Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 31

The music pumped through the speakers, rattling the metallic walls of the massive trailer. The flowing techno music pumped through his veins just at the blood did. He had finally realized that his life wasn't as perfect that he made it out to seem. He walked by the magazine that laid open on the ground, somewhat crumpled on the edges from the frustration he had felt. His own son had betrayed him in the worst possible ways, he abandoned him.
Yes dad, I do love her. I know you don't like her, I wish you'd get over the animosity. I know she would if she knew you were putting forth the same effort. She's the one and I am going to spend the rest of my life with her, with or without your blessing.

If his son's confession wasn't enough to drive his anger, the article added fuel to the fire.

"From the looks of you two, I believe I can safely guess that love is blooming? Tell us, how did you two meet?"

"We met because I couldn't stand his father as a choreographer. He just pushed buttons in a way that I couldn't stand, luckily, I can stand this one," Christine said.

"Yes, my father can be a bit controlling. The Director, Noah could see that, so he called me. The rest is simply fantastic history." Oliver said, squeezing her hand beneath the table.

The picture of his son staring lovingly at her was the last straw, he had lost his son to her. He had found a box of pictures in Oliver's trailer. Most of them involved her . He could tell that they were so much in love. The first picture was a group shot, a group shot of three couples. Noah recognized everyone in the photograph, it was New Year's Eve. The three couples were all so happy. Noah's eyes only focused on his son. The person taking the picture had captured the picture of the Midnight Kiss. The stroke of midnight meant a kiss for every young couple. He resisted the urge to rip the picture in half. He held the photograph tightly in his hand.

As the new Hollywood couple exited the room they had pure bliss written in their eyes. I know Hollywood romances, this one is here to stay for a while.

The note had been written, the evidence had been hidden. All he had to do now was wait. As he waited for the drugs to completely control him he did the only thing that he knew he could do right: he danced. The dance was intricate and passionate. Even in the small, condensed place of his trailer he had the desire to do the most complex moved. The dance was one of his life, happiness and joy. Starting with his discovery of dance and then to his wife, Sarah. His moves became slow and serene. Through those movements one could feel the love he felt for his wife, and the pain he knew that he was going to leave her. The drugs began to work, his heart began to race, faster and faster. His muscles tensed. It was the perfect time in the dance to mention the pain he felt for his son. Each movement pained him in a way that increased the hurt. The dance and the music began to swell, building higher and higher to a point of no return. The last thoughts that ran through his mind was his love, the love he once had for his son as the dance came to a climatic end, the picture grasped tightly in his hand.


"Hello?" Christine greeted sleepily as she answered the cell phone that was ringing on the nightstand. Noah's name was flashing on the screen in green letters.

"It's Noah," Christine rubbed her eyes and tried to focus on the close on the bedside table, it was 4:23 in the morning.

"Noah, do you realize what time it is?" she looked over to see that Oliver was still sleeping peacefully, bringing a smile to her face.

"Christophe, he committed suicide." Christine froze, she couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. She didn't believe what he was saying. "You have to tell Oliver. We've already notified his mother. His body will be flown back to London for his funeral. I have to go shoot more, it was his final wish. He wants this movie finished," Noah explained. Christine was sitting on the bed, her legs hanging over the side.

"He left a note? What did it say?" Noah sighed shakily, almost if he was about to cry. There was hesitance in his voice. "What did it say, Noah?"

"I'll send it to you in an email. Just let everyone know," he hung up right after that. Christine dashed towards the door, only pausing to look over her shoulder at the sleeping form, she sighed before continuing to her laptop. Turing it on she willed it to load faster. She signed onto her email, seeing that the note had already arrived. Christine opened it, reading over it with a heavy heart. She finished reading it and immediately printed it out. She thanked God for making Oliver a heavy sleeper. Christine took the printed note and ran out of the room, tears slipping from her eyes. Her mind was racing, her heart was pounding and her mind was whirling. She was banging on the door furiously until Jordan opened it.

"Christine, what the hell? It's 4:30 in the morning," Jordan complained. Christine shoved the note into Jordan's hands before collapsing to the floor in a sobbing heap. "What happened?" Jordan panicked.

"Read the note, it's all my fault!" Jordan sat in the doorway with one arm around her best friend. "Please don't make me tell you. Just read the note," Christine pleaded, the salt from her tears mixing in her mouth. Jordan nodded and looked down at the paper that had been shoved into her hand.

To whom it may concern,

If you all haven't figured it out yet, I took my own life. I felt that it was my time to depart. If you expect me to be sorry for what I've done that you apparently don't know me. The only one I would apologize to is my wife. Sarah, you will always be my one and only. Onto more important matters; Oliver, I hope you're happy. You're half of who I blame for this. You had so much working for you, you're so young. Love can wait, but you decided to just right into it. I used to say that I was proud of you, but I cannot say that I'm proud of your decision of who to love. Christine, now you can live happily ever after if you can live with yourself. You took my son away from me, you'll never be able to shake the guilt that comes with that. Hopefully I'll find peace in death.

Jordan froze, holding onto Christine tighter as she sobbed. She didn't really know what to say that would comfort her best friend. She knew that what Christophe wrote was out of anger. He must have still been bitter towards Christine for stealing his son's devotion away from him. Jordan stood up, bringing Christine up with her. She brought her into the hotel room and sat her down on the couch. Jordan placed her hands on Christine's shoulders, forcing her to look at her. "Christine, please listen to me. He didn't mean what he said about you. He was bitter that you had taken Oliver away from him. You have to remember there is no anger in death. There is regret, so I know that's how he was feeling. Please don't believe that this is your fault." Christine shook her head sadly. Zac walked out of the bedroom, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What's going on? You didn't come back to bed," Zac noted. Jordan rolled her eyes and ignored him, turning back to her best friend.

"Please just go back to bed. Now is not a good time." Zac eyed Christine's huddled form on the couch. Taking the hint her walked into the bedroom, leaving the girls to their problems.

"Noah called, that's how I know. He needs me to tell Oliver but I don't think I can do it," Christine admitted.

"You have to tell him, he had a right to know that his father just died!" Jordan proclaimed. The lights in the hotel room were dim, the sun was just beginning to kiss the morning sky.

"Christophe is dead?!" Zac shouted in pure shock when he walked back into the room. Christine groaned, dropping her head into her hands. Jordan glared at him, throwing a pillow at his head.

"Damnit Zac, I told you to go back to bed," Jordan hissed. Zac walked towards them swiftly, sitting on the other side of Christine.

"I was worried about the two of you. Did you really expect me to let you two stay out here? I'd never be able to go back to sleep," He placed his hand on Christine's shoulder. "You have to tell him," not being able to take it anymore, she stood up. Jordan gasped and stood up as well.

"No! Why do I have to be the one to tell him?" Jordan lunged towards her hurting best friend. Just a few days ago everything was good, everything was happy.

"Jordan, she's right. She'll be the one to consol him after all. You could break it to him, you're good with that type of thing," Zac offered, trying to find a way for Christine to find some comfort in this situation. Jordan glared at him, wishing him to just go away.

"Jordan, you're the one who read the note. Just imagine Oliver reading that. He'll hate me," Christine sobbed. "I'm the reason his father committed suicide, he'll never be able to forget that!" sighing in frustration, Jordan placed her hands on Christine's shoulders.

"You have to tell him. No, I'm not going to say that if you don't I will. No way in hell am I doing that. This is your responsibility, as his girlfriend, as the one he loves. You have to tell him. You'll be the one who he'll listen to the best." The thought of Oliver's reaction made Christine physically ill. "Where is he anyway?"

"Sleeping, he's a heavy sleeper," Christine mumbled. Jordan rolled her eyes, knowing that feeling.

"Like father like son," Zac murmured. Jordan gasped around, her eyes full of contempt and hate. "Sorry, it just came out." Christine smiled weakly.

"I...I have to go," Christine said as she made her way out of the hotel room.

"Christine, wait!" Jordan called after her. Christine just waved her off, not wanting her friend to see her cry anymore. "You have to tell him!" More tears tried to prick through her eyes, yet she denied the. She walked carefully back into the hotel room that she and Oliver shared. Thankfully, Oliver was still sleeping peacefully, unaware of the chaos that was waiting for him. Christine sat down next to him, brushing away a stray strand of his dark hair. She leaned down to his face, her lips near his ear.

"I love to too much to hurt you." She whispered, kissing his cheek before curling up in his arms, where she could find temporary safety.