Sweet Kisses I've Got To Spare I'll Be There, and I'll Cover You. I Think They Meant It When They Said You Can't Buy Love Now I Know You Can Rent It A New Lease You Were, My Love, On Life. All My Life I've Longed To Discover Something As True as This Is. With A Thousand sweet Kisses. I'll Cover You. With A Thousand Sweet Kisses I'll Cover You. With A Thousand sweet Kisses I'll Cover You!" The emotion in his voice nearly had everyone crying. He had tears threating to spill out of his eyes.

"That was beautiful," Christine congratulated when he appeared back at their table. He smiled and scooted into the booth next to Kimmy, sliding his arm around her shoulders. "Who's next?" Zac scooted out of the booth and the young women in the crowd went crazy, Jordan rolled her eyes.

Zac picked up the microphone and held up his hands to silence the crowd a little bit, fortunately they listened. He held the microphone up to his mouth and began singing, right to Jordan. "They say it's a man's world well, that cannot be denied but what good's a man's world without a woman by your side and so I will wait until that moment you decide that I'm your man and you're my girl that I'm the sea and you're the pearl it takes two, baby,
It takes two Doo doo - wop! A king ain't a king without the power behind the throne. A prince is a pauper babe, without a chick to call his own so please, darling, choose me, I don't wanna rule alone. Tell me, I'm your king and you're my queen that no one else can come between it takes two, baby, it takes two.
Don't you know Lancelot had Guinevere, Mrs. Claus has old St. Nick
Romeo had Juliet and Liz, well, she has her dick. They say it takes two to tango
well, that tango's child's play, so take me to the dance floor and we'll twist the night away, just like Frankie Avalon had his favorite Mouseketeers. I dream of a lover, babe, to say the things I long to hear, so come closer baby, oh and whisper in my ear that you're my girl and i'm your boy that you're my pride and I'm your joy that I'm the sand and you're the tide I'll be the groom if you'll be my bride
It takes two, baby, it takes two! The passion that Zac sang that song with nearly had Jordan and Christine crying. Christine looked up at Oliver.

"Is there something that I need to know?" she looked at him; he looked down at her and kissed her. "That works too," she smiled. "I guess it's my turn." Christine, Oliver and Kimmy each went up for their turn behind the microphone. Christine sang No Good Deed from Wicked , Oliver sang Why So Silent? from Phantom of the Opera and Kimmy sang When you got it, Flaunt it from The Producers . Jordan was last to get up. Her song was from Moulin Rouge, the movie with Nicole Kidman.

Her elegant voice silenced the crowd as her mouth opened and the lyrics flowed out of her mouth. "The French are glad to die for love...
they excite in fighting duals but I prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewels. A kiss on the hand may be quite continental,
but diamonds are a girl's best friend. A kiss may be grand, but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat, or help you feed your pussy cat." At this point of the song Zac stood up and walked towards the stage.

"What's he doing?" Kimmy asked the table. Christine's mind was spinning trying to see if the idea she had would fit. She was thinking over the past few weeks, yep, it fit. "You figured it out?" Christine nodded, averting her attention back to the stage where Jordan had seen Zac getting closer and had a look of confusion on her face. "Men grow cold as girls grow old, and we all lose our charms in the end. But square-cut or pear-shaped, these rocks don't lose their shape. Diamonds are a girl's best friend! ...Tiffany's...Cartier...'Cause we are living in a material world and I am a material girl! 'Cause that's those louses go back to their spouses! Diamonds... are a... girl's... best... friend!" The lyrics fit with the actions everyone was witnessing on stage. Jordan, a microphone in her hands, Zac a beautiful suede box in his hand, her attention went to him, not the audience. Kimmy and Christine nearly fell over when he dropped to one knee. Jordan looked like she was going to pass out.

"Marry me?" the hushed tone in the club was now buzzing with anticipation, what was going to happen?

"Did you know about this?" Christine asked the table. Kimmy shook her head. Oliver and Elijah looked a little guilty. "Why didn't you tell me?" they both shrugged and focused back on the stage, the microphone had fallen out of Jordan's hand.

"I don't know," Jordan muttered, pulling Zac up with her.

"I love you, you have to know that," he asked, Jordan nodded. "We're together all the time anyway," he told her, once again she nodded. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Christine and Kimmy could practically hear his heart breaking on stage.

"I'll marry you, if we wait until I'm twenty," she told him, he instantly nodded, kissing her and sliding the ring on her finger.

"That's definitely not what I had planned for the evening," Kimmy muttered. "I think we should give them some privacy," she added, throwing money onto the table and scrawling them a note. Christine, Kimmy, Elijah and Oliver walked out of the club with security tightly around them.

"Do something with me," Oliver whispered in Christine's ear. She looked up at him and nodded. "You guys go ahead, we'll meet you back there," he told them, his smile appearing in the darkness. Elijah nodded and grabbed Kimmy's hand. Oliver led Christine down one direction of the sidewalk and Elijah took Kimmy in the other direction.

"Christine if I die, you and Jordan get everything!" Kimmy bellowed towards her retreating friend. Christine laughed and leaned into Oliver.

"Where are we going?"


"I hate surprises," Christine muttered, dragging her feet. A smirk appeared on Oliver's face. "What?"

"Don't you trust me?" he asked her. She nodded and they continued to walk down the streets of downtown Frederick at one o' clock in the morning.


"Close your eyes," Elijah told Kimmy, she shook her head but closed her eyes anyway. He took her hand and led her forward, through an open door into the comfort of central heating. "Open," he whispered. They were standing in the smallest, but most expensive jewelry store in the city. "Pick one,"

"Are you kidding?" he shook his head. "They're so expensive," she muttered looking around at the beautiful rings in the display cases.

"It's time that people know. We've been planning for long enough," he told her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She nodded and pointed to a simple, but beautiful diamond ring. "That's the one?" she nodded again and one of the salesmen rushed forward to close the sale.


"You still haven't told me where we're going," Christine told Oliver as they, supposedly, neared their destination. She pouted as he looked down at her and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Because we're there," he told her, spinning her around to see a romantic picnic set up.

"You did all of this?" he nodded; before he could answer any further she was in his arms, kissing him. "Thank you,"

"Anything," he told her, guiding her towards the table. Happiness, something that Jordan was too busy to enjoy, Christine was too stressed to see and Kimmy was too sheltered to experience, was now the number one thing in their lives.