Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 32

"I'm sorry this had to happen right now," Christine commented as she and Jordan threw clothes into large open suitcases. "I mean everything was going well,"
"Stop. This is going to be harder on you than it is on me," Jordan told her. When Christine had told her that she wasn't telling Oliver about his fathers' "untimely" death right away she knew there would be consequences. "I know you didn't like Christophe, but Oliver's going to need you,"

"He's going to be so mad at me," Christine muttered. "I know I should have told him as soon as I found out, but everything was going perfectly for a little while and I didn't want that to end,"

"I understand. But if you're feeling that bad about not telling him, go tell him now," Jordan told her, sitting on top of her suitcase, trying to get it to close. "Besides, I have to take Zac to meet my family. I suppose I can't wait any longer for that," Christine shook her head, a weak smile on her face. "He has a right to know," Jordan reminded as she pranced out of their hotel room. "Christine needs to talk to you," she heard Jordan mutter as the door to the hotel suite slammed shut. Her breathing went ragged, and her heartbeat increased.

"Hey, are you alright?" Oliver asked, walking into their room and closing the door behind him. "Jordan said you needed to talk to me." Christine nodded and looked at the floor; she knew he wasn't going to react well to this news. She knew that he was going to react worse to the fact that she kept it from him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"You should sit," Christine muttered, locking her hands in front of her. "I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm just going to."


"This isn't going to be good," Kimmy breathed from the other side of the bedroom door. "He's going to completely flip out," she told Elijah who was sitting on the couch on the other side of the room reading a magazine.

"Would you just leave them alone? They'll be done in about three minutes. Give them some privacy, because like you said, this isn't going to be good."


"How could you not tell me that?!" The shouting continued. After the news had been broken the room was remarkably quiet, until the shouting started. "How long have you known?"

"About two days," she murmured shame in her eyes and in her heart. "I couldn't tell you because I knew it would devastate you. Everything was going well and I wanted you to stay happy as long as possible,"

"That doesn't make it right to not tell me that my father killed himself! I know you didn't like him, but that's no excuse"

"You think I didn't tell you to spite him?" she said, horror written on her face. "I hoped you knew me better than that. I was trying to look out for you, my mistake. We booked you a plane ticket to go back to London, we're getting on a flight in a few hours," she told him the tears rushing to her eyes.

"How do I know you're not going to make the plane crash?" he spat at her retreating back. She stopped moving, breathingeverything. The room was quiet enough to hear their hearts breaking.

"Get out," she told him. Her voice as calm and steady as it would be in a normal conversation. "Get out of my room." she spat, holding the door open for him to leave.

"With pleasure." As soon as he crossed the threshold of the door it was slammed shut and locked. Kimmy and Elijah were sitting on the couch, in the same positions they were in when he entered her room.

"I told you that wouldn't go well," Kimmy muttered, practically flying towards Christine's door. "You work on him; I'll calm her down,"

"I don't think that we should interfere."


"Why are you nervous? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Zac prodded, trying to get Jordan to at least smile. "I thought you said your family would love me,"

"They will. That's not what Im nervous about," she admitted. They were in the warmth of the rental car which was parked outside the townhouse that Jordan called home. "Christine's telling him this afternoon, she was telling him when we left. I'm afraid of what I'm missing," Jordan knew what damage a secret could do to a relationship. She feared for her friends' hearts. Not just Christine, Oliver had grown close to all of them, seeing either of them hurt would be devastating.

"Try to focus on what's here. Christine and Oliver are both forgiving people. If that doesn't work, I'm sure Kimmy and Elijah will stop them before they kill each other," Zac joked, Jordan's face paled. "I'm kidding,"


"What happened?" Elijah tried to ask Oliver, coolly. "We heard shouting,"

"She decided to keep the fact that my father committed suicide from me," Oliver fumed. Elijah tried to stay out of their business, but when Kimmy broke down Christine's door and forced Oliver to talk to Elijah he didn't have a choice. "Just because she didn't like him,"

"That's why you think she did it?" Elijah asked. "Man, I thought you'd know her better than that." They were in the living room of the hotel suite; the calming voices could be heard in the other room.

"What are you talking about?"

"She may not have liked him, but she wouldn't keep that from you just because of that. Did she tell you a reason why she didn't tell you?"

"She told me she wanted me to stay happy as long as possible," he shrugged off, his mind not in the proper place to think straight.

"And you didn't believe her, why?"


"I've got to get out of here," Christine muttered, swinging her suitcase open and stuffing the essentials into her enormous purse. Kimmy was sitting on her bed, looking at one of her best friends with disbelief in her eyes.

"What happened that made you want to leave? It's not like he hates you,"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Christine spat. "When I told him, his retaliation was "I know you didn't like him but that's no excuse," that's what he said to me," Christine told her, the tears reappearing in her eyes. "He was just upset," Kimmy tried to reason. "Give him a few days to sort out his emotions,"

"That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm giving him as much time as he needs, because everyone knows that my heart will always belong to him. Kimmy, I'm going home," she told her friend.

"You are home. You're in your hometown,"

"No, I'm going back to live with my parents." Kimmy's jaw fell open. "Please don't argue, just give this to Jordan when she gets back. Hopefully I'll see you sooner rather than later," she bade goodbye with Elijah with a slight nod as she walked out the door. Kimmy was standing at the threshold to the bedroom, staring in disbelief as her best friend walked towards her own version of hell. The note for Jordan was still in her hand.

"Where are you going?" Elijah questioned, strain in his voice from all the tension in the room. Kimmy's glare shut him up before she could finish getting her coat on.


"I have a really bad feeling," Jordan muttered as she and Zac walked out of her mother's house, hand in hand. She looked up seeing a yellow taxi waiting for them at the rear of their rental car. "Told you, this was a bad idea for today,"

"Kimmy, what are you doing here?"

"Christine went home." Those three words sent fear down Jordan's spine. After the incident on set she didn't trust her friend to be alone at home.

"What happened?"


"How dare you! How dare you say something like that to her!" Jordan bellowed as she walked into the hotel suite. "Do you know what you did?!"

"This isn't my fault, she's the one that kept this from me," Oliver fired back, his mood hadn't improved any. "She brought this on herself. And knowing her, you knew about it too." "We all did. We all knew about it. She was trying to lookout for you and this is how you thank her. What she did may not have made any logical sense to you but you practically told her that it was her fault your unstable father killed himself!" Jordan was furious, her face was beat red from her lack of oxygen.

"I deserved to know!"

"She deserves to live!" Zac fired back before Jordan could open her mouth. The tension in the room was just as thick as it was when the fight began. Jordan was out of breath; her tirade took a lot of energy out of her. Kimmy and Elijah were looking on from the background.

"W-what does that mean?"

"Jordan, I forgot to give you this," Kimmy realized that she still had the note in her pocket. She pulled the wrinkled note out of her back pocket.

Alright, I told Kimmy I was going to my parent's house. I lied. I would never go back there. Kimmy knows the details of what happened, and I'm sure you're going to fight with him as soon as she tells you all of them. Please don't. He was right, I shouldn't have kept it from him, and it was my fault. I've headed back to Toronto; I have to work on a few minor things for the movie. I'll see you when you guys come back from England, back from the funeral. Kimmy, Elijah, I'm sorry the two of you got involved in the middle of this. I shouldn't have let it go this far. I hope you guys are happy. Take care of each other; you're perfect for each other. Hopefully I'm still invited to the 'wedding of the year'. Zac, keep an eye on Jordan. This is going to shake her up. She's going to be mad at herself, at me and at Oliver for a while. Make sure that she stays happy, you're good for her. It just took a while for the two of you to realize it. Lastly, to all of you, I'm always going to love you. Please remember that,

Love Always,



"She's fine," Jordan breathed, passing the note around the room. "You're lucky, she went back to Toronto. She told Kimmy that she was going back to her parent's house, you do remember what happened last time she saw her parent's, right?" Both Jordan's and Oliver's face remained hard and emotionless. "You have a plane to catch, all of you,"

"You're not coming to England?"

"No, my best friend needs me."